
Chapter 4

It's time for me to go downstairs and greet everyone. I am so nervous, I look to my friends as a last plea to not make me go down there. I have social anxiety, I may not show it but it's there alright. I finally muster up the courage to go downstairs. I am greeted by my father and surprised to see Jaxon with a beautiful woman hanging off of his arm, and then Peter and Theo tugging at their suits per usual. I see the tears in my father's eyes as he tells me that he wishes my mother was here to see how grown up I am.

I greet everyone with a short speech on how I am grateful for everyone being able to make it and how I hope that my mate is somewhere in the crowd.

Its 6:30 now and I will not start the shifting process until 10 so J might as well mingle and enjoy myself.


3 hours later:

I go upstairs and have a half an hour to change, and get a quick shower in to take off all of the makeup and hairspray and be back downstairs. The entire time I am starting to freak out about the stories of the shifting process being extremely painful and can even kill a werewolf.

My father comes to get me and calms me down by saying that him and my brothers are there for me. We walk downstairs and out to the field where everyone is waiting. I start counting down until the shift will start.






I start to feel and hear the breaking of my bones and all I can do is fall to the ground and let out and agonizing scream. My father is by my side telling me that I am doing a great job and it will be over soon.

20 minutes have passed and I am standing on 4 white paws. All I hear from everyone is gasping. I look to my father and he says your are all white. Now a little background about that, white wolves are rare and usually have 2 mates and can be of any race, which confirms I have 2 mates. Oh and I met my wolf's voice Sierra. She coachs me to shift back and tells me to think of my body and I naturally shift back and Callie hands me some clothes to change into. After changing into the clothes the unmated men line up and I go down the line and once I get to the end I didnt find them which means they is either not here, they are not werewolves, or maybe 5hey are werewolves. But I am not allowed to travel the world until I finish school in 7 months.