
The Whispers of the Wind [BL]

A long time ago, a great prophecy appeared in the world. Evil will rise again! Yue Ling, a heavenly demon, was the biggest threat to the world at that time. Alarmed by the prophecy, the Heavenly Emperor ordered to kill Yue Ling at any cost. So again, heaven and the underworld fell into a fierce battle. Years later, the world basks in uneasy peace, Yue Ling's reign of terror a fading memory. But beneath the surface, secrets stir. Few know the truth: that the most revered god in heaven, the Son of the Sun and Lord of the Wind, Zi Feng, was once the heavenly demon, Yue Ling's lover. Tragically, Zi Feng is reborn not as his glorious god-self, but as Yu Lingyu, a bumbling disciple of the Tianmen Wen Sect. His past life haunts him like a nightmare, a painful echo of lost brothers, sacrificed love, and a world stained with blood of his loved. Will Yu Lingyu ever escape the shadow of his past? Can he forge a new life, oblivious to the whispers of his forgotten glory? Or will he be drawn back into the darkness, forced to confront the life what destroyed by him in past - Yue Ling! ...................................................................................... "Ah, the Mighty Wind Lord has become a crying child." Yue Ling's voice was as vicious as a snake and burst out with joy. "Ha ha, you lost your brothers, lost your soul, sacrificed everything for your victory, but why is it still like this? How ironic, dear Feng!" Zi Feng's face was flushed with hatred. Stumbling up, he directly grabbed Yue Ling's shoulders, sinking his eyes into his eternally dark eyes. "Yue Ling!" he shouted. "You have won, heaven is already bathed from the blood of my brothers. Please get out of here now," he cried in his heart-rending grief. The devil's lips curled into a cruel smile. "Victory is most beautiful with the vanquisher's fury. My wind Lord, where is your anger? Where is your vengeance?" Closing his eyes tightly, Zi Feng let the tears flow down his cheeks. "My anger is drowned in a deep ocean, Yue Ling. An ocean of sorrow and blood. So please leave. do not..........force me...........anymore." “Oh, my lord,” Yue Ling said, running his fingers to wipe away the tears on Zi Feng's cheeks. "If you're like this, it's no fun. How about we go to my palace together? And give a toast to your dead comrades. Oh, for your Li Jiu too." Yue Ling's right hand wrapped around Zi Feng's waist and pressed him against his body. His left hand was tugging at Zi Feng's silky hair. "But you know, making yourself the prize of my triumph isn't so bad." He whispered into Si Feng's ear. Suffering from both physical and mental pain, Zi Feng was unable to escape from Yue Ling's grasp. "Why? Why did you do that? Your revenge was to be taken from me. If you said so, I would gladly hand myself over to you. After all, I had to do it, because I was responsible. But why? Why did they all have to die? Why did Li Jiu have to die? Answer me!" "Shhh! My lord, killing you won't solve my problem. I want you to suffer all the pain in this world and watch everything you love slowly to dissolve into darkness……I want you to," Zi Feng's jaws held. Yue Ling lifted Feng's face up, forcing him to look into his eyes. "I want you to melt away, fall on your knees beside me and beg for all of this to stop. But I won't stop until all your loved ones are dead. Li Jiu is only the beginning……the sun, the moon will all be destroyed. Oh, and also your dear brother too.............Wei Yunhe!”

Shadow_Eun · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

Demonic invasion of Lilan

The next morning the bell rang, and all the students were summoned to the summit hall. First, the apprentices were welcomed, and they all introduced themselves to the rest of the group. Among these thirteen apprentices, Shen Ming and Luo Cheng were already popular in two ways.

 The meeting hall at Jun Peak was not as grand as the hall at Juyao Peak, but it was simple and artistic in a beautiful habitat. It had almost all the windows open, and no candles were needed for light. The ground was made of shining black stone and the walls were made of brick and painted in a light blue color, and the pictures of the environment were patterned as if they were beautiful.

After welcoming the apprentices, Shen Guo himself explained the legal system of the peak. The rules were very simple and easy to remember. Finally, Shen Guo ordered everyone to sit in their assigned seats and sat on the high seat on the small, beautiful stage. Beside him, Wei Yunhe remained with a bright face. Jun peak was less hectic, and the total number of students was less than a hundred. With the influx of new students, the number had risen to ninety-seven.

"Yu Lingyu!" Seeing that the moment he had been dreading had finally arrived, Lingyu timidly stood up. He used to sit in a neutral seat apart from his fellow disciples. He looked at Shen Guo with reverence and awe and let out a low sigh.

