
The Wish System Volume(1)

Just as he felt like he was about to die, a mysterious voice popped into Keith's head. He heard a beep in his mind, and then a voice said, Wish system successfully bonded. Uploading welcome gift for new host. The voice continued, Congratulations, host obtains three wishes. Keith was utterly bewildered, and his mind went blank. The only thought left in his head was that he didn't want to die. He heard the voice again. Ding! You have made your first wish. Host receives a skill, recovery from injury. Description, host will recover from any and every kind of injury within five seconds. As the voice faded, Keith felt a warm current flow through his entire body.

Daoistslothh · Fantasy
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126 Chs

Chapter:-45 Keith invited Will to his plan to earn money

After a moment of silence,Keith said earnestly, I plan to find a way to earn money, but it could end up being a total

waste of time and effort. So if you want to be a part of it, you have to make sure you

think it through properly first.

Will could see that Keith wasn't joking, and his expression changed. He nodded and said,

if you don't have enough capital, I'll think of a way to get it for my family. What's your

plan, bro? You've fulfilled Will's wish to start a business with you.

Wish value, plus one. Current wish value progress, eight of ten. Keith smiled at the


If the system rewarded him, it meant that Will did want to work with him. Although Will

had never been a star pupil in high school, it didn't mean that he was an idiot. On the

contrary, he had street smarts and a pragmatic, common-sense way of looking at things,

which would serve him well in the real world.

Keith wanted to earn money, but he needed help to do so. Will was the ideal candidate.

Keith smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

How about this? I'll give you $200 to help me look around and find a store. If you find the

right place, I can start the negotiations with the other party. Will looked surprised.

What kind of store are you planning to open? What areas do you want me to look into?

Keith was even more satisfied when he heard Will's questions, and he could see his

friend was already working out the logistics in his head. He transferred $200 to Will's

account and said, I've thought of a few ideas already. You don't have to worry about the


Just look for a store. Something around a thousand square feet should do it. And the

most important thing is finding the right location, but no stress if you can't find

something suitable.

Will nodded and said, give me three days. I'll get it done. Okay.

Keith patted his shoulder. As for salary and benefits, we'll talk about it once we've got

the store. I've still got some things to pick up, so I better head out.

Will nodded and watched in a daze as Keith left. Keith was still the same old Keith, but

Will felt that something about him was different. He'd become calmer and had a new air

of confidence about him.

Will admired him, but at the same time, he was a little afraid. By the time he came out of

the registration office, Keith was in a good mood. He'd successfully signed up for the

college entrance exams, and he'd even managed to help a cute young woman and gain

another wish value.All in all, it was a pleasant surprise. Keith thought things over as he made his way to the

academic bookstore. He'd broken Blake's nose last night.

Knowing Blake's temper, there's no way he'd be able to for revenge, and this time, he'd

bring more than just a few bodyguards with him. Keith knew he needed to increase his

strength as soon as possible. Right now, he had five free attribute points.

After hesitating for a moment, he decided to add two to power and three to dexterity.

With that, his attributes panel showed the following numbers. Power, 13 points.

Dexterity, 17 points. Stamina, 11 points. Charm, one point.

Wish value, nine of 10. He now had 13 power, which was already over the average for an

adult man. It meant his strength was at about the same level as a fitness coach, and now

he had 17 dexterity too.

That was impressive. To put it bluntly, his current speed was equivalent to the best

sprinter in the world. What's more, as long as his body was flexible and his reaction

speed was fast, he'd be able to improve his ability to evade the attack.

Ordinary people, even those with weapons, wouldn't be able to touch him. Well, he

wasn't fast enough to dodge bullets, yet. His injury recovery skill meant he could

temporarily ignore the problem of stamina, but he knew in the long run, this was an

important attribute too.

It wasn't just about fighting. The stamina attribute was related to all kinds of endurance.

Keith thought that if he ever got a girlfriend, well, his stamina would be important then


He let out a long sigh as he felt the warm current flow into his body. The only way he

could feel safe was if he increased his strength. As he walked down the street, a large

dog suddenly barked beside him.

Keith frowned and threw a coin. Throwing proficiency activated. Animals had their own

instincts and knew better than to anger a creature stronger than them.

The guard dog's ear was clipped by Keith's coin, and it snarled and looked ready to

pounce. But when it saw Keith's cold eyes, the dog cowered and ran away. You've

neutralized the guard dog's wish to threaten you.

Attribute point plus one. The system notification reminded Keith of something each day.

He could obtain two attribute points and two wish values from non-human beings.

This was something that the system gave him for free. Without hesitation, he opened the

eye of detection. A moment later, in a park not far from the bookstore, he casually fed

the fish in the lake.

The system's notification sounded again. Your wish slot is full. You may now make a


System has detected the host's good behavior in the past two days. Therefore, system

grants the host a bonus of one wish without restrictions. Keith was a little puzzled as he

thought back over the past two days.

He'd broken a person's nose, hit a bunch of different people, and scared a dog. Was that

really considered good behavior? Was this a wishing system or a wicked system? The

reward gave Keith a bold idea. After hesitating for a moment, he asked excitedly,

System, since I can make a wish without any restrictions, give me ten billion dollars.