
The Wish System Volume(1)

Just as he felt like he was about to die, a mysterious voice popped into Keith's head. He heard a beep in his mind, and then a voice said, Wish system successfully bonded. Uploading welcome gift for new host. The voice continued, Congratulations, host obtains three wishes. Keith was utterly bewildered, and his mind went blank. The only thought left in his head was that he didn't want to die. He heard the voice again. Ding! You have made your first wish. Host receives a skill, recovery from injury. Description, host will recover from any and every kind of injury within five seconds. As the voice faded, Keith felt a warm current flow through his entire body.

Daoistslothh · Fantasy
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126 Chs

Chapter:-26 Can you afford a lawyer

Keith scratched his temple and smiled slightly. It's no big deal. When old friends meet,

it's normal for them to catch up, you know.

Catch up? Quinn smiled lightly as if she didn't need to ask any more questions. She

looked at Keith and said, after your heroic bank rescue the other day, I looked into you.

I know about your history with Christina and Blake and now you've broken his nose.

What if he wants to press charges? Can you afford a lawyer?

Keith was surprised at her words and he paused for a moment. Then he replied

indifferently, don't worry, I got my ways. A flicker of a smile appeared on his lips.

Seeing his carefree manner, Quinn couldn't help but let out a sigh. I'll report this to Chief

Cooper. I hope he'll be able to help you find a way to deal with this.

After a moment, she added, oh, and I saw the surveillance footage from the bank

robbery. I didn't know you were trained in the hammer fist technique. Keith knew that

someone would ask him about this eventually, so he'd already thought of an excuse.

He nodded and replied, yeah, I learned martial arts in my hometown as a kid. I never

really thought it would come in handy. Quinn stared at him for a while.

She realized that he wasn't panicking at all. So she nodded. I see.

You've got good skills, Keith. Don't let them take you down the wrong path. Make sure

you're never the one starting the trouble, you know?

That kind of skill comes with responsibility, and it has to be used in the right way. Do you

understand? Keith smiled lightly at her.