
The Wish System Volume(1)

Just as he felt like he was about to die, a mysterious voice popped into Keith's head. He heard a beep in his mind, and then a voice said, Wish system successfully bonded. Uploading welcome gift for new host. The voice continued, Congratulations, host obtains three wishes. Keith was utterly bewildered, and his mind went blank. The only thought left in his head was that he didn't want to die. He heard the voice again. Ding! You have made your first wish. Host receives a skill, recovery from injury. Description, host will recover from any and every kind of injury within five seconds. As the voice faded, Keith felt a warm current flow through his entire body.

Daoistslothh · Fantasy
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126 Chs

Chapter:-50 Culinary Mastery

The young man was polite, but not too humble in front of his superiors, and the way he

spoke and conducted himself was impressive. The mayor could tell that Keith was a

highly capable young man. For the first time, the mayor addressed James, who was

standing beside him.

Chief Cooper, should we have something to eat before we leave? James chuckled. All

right. We have a lot of people, though, Mrs. Sanderburg, I don't want to trouble you.

Keith's mother waved him off with a smile, and was about to head into the kitchen when

Sander's eyes lit up. She blurted out, Oh, but Mayor Anderson, don't you know Keith is a

fantastic cook? In fact, why not let him show you his culinary skills by making you


Oh, the mayor said curiously, Keith, I didn't

know you had such a wide range of talents. It seems we're in luck today.

Even Quinn looked over with a trace of curiosity in her eyes. Keith frowned slightly. He

didn't know how to cook.

Sander was clearly trying to embarrass him in front of his superiors, but the mayor had

already spoken, and he seemed genuinely excited that Keith was going to cook for them

all. It didn't really leave Keith with many choices. If this had happened to old Keith, he

might have just run away at this point.

But now, he stood up and said with a smile, It'd be my pleasure to cook for you all. I'll be

right back. Keith's parents looked at each other.

Keith barely ever set foot in the kitchen, other than to grab the occasional midnight bowl

of cereal. How could he possibly cook a whole meal? Keith's mother wanted to go and

help him, but the mayor laughed and said, Let the young people do it, Mrs. Sanderburg.

I'm sure you deserve a night off.

Quinn, James winked. Why don't you go help Keith? You still owe him a favor. Quinn was

happy to help.

Since Keith was on her team, she'd received a share of the credit when he caught the

bank robbers, and once she'd connected the criminals to the string of robberies from a

few years back, her captain had started talking about her next promotion. Although

she'd already thanked Keith in person, she still felt like she owed him. Furthermore, she

wanted to see if the hammer fist expert really could cook as well.

She stood up and nodded before making her way out of the room. A cold smile spread

across Sander's face as she watched them both disappear into the kitchen. Her evil plan

was working.

In the kitchen, Keith stared at the pile of food in front of him, and the corners of his

mouth curled up. He picked up a kitchen knife and got to work chopping vegetables.

Culinary mastery skill activated.

Keith's movements became almost invisible to the naked eye as he diced the shallots. As

Quinn watched from beside him, her face revealed a look of disbelief. Keith's knife

technique was superb.

He was so fast that his hand was a blur, and on top of that, every slice was cut evenly, as

if processed by a machine. Quinn could barely believe her eyes. The rhythmic sound of

the knife hitting the chopping board was intoxicating, and every step looked like a work

of art.

Quinn watched in a daze, unable to tear her eyes away. She didn't even dare make a

sound, as if her words would break the wonderful scene before her. Just minutes later,

there was a sizzle of stir-frying, and the fragrance of the dish floated through the

kitchen, making her mouth water.

The aroma drifted into the living room, and though everyone continued chatting

casually, their thoughts drifted away as they caught a whiff of the delicious food. Each

and every one of them swallowed discreetly as they began to salivate. Twenty minutes

later, looking at the table full of steaming dishes, the mayor laughed.

Keith, you really are something. You caught a group of seasoned criminals, and you

whipped us up a feast. I can't wait to see if this tastes as good as it smells.

The mayor scooped up a forkful of food. The moment it was in his mouth, his eyes went

wide, and he let out a groan. He saw the table full of people staring at him in


And he swallowed and looked up to Keith, saying, I've never tasted such delicious

chicken in my life. The others all gasped. It must be the most delicious food in the world.

James saw this and couldn't bear it any longer. He laughed and said, Wow, is it really

that delicious? I'll try it too. He picked up a piece of chicken and put it in his mouth.

His expression was even more exaggerated than the mayor's. But the difference was

that he didn't say anything. He just kept shoveling food into his mouth as if he was going

to swallow his own tongue.

When the others saw this, they didn't wait any longer. One by one, they took the food

and began to stuff it into their mouths. Then there was a burst of exclamations.

As Quinn chewed, her eyes narrowed to slits. She'd eaten quite a number of delicacies in

her life, but compared to the home-cooked dishes in front of her, there was a world of

difference. She was growing more and more impressed with Keith.

Keith's parents heaved a sigh of relief at the same time and looked at their son with a

smile. Their child had finally grown up, and it looked as though he had a promising future

ahead of him. Meanwhile, Sandra's face was filled with disbelief.

How is this possible? I didn't think Keith ever stepped foot in the kitchen. She tried a

mouthful of food, and her expression turned from shock to enjoyment before finally

settling into an ugly expression. When Keith saw this, he said, What's wrong, Sandra? Is

it no good? I know you wanted to make a fool of me, so I'm sorry to disappoint you.