
The Wild Feather

Hannah, a 16 years old teen girl. She has been hiding her secret from her friends and the school for years along with her sister Luna. Later both sisters fall in love, they start working together to keep their love ones safe. But being unable to hide the secret at school, their enemies are alerted. The girls finally made up their mind to fight back. But there is another creature waiting for them. They knew that one day it would come out of the darkness but no one expected it to be so soon. What will they do if they come across a threat that is almost impossible to see? The threat which has been hunting them for years has finally appear. What will the sisters do? • • • Thank you for reading this story.

Duskfire_Star · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 7: Allies

That night before going to sleep, I kept listening to Spark's tons of explanations.

'About that poison issue, I forgot to tell you the most important part. Lavender flowers can get rid of the Nightshade but the fact that it was in contact with your skin, makes you sick for a whole week.' She explained but did not hear any replies from me. 'I've noticed that you've been thinking a lot about him recently!' She smirked at me.

'I am having a strong feeling that Jacob either knows our secret or he's one of us! But if he's one of us then why didn't he tell me?' Tons of questions started popping in my mind, trying to process everything. 'I don't know!' she replied sharply. That devil doesn't know anything apart from troubling me every day.

The next day, I went to school. As expected I was sick; I had a moderate fever. All went well until in the maths class. I was feeling nausea and dizziness. I kept drinking water non-stop but didn't work that much. I didn't want to miss my lessons and then get grounded by my parents so I stayed quiet.

But at the same time I kept thinking about something. Why isn't he telling me the truth? 'OK girl! Iet me ask you a question. Why are you hiding your secret from him?' Maybe she has a point. Maybe it's for my own good but still... we are friends.

Out of the blue, Jacob stood up, walking out of the class. "Where do you think you're going Mr Jacob?" The teacher asked in a tone of authority. "I don' t know and I don't care!" He replied sharply. I had to follow him. I lifted my hand finally telling Mr. Robert, our maths teacher that I was not feeling well. I followed him, running until we reached the deserted hallway.

"Jacob wait! You're not what I think you are, are you?" I gasped for air as I stopped him. There was a huge silence. Does that mean yes? "What do you mean?" he suddenly spoked. "Well you're sick!" I replied boldly. "Yes I am! So what?" He gave me a stern look before continuing his way out of the school. I wanted to follow him but the wave of nausea washed over me and I had to go in the bathroom instead.

I came out of the bathroom to see a worried sister waiting for me. "Are you ok?" She asked at me. "I'm good," I frowned. "Do you want to go home?" I shoke my head. I asked her to leave me alone for a while, she nodded and left.

I rushed outside to take some fresh air but as I turned my gaze, I saw Jacob drinking water from his bottle. Suddenly he turned to my direction. "Ok I'm going home! I don't feel well!" I averted my gaze not knowing what to do and walked towards the gate. Jacob kept staring at me.

On the way, I saw the same eagle on the branch looking at me but I kept on walking. I feel as if I'm being stalked. I reached home, not surprised that no one was in the house. My parents were at work, Luna is at school and I'm here at home with a high fever.

I sat on my bed and stayed like this for about 10 minutes, trying to calm the painful headache and dizziness. 'I am going to change!' I muttered to myself as I stood up to walk towards my closet. While I was looking for my clothes, I heard a noise at the front door. Mom and Dad were at work, they won't be here till midnight and Luna won't come here, she told me in the morning that she has a test.

I walked silently, reaching for the scissors on my desk, and stood in front of the closed door. As soon as the door opened I attacked but the person dodged it. "How dare you avoid my attack!!" I yelled, turning around. I grabbed his arm, twisted it, and threw him heavily onto the ground. I put the scissors facing the person. But then I realized that it was Jacob. "What are you doing here?" I asked exasperatedly.

"Were you trying to kill me or what?" He yelled trying to avoid the sharpy scissors that was just in front of his chest. "I came to check on you! You were looking sick!" He added making an irritated face. "Who walks into someone's house like a kidnapper?" He shrugged trying to avoid eye contact. I stood up and walked towards my desk and threw the scissors on the table. "Anyways about before, you didn't answer my question!" I glowered.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" He replied turning his gaze away from me. I could feel my feathers ruffle, I knew he was lying. My eyes started to change into it's brownish color. "I know you're lying! Tell me the truth! I know who you are!" I gave him a threatening look but he still avoided me.

