
The Werewolf Princess, is from another world?

"How did I get to another world? Are those wings? I'm not your mate, put me down!" After waking up in another world, Alice doesn't understand the power she has. But will the prince of werewolves be able to help her? Can he convince her that they belong together? Can they trust each other enough to prevail against others plotting? Can true love conquer all, even when it seems like they're worlds apart? WARNING: This story has xxx scenes

Water_Joe · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 1.2 The New World

Ok, I'm not hallucinating, the wings are definitely real. Sitting up a strand of wet hair falls in front of my face. What the hell is going on? Calm down just because my hair is white, and not the dirty blonde I'm used to seeing, it's no reason to panic. Someone is just probably pulling a prank on me, yes, that makes complete sense. Hair dye can easily wash out, no need to get mad. The wings, well maybe I won't think to hard about them. So where am I, and how do I get out of here? Looking around it's like I'm in a cavern, the small pebbled beach led nowhere. The rest of the cavern was filled with water, with a massive tree right in the middle. The leaves a vibrant green that shined in the light. Small particles of dust floated in the light, making the scene look magical. Vines hung down from the only hole in the ceiling, the sunshine falling on the tree. A leaf breaks off as if on a invisible wind sways back and forth slowly, before falling into the water with a gentle ripple.

Shacking my head trying to get rid of the trance like state the beauty had caused. I feel the tier that rolled down my cheek. I can only whipe it away in confusion. Standing up, I need to find a way out of here. There might be a way under water. But swimming was never my strong suit, and with these wings it's all most impossible. I don't want to waste energy swimming around, for all I know all that water could have come from rain droping from the hole up top. Maybe if I can get to the top of the tree, I can reach one of the vines and climb out that way. I wish I knew how to work these wings, then I could just fly out of here.

Suddenly I feel my feet lift off the ground. The loss of gravity making me schreck in fright. I can feel my wings flapping gently behind me, like peddling a bike, feeling almost like a subconscious action. Energy starts filling my body, making me feel like I'm glowing. A burst of laughter escapes as a scenes of happiness overcomes me. I look back up at the hole determined to escape and see what else awaits me.