
The Werewolf CEO That Got Me Pregnant

Stella Veronica is a beautiful woman who has been married for 7 years with a man named Jasper Kurt. But she often gets bad treatment from her husband. Because her husband was fed up with her. Because she didn't get pregnant right away. However, due to an incident at the hotel where her husband works, Stella, who is drunk, has slept with the handsome CEO. Her husband's boss. And she was pregnant with the child of her husband's superior. So how will this love triangle end? And what will happen if Jasper finds out that the child that is being conceived by Stella is the son of his own boss, a werewolf who is a handsome CEO of a well-known Skin Care company in New York City? [ WSA THEME : WEREWOLF ]

luluk_muddawamatul · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
188 Chs

Chapter 32

Dexter was just trying to figure out how he could send Jasper to a meeting on the next day. In his room that day, he spent almost on a half the day in his working room, devising a strategy so that on the next day he could meet Stella, Jasper's wife.

"Hmmm, I'd better get Jasper right away to be able to replace me as the representative of this company to meet with them, the clients of this company that Chloe was referring to. And I think I can tell Jasper that I have an appointment to see my personal doctor, at the hospital that I subscribe to, to Chloe. So that Chloe she can accompany Jasper to meet this company's clients tomorrow. That doesn't seem like a bad idea, Dexter. Hmmm, you really are a brilliant werewolf!" He said in his heart, while he smiling happily.

Then he immediately asked Chloe to come into his room. And he then asked Chloe to call Jasper, so that the man would immediately meet him in his room.

Through the office phone, and Dexter also asked Chloe to come into his room immediately. After a few minutes Dexter was waiting, then Chloe was also present in front of his room.

"Knock, knock, knock!" There was a knock on Dexter's door from the outside.

"That's where you are Chloe, aren't you?. Hmmm, come in Chloe. It's okay. I did ask you to do something for me!" Dexter asked her from the inside of his room.

Then Chloe then came in and asked Dexter what things that he wanted to ask her for, things that Chloe could do.

"What's the matter, Mr. Dexter?. Looks like something important, huh?. Until you, Mr. Dexter called me like this?" Asked the assistant of him, Chloe the assistant of Dexter.

"Yes, I want to ask you for help. Please call that Jasper to come over here. Yes, there is one thing I want to tell him. Oh Yeah, it seems like this Chloe, tomorrow I can't accompany you to meet our client. Because I forgot that tomorrow I had an appointment with a doctor at the hospital, some time ago. My personal doctor I've ever visited. So I hope you can very professionally accompany Jasper in his work, please help him and please cooperate with the both of you!" Dexter said to Chloe at that afternoon, in his room, just before Chloe called Jasper for him.

"Okay then, Mr. Dexter. I will definitely carry out all of the orders from you, Mr. Dexter. So then, I went to Mr. Jasper's room first and asked him to come in here to see you, Mr. Dexter!" Chloe asked Dexter.

"Yes, please just call him here. So I want to talk to him one on one eye, person to person, Chloe!" Dexter said, he that asking Chloe to hurry to Jasper's working room.

Then Chloe then she went to meet Jasper in his room.

"Excuse me Mr. Jasper. Are you busy?" Chloe asked him from the front door of Jasper's room.

"Oh, hi Chloe. There's nothing really important I'm working on right now, just come Chloe. Please come inside!" Jasper answered Chloe at that moment.

"You see, sir. I was asked by Mr. Dexter so that you can have a one on one, person to person conversation, with him. So now, you are being asked by Mr. Dexter to go to see him right now!" Chloe said as she hurriedly left Jasper's room.

"Oh well then. Let's just go over there!"

Jasper then followed where Chloe's footsteps went, and Chloe then asked Jasper to go into Dexter's room by himself.

"Then excuse me to heading back to my room again, Mr. Jasper!" Chloe said to Jasper, in that afternoon.

"Oh yeah, thanks Chloe. Then I'll go inside, shall I!" Jasper replied as he knocked on Dexter Franklin's room door.

Because the door of Dexter's room was knocked from the outside, Dexter then asked him to just go inside of his room.

"Yes please come in. I've been waiting for you!" Asked Dexter, to the manager of his New York branch company, Jasper.

And then Jasper, he immediately entered Dexter Franklin's room.

"What's wrong, Mr. Dexter?. Ah, looks like you have something important to tell me, sir?" Jasper asked the CEO of him, Dexter.

"Yes, indeed there is something. There is one important thing that I want to ask you to do tomorrow. Actually there is a client from our company, who asked for a meeting to be held. But not in our company. you should do it for me!. Because I have an appointment to see my personal doctor at the hospital tomorrow. And because I have one thing or another that I have to discuss with my doctor, and I can't postpone it tomorrow. So I beg it to you Mr. Jasper. Please replace me. Don't worry, you will not be alone tomorrow. Because there is Chloe, my secretary, who will guide you in doing all of the things of the meeting tomorrow, Mr Jasper!. This is an important order that I want you to do, for you to carry out according to my orders!" Dexter asked his Manager, Jasper.

"Oh yes, okay sir. I will try. After all, it is very rare for a boss to give a trust to a new manager, just like this. So how can I refuse it, sir?. Because this is a part of my job!" Said Jasper who answered Dexter's words, the boss of him.

"Well then, Mr. Jasper. It looks like tomorrow's meeting will be held from 8 am to finish. Maybe the meeting will take almost all day. So later you can just call Chloe in her room, for more details. And now you can leave my room!. I only asked you to come here because I just want to convey my intentions and the objectives of it directly, so that you can replace me at a meeting with our company clients, tomorrow!. That's all, Mr. Jasper!" Dexter said to him, who let Jasper to leave the room of him.

"Okay then, Mr. Dexter. Then I'll go to find Chloe in her room. Thanks again, sir!" Jasper said as he hurriedly left the Dexter's room, as he headed towards to the room of his boss' secretary, Chloe.