
is my mom a widow?

March 30th,1904 Dear Diary, I played with Clint today. we had a lot of fun. I like him a lot, but not how Papa puts it . Papa says don't date. You're going to get pregnant and have kids. You don't what and can afford to have. I just brushed it off. April 1,1904 to day, a police officer came to our house and told me, and Mama, that papa and rich past away I felt a shock run through my body and the Slava from my mouth disappeared we all started to cry while holding each other. April 2nd,1904 Dear diary,l cried all night. I barely got any sleep. Mama says to think of happy things, but I can't. Most of my family is gone, but on the bright side, Gramma came to our house to make Mama and me feel better, but instead, she just made us cry more.