
Chapter 7. New Human Wolf Hybrid

After another day surviving Rosy's resteraunt and the epic meltdown that went on, Winter and I deserve to stretch our legs. I left my purse at my apartment and took my old school back pack. I went deep into the forest when I heard my packs howl. I shifted immediatly, knowing that my pack needed my protection and so did the newborn pups.

My howl echoed deep in the forest.My pack howled even louder, that is when I saw the dilemma. I started to growl, and there stood a tricolored wolf in brown, white and black fur. "He is just like us.Let's keep our guard up, we don't know what he wants." Winter snarled at him.

He bent down showing his neck. Winter and I looked over to see the former Luna still deep in her den and her pups are still safe, due to the packs ability to safe guard her. The tricolored wolf shifted. God he was just as fit as Adonis, but a degree or two less attractive. I shifted and both of us realized we are both completely naked.

I hid behind a tree to hide my body. "What do you want," I hissed between my teeth. "Look I mean no harm to you or your pack. I honestly thought, that I was one of the last surviving race of my kind. When I smelled your scent on that beta wolf I knew I must find you."

"What is your name stranger?" I asked with a sudden curiosity. "I don't remember it, because I lived mostly as a wolf for a very long time." " Would you like me to give you one, or suggestions.'" I asked.

"Sure, throw it at me." He said grinding from ear to ear. "I was thinking, either Neapolitan since your wolf is tricolored or Fall." "Fall is my wolf's name." He replied with a smirk. "Gregarious Fall, I'm Rain, my wolfs name is Winter."

He tilted his head when I extended my arm. Oh, right I'm still naked. "How about we go into town and find you some clothes that fit?" "Yes, Alpha." We both shifted and headed toward the town.