Rose, the beautiful, smart, and strong girl, went undercover to participate in the biggest knight contest in the kingdom. She wanted to become one of Prince Hans's honorable knights due to her father's debt. But, there was something that she didn't know about. Her master was a werewolf. How will she react to that secret? And why does everyone keep calling her" Rosalina"?
Rose's tears didn't stop from falling, out of the shock. She finally admitted it.
" I...I'm...Rosalina! "
The stone was glowing in her hand like a star, then she felt a big amount of energy going through her body.
Hans was watching what is happening to her:
" The stone! It worked on her again! But why did her hair color change?
- Rose! Your hair? Are you...Perhaps....?
She looked at him with those red eyes.
- I'm Rosalina.....I'm the princess of Romalia and the daughter of the great king, king Julius.
Hans didn't believe what he just heard, he touched her face gently.
- Rose.....Rosalina? You remembered!
- Yes, I remembered everything, KALEB.
At that moment he hugged her tightly.
- I'm sorry...I'm very sorry.....You died because of me.
- No, I chose to protect you and I never regret it. Stop blaming yourself it wasn't your fault, rather than that, it was that witch's fault.