

Fighting was now useless, she just lay there as tears roll down her cheeks as the vicious men continued to vandalize her. They were everywhere, all over her body. Her body was too numb for her to do anything anymore.

Everything started one beautiful evening when she was sent to do an errand outside. And like what she always did, she took the short route she was very familiar with. She was walking when she suddenly saw one young guy she recognized, he was her older brother's friend so she was calm. She stopped to talk to him only to black out in a few seconds. When she opened her eyes, she was in a deserted place, a place she was not familiar with naked and a huge man in between her legs. It really hurt, so she cried, screamed but the more she this that, the worse it got. While that man raped her continuously, she saw her brother's friend looking at her. She couldn't read the emotions on his face, but she was filled with vile towards him. She trusted him a lot and this is what he repays her with! They stuffed her mouth with a cloth to prevent her from screaming and just like that as if they were playing basketball, they raped her one by one and to make it worse, that traitor raped her too.

Just like a dream, she fainted in the middle of being vandalized and after a while she heard sirens. People were talking but she couldn't open her eyes, she was too tired to do anything. The ambulance seemed to have arrived because she felt those needles entering her and it didn't hurt.

At the hospital she heard what they were talking about with her family. She could not help it hearing her mother crying like that and the last thing she hears before she became unconscious was, 'I'm very sorry Ma'am, but I am afraid that due to the damage that was caused to your daughter the only option is to operate on her and remove her womb.'

'Why would you do that?'

'It is severely damaged and if we do not remove it, I am afraid that she will be in danger again and it will be too late by then.'

Hearing her crying, she hated everyone at that moment. She was going to take her revenge with her own hands and with that last thought the thirteen-year-old girl blacked out.