

Enzo' POV:

As part of my new daily routine, I went to the guild to continue socializing with them. Right now it was going great. At least I don't find myself being alone in the bar counter just reading the newspaper.

The moment I entered the guildhall, I could feel something was quite off. I could see the people on the first floor giving occasional glances towards the second floor of the guild.

"What's going on here?", I said as I approach Cana, Simon, and Kagura. The three of them were seated together and Simon was the one that was seated in the middle.

I find it a funny story how Simon became close to Cana.

After seeing Erza going with Jellal towards the Magic Council, I invited Simon to go to the guild and get some beer to drink. Once we were drinking our alcohol, Cana spotted us. She then challenges Simon in a drinking competition. At first, Simon said no, but Cana told him of a Fairy Tail tradition. The tradition states that any new member of the guild should buy the current guild members alcohol until all of them are drunk. This was obviously a lie, but Simon did it anyway. While this was going on, I said nothing. Cana just basically wanted someone to cover her tab.

While the people in the guild we getting drunk till late in the night, only me and Mira weren't. Mira was the one in-charge in closing the guild when everyone will go home, so the two of us just watch the other members get drunk. We were soon joined by a Kagura who was looking for her brother. She was quite surprised to see her older brother standing toe to toe with Cana in a drinking contest.

In fact, the contest had no winners due to them passing out at the same time. Somehow this event made both Cana and Simon close. Once all of them were drunk, I told Mira that I will pay for the guild's drinking spree.

With annoyance written on her face, Cana said, "Tsk... Laxus is here. The moment he arrived in the guild, he kicked everyone out of the second floor. He then said that the second floor belongs to the S-rank mages of the guild and that some bunch of nobodies have no right to stay there". Cana then pointed at the stairs leading to the second floor, "Laxus then had the 'Thunder God Tribe' guard the stairs so that the rule could be enforced".

"I see", I replied.

After the reconstruction of the new guild building, the rule that states that only S-rank mages could stay on the second floor were revoked. Right now everyone in the guild could go to the second floor and spend time there. But only the S-rank could take the mission that was displayed on the second floor.

"And what did Mira say about this?"

"She couldn't do anything but you can", Kagura stated.

I sighed and thought of the mess I have to clean up so early in the morning. Kagura was right, it has been a while since Mira hasn't been able to use her magic, and right now, I was the only one in the guild that could stand up to Laxus.

I then walk towards the stairs and to give Laxus a piece of my mind for making me solve a stupid problem cause by his own ego. I could clearly see the hostile looks of the Thunder God Tribe as I was walking closer towards them.

"I'm S-rank, so you guys---", I suddenly became wide-eyed. I felt a powerful magical flare somewhere behind me. I turned around and I could see the figure of Master Makarov slowly being surrounded with a yellow glow.

He is standing at the entrance of the guild. It seems he just arrived from his meeting with the Magic Council, but why is suddenly flaring his magic.

Using his magical energy, Master Makarov started levitating in the air. He immediately went towards the second floor of the guild. In there he could see his grandson waking up from his sleep due to him releasing his magical energy.

"What's wrong with you old man? Woke up on the wrong side of the bed?", Laxus said as he yawns.

Makarov then increased the intensity of the flaring of his magic and it caused every single individual inside the guild to feel the raging power of the Master of Fairy Tail.

"What's going on?", Natsu said as he looks at the floating Makarov.

"...Is Master mad....at Laxus but why? He just got here?", Gray said

Happy was scared and he immediately hid behind Natsu.

"Do you have nothing to say to me, Laxus?", Makarov said with anger in his voice.

Laxus narrowed his eyes and looks straight at Master Makarov's eyes, "What are talking about, old man?".

"Freesia Town", Makarov stated.

Freesia Town? Did Laxus do something in that town that cause Master Makarov to become angry at him? It was probably the first time I have seen Master Makarov channeled his magic due to anger towards a guild member.

"Oh, you mean that...HAHAHAHAHA. I remember a bug trying to bite more than it can chew. HAHAHAHA", Laxus said with amusement.

"How. Could. You!", Makarov said as veins slowly became visible on his forehead. "You'll remember this day Laxus, this day marks the day that you will regret, one way or another".

Makarov then turns around and he looks at everyone present in the guildhall, "I third Guild Master of Fairy Tail upon my retirement in the following years, hereby appoint Enzo Lockhart as my successor and the future 4th Guild Master of Fairy Tail!", Makarov said as he used his finger to point at me.

He then turned around and stares at Laxus, "For your action in Freesia Town, attacking civilians and inflicting harm and injuries to your fellow guild member. I Makarov Dreyar, 3rd Guild Master of Fairy Tail, on this day hereby excommunicate S-rank mage, Laxus Dreyar!".

Everyone was shocked at what Master Makarov said even Laxus himself. He never thought that he would have the same fate as his father. He immediately stood up from the couch he was seating on and said with lighting crawling on his body, "How dare you, old man?!".

"No, no, no, no, no ", suddenly everyone saw a distraught Mira going out of the bar and going directly towards the second floor. She pushes aside the Thunder God Tribe and went directly towards Laxus. She grabs Laxus' shirt by its neck and said, "What did you do to Elfman?".

'What, Elfman? I didn't know Elfman went to take a mission in Freesia Town. That would mean the person who Master Makarov said that Laxus injured is none other than Elfman himself.

Laxus with his backhand slaps Mira in the face, this resulted in everyone on the lower floor of the guild to suddenly stand up and look at Laxus with anger in their eyes. Realizing the increased tension on the first floor, The Thunder God Tribe stared among themselves and sneakily channeled their magic to cast multiple spells at the same time.

I immediately went behind them by using soru and said, "Don't you even dare". I release a small burst of my magic to make sure that they know that I mean business. If any of them attacks the other guild members then I would personally take them out.