"How do you explain your behavior the before day?" Shen Guo asked in a loud but stern voice. Wei Yunhe intervened first for an answer. Oh, his lovely da shixiong!

"It's my fault Shizun, I left a letter because I had to go out due to an emergency. It's not their fault they found it late." Wei Yunhe, who was bowing in front of his shizun and begging for forgiveness, also did not forget to cast a deadly gaze on his second Shidi. "What's more urgent than the meeting, Yunhe?" Shen Guo asked in a cold voice. Undoubtedly, it managed to freeze Yunhe's body.

"I couldn't say this the before day because of the convention, but it seems that Lilan City has fallen victim to a demon invasion again." Wei Yunhe humbly replied.

 It was Lilan City again. Do the devils really not feel lazy about looting a single city?

"Hmm? What kind of demon is that at this time?" Shen Guo asked calmly. His previously cold tone had relaxed a bit. "We- we don't know for sure yet." Wei Yunhe said. Lilan City was the closest city to the Wen Sect, and therefore the Tianmen Wen Clan always gave its protection to Lilan. Now that the city is under a demonic invasion, it's not something to be ignored. But Shen Guo felt that the demon couldn't be that powerful since there was still no big fuss about it. That is why he allowed his new disciples to treat this as training.

"Wei Yunhe, go to Lilan City with the thirteen new disciples." Shen Guo ordered.

"And Yu Lingyu, you should go too." Shen Guo finished his words. Lingyu was already on the verge of crying. He didn't need to get in trouble again. Four years ago, he participated in a similar devil hunt, and the end, he only brought disaster to himself and others. Yu Lingyu looked at Shen Guo pleadingly, but turned his eyes away and quietly left the hall. The other disciples quietly stepped forward, and the second Shixiong walked out, staring at him. In the end, only the apprentices and Yunhe were left with Lingyu there.

"Da Shixiong, can you please have a chat with the shizun again? I am no help to you at all." Lingyu said in a tone like someone who was about to cry. "Yu Shidi, don't think so low of yourself," Yunhe said softly. "Also, you know very well than others that Shizun's words cannot be changed again?"

"Da Shixiong is right. Please help us Yu Shixiong," Luo Cheng said as Shen Ming turned away with a mocking hum. "But what kind of problem is this Lilan City?" Another apprentice called out. "It's nothing too terrible San Xiong." Luo Cheng replied that since he was also a resident of Lilan, he knew more than enough about the city.

"Hmm, San Shidi asked an important question, and what Luo Shidi says is true. It seems that there is a problem with walking corpses. But not permanent." Wei Yunhe answered to appreciate two of them. "There's a lot of trouble with those bastards." Shen Ming snorted.

"I agree. They are a very unpleasant race." Another disciple Mo Dong said.

"I pity them."

"Oh, San Xiong who do you not pity?" Shen Ming asked. It was this San Jie who sympathized with the clownish poet in the dining hall too.

"I don't think so, who would want to walk around unconsciously with a worm-infested body even after death? Would you like that, Shen Xiong?" Sun Jie retaliated.

"Haha, so if they come and hang on to your body, will you kill them or have mercy?" Shen Ming huffed angrily.

"Indeed, I kill them because I pity them. Isn't that freedom for them?"

"Oh, so San Xiong you don't Loathing them? do you?" Shen Ming asked.

"Loathing and compassion are two things. Shen Xiong, can't you even understand that?"

"Alright, let's listen to Da Shixiong." Luo Cheng intervened before a long confrontation between Sun Jie and Shen Ming ensued.

San Jie also came from a rich family, and he also displayed proud traits, but they were not as severe as Shen Ming's. Also, San Jie had had more handsome figure than Shen Ming.

"A weapon and talismans are enough for self-defense, so don't worry too much. With me and Yu Shidi, we are fully equipped. It's more than enough." Wei Yunhe saw that a few students were still shaking with fear and asked them to calm down.

"Yu Shidi, could you please prepare some talismans? And Each person needs one of the emergency protection talismans." Yu Lingyu silently nodded and accepted Wei Yunhe's request. "What time do we leave?" he asked.

"We'll leave the time of three incense sticks before sunset. I'll go and arrange the transport." Wei Yunhe said rubbing his hands together. "Now you go to the cabins and rest. Assemble at the entrance gate at the appointed time."

"Oh and," Wei Yunhe turned back as he got ready to leave. "One of you help Yu Shidi draw the talismans." So, saying, he left without waiting for an answer. Once again, the hall fell into silence.