
Chapter 4 Dongpo's Deep Love (Extra extra extra update for @Liuxia Hui in Silver!)_2

Translator: 549690339

"Uh... this...," after a moment of speechlessness, Zong Ji began to make unreasonable arguments, "Heroes don't question their origins, it's the purpose that matters... don't worry about what I said, just tell me, hasn't your mom stopped objecting?"

Such a dad, vividly, is like someone who never grows up.

Even adorable might describe him.

Meng Xin Zhi clinked her empty bottle against Zong Ji's and said, "Well, let's give our comrade Zong a merit."

"How can we celebrate with an empty bottle?" Zong Ji dodged backwards, took the empty bottle from Meng Xin Zhi's hand, raised his eyebrows, "Wait, daddy will go get two more bottles of beer."

Meng Xin Zhi had no objections.

Taking advantage of the break, she looked up at the night sky.

The moon was very round tonight.

Hanging lonely in the sky.

Fortunately, the moonlight was a warm orange.

Mixed together, it didn't feel too bitterly cold from such a height.

Meng Xin Zhi suddenly wondered, since when had the moon started hanging in the sky?

[When will the moon be clear and bright?], it asks about a certain day, a certain season.

Or could it be probing deeper into the origins of the moon?

Ten minutes passed before Zong Ji came up with two bottles of draught beer.

No wonder Meng Xin Zhi had time to think so much.

Zong Ji handed one of the bottles over to Meng Xin Zhi: "Did Axin dream about singing with Madam Lisa, and that's why you wanted to watch 'The Da Vinci Code' again?"

"It's really not me who wanted to watch!" Meng Xin Zhi took the beer, helpless, "Is my sister still awake? She's saying I took her to watch it?"

Meng Xin Zhi knew that if nothing had happened when her dad went downstairs just now, he wouldn't have taken so long to fetch two beers, nor would he have shifted the topic back again as soon as he returned.

"No." Zong Ji explained on behalf of his younger daughter, "Ayi also said it was her own choice, and now she's excitedly discussing it with your mom."

"My mom doesn't believe it at all, right?" Meng Xin Zhi realized.

"Hmm. Your mom really doesn't believe it." Zong Ji didn't deny it.

Meng Xin Zhi shook her head with a look of resignation: "My mom must be crazy."

"You and your mom are just alike," Zong Ji raised his bottle and clinked it with Meng Xin Zhi's, "Your mom used the same word to describe you just now."

"Really? My mom said I'm crazy?" Although Meng Xin Zhi was surprised, she didn't argue, "That's right, if there really was someone crazy in our family, my craziness index would definitely be a little higher than my mom's."

"Have you really not dreamt about the Mona Lisa recently? Didn't you discuss anything with Madam Lisa in your dreams?"

This comrade's stance was not at all firm, obviously he was instructed to come and "hold accountable."

Even though he asked quite tactfully.

"No." Meng Xin Zhi was emphatic.

"Has Axin dreamt about anyone else recently?"

Zong Ji's biggest problem is his unconditional trust in two women—his wife and his eldest daughter.

And these two women's opinions are often opposite.

Caught in the middle, he felt both sweet and vexed.

"Yes." Meng Xin Zhi didn't hide it, "While working on my graduation project, I dreamt about Wang Runzhi."

"Wang Runzhi?" Zong Ji didn't catch on immediately, "A historical figure?"

"Mhm." Meng Xin Zhi nodded, "You should be quite familiar with her."

"No way, daddy can't have dreams about sitting with historical figures, singing and dancing, and chatting about everything." Zong Ji waved his hands dismissively.

"In the dream, Wang Runzhi told me that she was the love of Su Shi's life." Meng Xin Zhi provided a reminder.

"Hold on, the love of Su Dongpo's life?"

Zong Ji immediately thought of Su Shi's famous mournful poem "Jiang Cheng Zi · On the night of the 20th day of the first month, Yi Mao, I remember a dream."

"Separated by life and death for ten long years, I do not think, for to think is to make it even harder to forget." Zong Ji paused, "I remember that 'Jiang Cheng Zi' was written by Su Dongpo for his first wife, Wang Fu. So, did you dream about Wang Fu?"

Zong Ji's eyes shone, clearly very interested in the topic.

"No, Su Shi married twice, Wang Runzhi was his second wife. The one I dreamt about was Wang Runzhi." Meng Xin Zhi said.

"I remember now, indeed there was such a person. Wang Runzhi was Wang Fu's cousin, right?" Zong Ji said.

"Yes." Meng Xin Zhi replied, "Dongpo Jiushi had three women in his life, all surnamed Wang: his first wife Wang Fu, his second wife Wang Runzhi, and his concubine Wang ChaoYun."

"That's not necessarily true." Zong Ji hesitated to say.

"What do you mean, not necessarily?"

"Master Dongpo's concubine, named ChaoYun with the courtesy name Zixia, both given by Su Dongpo, was initially bought as a maid. Under such circumstances, it's hard to say whether she originally bore the Wang surname, don't you think so?"