

Enzo stayed in Makarov's office for only a few minutes, and the moment he exited the room, Enzo scanned the surroundings of the guild. He could see Natsu talking about Laxus, even after all the things Laxus had done in the past and of course, his actions today, Natsu still believes that Laxus could still be redeemed and be welcome back to the guild. Other members were listening to him, but Enzo could feel that they were unsure if Laxus would be welcome back to the guild ever again.

Enzo then went towards where Kagura was seated and said, "Can I talk to you about something? It will only be for a moment".

Both Simon and Cana were intrigued at why Enzo wanted to talk to Kagura but they said nothing. Kagura was also interested in this as well, so she agreed to Enzo's request.

Seeing that no one was still on the second floor of the guild, Enzo decided to have his talk with Cana on the balcony on the said floor.

Ever since he left Makarov's office, Enzo had fully activated his observation haki. He could feel Laxus' presence leaving Magnolia but before he leaves, he wanted to have a conversation with Kagura first.

"What do you wanna talk about?", Kagura asked anxiously.

The goal why Enzo invited Kagura to the resort was to rebuild the relationship they had. Having the rest of your family killed, and then the person who helped you during that dark time suddenly leaving and rarely talks to you is something that would traumatize someone. Kagura doesn't like to be left behind, this could be seen by how she is sticking close to Simon. Even if she knows that Simon won't leave, she is scared that he will be gone. She may be doing this subconsciously and not realizing it.

"I would like to apologize for what happened in the resort. I know that it wasn't my fault that the events in the Tower of Heaven happened, but I bought does tickets to rebuild our friendship and we didn't even do anything. After the events in the Tower of Heaven, I immediately left and went to Porlyusica. So, the trip didn't accomplish any of the goals I wanted", Enzo said.

"It fine, I understand why we couldn't do anything", Kagura said with a weak smile on her face.

"I'm here to asked you something though"

"What is that?", Kagura asked with curiosity in her voice.

"I need you to find in your heart to forgive, Erza", Enzo said with a caring look on his face.

Kagura suddenly narrowed his eyes and she became angry, "NO. She knew where my brother was, and yet, she never told me".

"You were young. You didn't know what would have happened to the people in the Tower of Heaven. You heard Erza say that Jellal back then would have killed them. You can't blame her for that"

She clenches her fist and said, "I don't care! She could have told Master Makarov and Master could have prepared a plan that would have saved all those people. I wouldn't have gone to sleep every night not knowing if my brother is dead or alive!".

Enzo just sighed and said, "But Erza is your friend, you can't deny that".

"It doesn't matter, look at you, it was easy for you to throw friendship away! Why can't I do the same!", Kagura said.

For a while, Enzo just looks at the angry Kagura. While he wasn't there for her, Erza became the pillar that supported her. Enzo didn't want that friendship to vanish just because Erza didn't tell her about her brother's whereabouts. Besides Erza only did that to keep everyone in the Tower of Heaven safe.

"I had my own problems back then, Kagura. Perhaps a part of me still does. But I am trying to make a better person of myself.", Enzo said. He then looks at the view of Magnolia town and he could feel Laxus leaving the range of his observation haki. It seems that he could no longer prolong this conversation with Kagura.

Before he left, Enzo said one more thing to Kagura, "I wasn't physically there for you, but I still wanted the best for you. But Erza was there for you, she treats you like a younger sister. She taught you how to wield a sword, she taught you how to use magic. She cares for you...If you think the friendship you had is over, then it's over. But at least remember the times that she was there for you and probably find it in your heart to forgive her".

Before Kagura could retort Enzo's statement, the S-rank mage of Fairy Tail jump up in the sky and travel towards the direction where Laxus went.

After jumping for a while, before he could leave Magnolia Town, he felt two familiar presence, one was Juvia and the other one he didn't know but he was sure that he felt that presence from somewhere before.

He knew that he needed to maintain distance from Laxus, so he decided to make a detour and find out who that other presence was.

Juvia was shocked when he landed and so was the person with her. Enzo looks at the person accompanying Juvia and said, "I see. Now I remember, Gajeel Redfox".

"Enzo Lockhart", Gajeel stated.

On the side, Juvia could be seen having sweat forming on her forehead. She knew about what Gajeel did during the war of Phantom Lord and Fairy Tail, and she wasn't sure if Enzo was still mad at Gajeel because of that.

"Enzo, look, me and Gajeel are both mages of Fairy Tail now!", Juvia immediately stated. She then showed her guild mark and she also pointed at Gajeel's guild mark so that Enzo wouldn't attack him.

"I see, so the Master allowed for you to become a mage of Fairy Tail", Enzo stated. He looks at Gajeel and he offered out his hand for a handshake. Gajeel stared at Enzo's hands for a while but he eventually accepted it and shook hands with the man.

As the two of them were shaking hands, both Gajeel and Juvia suddenly felt a strong magical energy surrounding them. Juvia looks at Enzo and she could see the strong magical energy originating from him. His eyes were locked at Gajeel. She knew that she was only a bystander here. Enzo was focusing his magic on Gajeel and her being so close to him made her feel some of the magical energy he was releasing.

Gajeel had a painful look on his face, his hand was slowly transforming into ice.

"Consider this your only warning. Fairy Tail is a guild about family. A family that you are a part of now. So, you better not harm your family. Understand?".

Gajeel nodded and Enzo promptly calms his magic and release Gajeel's hand. He then looks at the two new guild members and said, "I have some errands to do but I'll see you around in the guild".

Enzo Lockhart then left to follow Laxus once again.