
The Werewolf CEO That Got Me Pregnant

Stella Veronica is a beautiful woman who has been married for 7 years with a man named Jasper Kurt. But she often gets bad treatment from her husband. Because her husband was fed up with her. Because she didn't get pregnant right away. However, due to an incident at the hotel where her husband works, Stella, who is drunk, has slept with the handsome CEO. Her husband's boss. And she was pregnant with the child of her husband's superior. So how will this love triangle end? And what will happen if Jasper finds out that the child that is being conceived by Stella is the son of his own boss, a werewolf who is a handsome CEO of a well-known Skin Care company in New York City? [ WSA THEME : WEREWOLF ]

luluk_muddawamatul · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
188 Chs

Stella who wished that she was pregnant

"Yes, sir. The page you are referring to is correct, sir. So please be more careful in the future because our meeting today is an important meeting to attract several investors so that they can invest their shares in our company, Sir!" Chloe she said to her boss Dexter Franklin that day. At the meeting that they were attending at that time.


"Thank you Chloe. Since you have explained to me and warned me to be more careful again. Alright then, let's continue this meeting again!" Said by Dexter while he whispering to his assistant Chloe, who had warned him of the negligence he had just made, at an important meeting that day.


Dexter he then resumed the material he conveyed at the meeting. And luckily everyone who was there, everyone who attended that important meeting understood the mistake he had just made.


"Hmmm, it could be that Mr. Dexter is feeling tired because he always has a lot of work, and also our Éclat Beauty Skincare company which is getting more and more known outside of USA. So it's not surprising that he can make mistakes like this!" Said one of his employees, at the meeting that was being attended by that Dexter Franklin as well as some of the top managers in his company, as well as several potential investors who would invest shares in his company.


After the meeting he was doing was over, he then returned to his room. To the room where he was recognized as the CEO of the owner of the skin care company. At that time, as usual Chloe who was working as his assistant, also gave a number of the important summaries of the meeting, regarding the opinions of a number of investors in his company. And fortunately on that day, all the investors who wanted to be Dexter's co-workers were willing to invest to their company. They are willing to advance the skin care company Éclat Beauty, which is owned by him.


"Here, sir. I have attached a number of the results from our meeting earlier. And I am grateful that all investors who came to our meeting agreed with the materials that you have conveyed earlier. Because for them the prospect of developing our Skin Care will be wider. And again known in markets outside of the USA. So they must believe that our company will be much more exposed outside of USA in the future, especially in here in the USA itself!" Said Chloe, she who explained a number of the results of the meeting that was attended by her boss.


"Okay then, Chloe. Thank you very much because you have helped me with all my work which sometimes makes me unable to focus on what I have to do. Thank you very much again I say to you. And now you can go. You now,  you can leave my room!" Said Dexter to his assistant Chloe, to immediately to leave his room.


"Thank you and okay then, sir. And if later there is something you ask of me, then I am always available in the front room, where I am always on standby, sir!" Chloe she then said goodbye to her boss, as she left Dexter's room.


In his room, Dexter he still remembers what happened last night he spent with that beautiful woman, his one night love. He couldn't forget the incident because even though there were so many women he had asked out and slept with, there was absolutely nothing that could make his heart really fall in love like that night. And Dexter he was very sorry why he didn't ask or look for the identity of the woman.


"I was really unlucky this morning. I was stupid not to find out what the name of that woman was. Where did she live. And where did she come from. Why did I leave her in such a hurry this morning? Ah, if only  I wasn't in a rush this morning, I would have known about her identity!" Said Dexter who was annoyed with himself, because he could not find out the identity of the woman he had already slept with that night.


Dexter he really couldn't concentrate on his work that day. He just daydreamed after he attended an important meeting that day. For some reason he felt that when he met this beautiful woman, he really felt another aura from the beautiful woman he had slept with that night. Sincerity, love, loyalty, and disappointment can be clearly revealed from the look in that woman's eyes. The thing that made him really fall in love with her. Because all this time that every woman he had met, there was nothing like the woman who was heavily drunk that night, the woman whose name he did not know who was brought by him to the hotel room where he rested that night. Dexter he only vents his lust for all the women he has ever known without any love. But that night he really fell in love with her. He actually didn't have the heart to leave her that morning. However, because of his work that was waiting for him at the office, Dexter was very forced to leave that woman, in the hotel room where he had just launched the newest product from his Èclat Beauty skin care.


Meanwhile at Stella's house, she is busy cleaning up and also continuing her work as a wife and at the same time a housewife who has to do everything at home alone, without any help from anyone. Stella she actually wants to work for money, just like her husband. However, because her husband Jasper really wanted a child, he forbade her to work. Because Jasper he was afraid that if his wife was too tired, then she did not get pregnant. Despite the fact that their marriage has been going on for seven years, Stella she has never gotten pregnant. Stella she sometimes feels bored too, because she and her husband are alone in their house without the baby's crying that adorns their household, from the first year of their marriage until that time.


"Ah, if only there was a baby in my stomach that my husband missed. Jasper sure would be very happy. If there was a baby in my stomach, I think surely he will welcomed the arrival of the baby. But I think it would be very impossible if there was a life in my stomach. But I don't know, what will happen, I hope it can happen. If I get pregnant I think my baby can make my husband even happier in loving me and also maintaining our household!" Stella she muttered in that afternoon, after she finished packing her house which was neither too big nor too small for her and her husband Jasper.