"Why the hell are you avoiding me!" I snapped. "I didn't want you to know!" He lowered his eyes feeling guilty. "But why? We are the same, aren't we?" I asked furiously. "I wasn't sure if you were really an eagle." Jacob looked at me with sad eyes. "I'm sorry!" I apologized and walked towards him.

"No, I am sorry." He replied apologetically. I sat beside him, putting my hand on his shoulder. "So, are you really that harpy eagle who saved me in the forest?" I looked at him with a calming smile. 'How was he not transformed when he was in the forest? He was supposed to be scared of the dark right? And how I did not sense him in the first place?'

"Oh that! When I saved you, I was in my human form but somehow you saw me in my real form! I wonder how you did that?" The moment he stopped to look at me, I was a bit shocked because he just read my mind. "You can read my thoughts? Are you some sort of Psychopath?" I muddled.

'Actually I've been mind linking some information to Jacob!' A playful Spark replied. "You must be kidding me! Even Spark hid this from me! If that spirit was right in front of me, I would've strangled her to death."

"For how long have you've been keeping this secret from me?" I asked fiercely, ready to kill both of them. "When I found you in the forest I saw feathers on your neck." the latter replied. "But how were you not afraid of darkness? and how I did not sense you?" I looked at him puzzled.

"Males can hide their powers and aura better than females. Plus we are stronger than you." He muttered with pride. "When I brought you in the tent, Thunder told Spark to keep it secret from you." Jacob added.

"Thunder, your eagle spirit right,?" He nodded with a huge smile on his face. "How about your health? Yesterday, you touched me-" I was suddenly interrupted by another wave of nausea. I ran towards the bathroom closing the door on Jacob's face. He knocked at the door and kept asking me if I was okay but I couldn't tell him.

'Hey Spark! It's Thunder! Is Hannah ok?' I knew Jacob must have asked Thunder to ask me. 'No, she is not feeling well. She has a high fever and a painful headache.' After a few moments, I was on the floor, so weak that I couldn't stand. Jacob opened the door and knelt next to me.

He made sure I was ok before helping me get up. His eyes were filled with worry. "I'm fine!" I replied. I tried to be strong as always but failed miserably because the next thing I knew I was being carried by Jacob towards the chair near my desk.

Luckily he brought some Aloe Vera juice. Aloe Vera is a very rare juice, it helps healing you faster, it can even reduce the pain and the weaknesses.

"You should've stayed at home! Why did you come to school?" He shouted. He was angry but at the same time concerned. "I couldn't! Mom would think that I was lying and I would've been grounded!" I yelled back. My eyes welled up as I held back my tears.

"This time they'll believe you." He gave me a reassuring smile as usual and walked towards my door but I grabbed his hands. "Please stay until sis comes back," I said timidly, looking at my feet. He nodded and sat on the bed beside my chair.

"By the way, your eagle form is beautiful!" He smirked. 'I have the feeling that I'm going to regret this!' I sighed. Took me a while to react on what he was really saying. That day when I flew and land on his arm. 'Don't tell me, he remembers this!'

'He remembers this!' Spark giggled. She knew I was all red and kept teasing me. "You're right, I am talking about when we met in the forest," Jacob added, a huge grin forming on his face. "Please stop! Stop reading my thoughts! It's embarrassing!"

"Now that I think about it! How did you get yourself poisoned?" His smile faded as he asked me. "Spark told me that it was on that branch where I landed before..." Hold on! When i flew on his arm he was already poisoned.

"You were already poisoned that same day didn't you?" I gave him a stern look and he looked down in a guilty way. "It's true then?" I asked. He nodded sadly. "But were you cured? Wait does that mean you were poisoned two times?" I asked in a surprised tone. "No, I was poisoned the same day as you but I didn't have time to heal. That day, when you rushed out of the class, I brought you in a safe place for you to transform. But now I'm good i drank a lot of Aloe vera juice," he giggled, putting his hand behind his head.

"That poison, I'm sure it was caused by the Dark Orphan bird!" Jacob muttered to himself. "So it came out of the Dark lake?" I was pretty scared after what Jacob said. "Yes and if I'm not mistaken that bird is invisible!"

"Can we stop talking about this, please? It makes me feel a bit uneasy!" I could feel the chill on my arm as I held it close to me. "Wanna go for a flight together?" Jacob lightened the mood up and I nodded but I had to change first. "Out of my room first!!" I yelled as I pushed him out of the room and closed the door on his face.

