
The Wish System Volume(1)

Just as he felt like he was about to die, a mysterious voice popped into Keith's head. He heard a beep in his mind, and then a voice said, Wish system successfully bonded. Uploading welcome gift for new host. The voice continued, Congratulations, host obtains three wishes. Keith was utterly bewildered, and his mind went blank. The only thought left in his head was that he didn't want to die. He heard the voice again. Ding! You have made your first wish. Host receives a skill, recovery from injury. Description, host will recover from any and every kind of injury within five seconds. As the voice faded, Keith felt a warm current flow through his entire body.

Daoistslothh · Fantasy
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126 Chs

Chapter:-49 The Mayor of Summerfield

This is the first time you fulfilled a parent's wish. Hidden reward unlocked. One random

skill will be awarded the maximum level.

System is selecting a random skill for you. Please wait. What? Before Keith could react,

the system's voice sounded again.

Host obtains maximum skill level in culinary mastery. Culinary mastery? You want me to

be a cook? Keith was slightly stunned. But then the corners of his mouth turned up to

form a beautiful arc.

Having more skills wouldn't add any pressure on him. In fact, the more skills, the better.

Ignoring the system in his mind, he looked at his mother and said gently, Mom, don't you

have a notebook where you keep a record of your accounts? Bring it out so Sandra can

take a look.

We're going to settle the accounts properly, work out how much money she owes, and

when she plans on paying it back. At that point, Sandra finally came back to her senses

and screamed, Keith, you're pushing your luck. Remember who my husband is? Don't

think he won't get someone and teach you a lesson.

Keith's eyes turned icy cold. Are you threatening me? He stepped over to Sandra and

said coldly, I don't care who you are. I hate nothing more than when people try to

threaten me.

Do you want to repeat what you just said? Sandra felt like she was a rabbit in the sights

of a hunter. She thought that if she dared say another word, the wolf would tear her

apart without hesitation. She looked at Keith in fear and said with a trembling voice,

What are you doing? The rest of the family was stunned by this change in Keith's


They looked at him in a daze, hardly even daring to breathe. Just then, the doorbell rang.

There was a collective flinch before Keith's mother ran to open the door.

The group of people standing outside only increased her jitteriness. Seven or eight

people in suits bustled into the house. The leader was a middle-aged man with a kind

face who Keith recognized from TV.

This was the mayor of Summerfield. Behind him was the chief of police, James Cooper,

and Keith's supervisor, Sergeant Quinn Taylor. Although he didn't know the rest of the

people, Keith could tell they thought they were important.

It was then that he remembered what Quinn had told him at the hospital. The mayor's

office and the senior police team would be visiting him at home for a congratulatory

press shoot. He hadn't expected them to come so soon.

The mayor smiled and said, Keith, right? I heard about your story. You've done a great

service for our community. You've helped get rid of the scourge of our society.

It's so great to meet such young and promising residents of Summerfield. The man

stretched out his hand as he spoke, and Keith quickly stepped forward and shook it. You

flatter me, sir.

I was only doing what was necessary. Please come in and take a seat. I'm sorry if it's a

bit of a mess.

I wasn't expecting you so soon. It was only then that the crowd looked around and

realized what a state the room was in. The floor was covered in smashed dishes and

splattered spaghetti.

The men laughed and said, Keith, looks like you had a tornado through here. Keith

scratched his head in embarrassment while James winked at him from over the man's

shoulder. He grabbed a rag from the sink.

Just a minute, sir. Let me clean this up. Keith and his dad scrambled to clean up the

mess while his mom got everyone seated and fetched them drinks.

When they were done, the mayor invited Keith to join him on the couch and began

chatting away amiably with Keith and his parents. Sandra couldn't believe her eyes.

Jaden, Travis, and Aunt Mimi were just as shocked.

One of the most prominent leaders in Summerfield had come to Sam's house as a guest

and had even brought a camera. Was that young man with them a reporter? Even more

surprising was the attitude of Keith, James, and Quinn as they talked. They looked like

old acquaintances chatting away comfortably.

These two were respected figures in Summerfield. Cleared possible that Keith was

friends with them? Good heavens, Sandra thought to herself. If it hadn't been happening

right in front of their eyes, Sandra and the others would never have believed it.

She didn't know whether she should stay or not. The thing is, two of the VIP group were

standing by the door chatting away. Sandra didn't even dare to walk through them.

She realized how childish her words had been just now. Her husband ran a local business

and knew a lot of people in the community, but compared to the group in this house, it

was nothing. Keith took in the expressions of the people around him one by one, and he

couldn't help but laugh to himself.

But when his gaze landed on his cousin Travis, Keith did a double take. Travis's eyes

were shining as he looked at the camera lady. The woman operating the camera was


As beautiful as Quinn. No wonder Travis was so entranced when he saw her. At that

moment, there was an angry voice beside his ear.

Keith, some of the most important people in Summerfield are here. What are you staring

at? The voice was Quinn's. Keith instinctively shrank back when he heard her and

hurriedly looked away from the camera woman.

Quinn saw this and snorted. She rolled her eyes at Keith as she seemed to realize

something. Her ears turned slightly red.

Just then, Keith's mom, who'd been chatting away merrily with her guests, suddenly said,

You must have come straight from work. I guess you haven't eaten yet, right? Why don't

I get you some food? The mayor looked at Keith with a twinkle in his eye. Keith had left a

very good impression on him.

The young man was polite, but not too humble in front of his superiors, and the way he

spoke and conducted himself was impressive. The mayor could tell that Keith was a

highly capable young man. For the first time, the mayor addressed James, who was

standing beside him