Just after getting dressed, I walked out of my room but Jacob was not here. "Did he transform?" I said to myself as I looked around the house. 'Try to smell him!' Spark interrupted. I closed my eyes and opened it to reveal the brown ones.

I look around again, smelling his scent but found another one instead. I turned at the window to see a shadow on a tree. As if it was spying on us, the scent was of another eagle, more like an enemy of the harpy ones. "That intruder came on our territory!" but I still couldn't find Jacob. I was quite confused if whether I should look for him or get rid of that stranger.

'I say we get rid of that stranger!!' Spark responded in a possessive tone. I nodded and let Spark take over. I flew above the house, waiting for the eagle to attack and finally it did. As it came flying out of the shadows, I could finally tell that it was a golden eagle. This eagle is as powerful as me. He is going to be a tough one to take down.

As soon as he flew straight at me, swooped higher to try to gain an advantage on my opponent. I turn back zooming down with my talons extended while he flips his up at me.

He was expecting me to grab his talons with mine but I did not do that. I changed my direction, flying right above him and I grabbed his brown wings throwing him to the other side. A loud and high-pitched cry left his throat as he wailed in pain.

Thinking that he gave up I went to land on a branch but then he started flying up higher. 'Trying to blind us with the sun but he forgot that we have the same eye sight as his! What a foolish move!' Spark responded with a devilish smile on her face.

I was about to fly at him but instead I remained still. I look down noticing that my talon was stuck in a hole of the branch. Since my claws are long and sharp it was very easy for it to get stuck but right now was not the time.

I looked at my opponent who seems to notice my state and decided to take that as his advantage. He started flying at full speed right towards me and I couldn't do anything but to stare at him. He began extending his talons, aiming at my wings and succeeded. I extended my wings in a form of shield while I struggled trying to get out of this mess.

I whimpered in pain, letting out painful cries but then a sudden thought came in my mind. If I try mind linking Thunder, maybe Jacob will come. I concentrated on the telepathy despite the pain I was in. 'Thunder!! If you can hear me please tell Jacob to come please hurry!' I finally let out a screeching noise which I guess alerted almost everyone in the area.

Jacob's POV

I sensed an intruder and went deep into the forest but then I lost it's scent. 'Can you sense him Thunder?' But before Thunder could reply, I heard an eagle's call. Two eagles were fighting. The intruder tricked us.

I rushed back to the house. 'Thunder!! If you can hear me please tell Jacob to come please hurry!' Just after I heard the message, a very loud and high-pitched call was heard all across the silent area. The voice was filled with pain, she was hurt.

"Let's go Thunder!" I yelled and flew to the scene quickly to protect her.

Hannah's POV

As I turned to focus on my fight I saw the eagle ready to grab my head with his claws. 'Where is Jacob?' As I was thinking of him, another eagle came defending me. It's Jacob.

Spark was happily flapping her wings as she saw Jacob. I was glad to see him too. He was so furious that he did not even leave that eagle a single time. He chased the eagle until it was out of his sight.

He finally came back to me, landing next to me. He looked at me with empathy and was feeling guilty for leaving me. His eagle form started preening my feathers, consoling me to make sure I was ok.

He suddenly flew away behind the house. I was a bit confused at first but then I thought about his transformation. He came back running towards me. His face basically yelling 'sorry' to me.

'I'm OK Jacob' I mind-linked him. He did not reply, he was too concentrated on removing my talons from the branch. As soon as it got off, I flew a high as I could. Happy about my freedom. For second I completely forgot about Jacob. I returned soaring back to him.

He stretched his arms for me to land on. "I am sorry," he looked down. I pluck a strand of his hair and he let out a small yelp. "What was that for?" He shouted while scratching his head. I flew inside the house to get back into my human form. I put back my clothes and step outside to see him waiting.

I ran and hugged him. At first he was shocked but then he hugged me back. "I pluck your hair because you left me alone!" I shouted at him. "Where were you?" I gave him a threatening look. "I sensed an intruder so I followed the scent but then I heard you calling so I rushed back!" He replied with a stern look on his face at the same time I could see his eyes filled with the usual worry.

"Hannah!! Are you ok?" I heard a familiar voice. My sister finally came running towards me. "Hey! How was your test?" I asked trying to change the serious atmosphere but it didn't work. "Seriously? Now is not the time sis!! I heard your cry! Are you ok?" She asked, her body filled with concern.

Before I could answer, another scent ran down my nose. I looked up behind Luna to see a black eagle flying towards us.