
The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

After discovering about her wealthy husband's affair, she humiliates the adulterous pair on the streets and divorces him the very next morning. Just as everyone anticipates her downfall, she goes on to marry the most brilliant bachelor in the nation whom her unfaithful former husband cannot hold a candle to! "Aren't your mother's legs always hurting? It hasn't gotten any better despite seeking help from various doctors." "How did you know that?" "Not only do I know why her legs hurt, I can also treat her condition." "As long as you can treat my mother, I'll give you anything you want." "I want money." After An Xiaoning uses her psychic powers to break the curse of a poltergeist, she earns herself a fortune as well as a perfect man of her dreams. Don't be daunted by her psychic powers, for this book isn't terrifying at all!

An Xiaoning · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1515 Chs

I'm Not Wearing Any Clothes

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"What's wrong? Taking it out on me just because you failed to take your husband in hand? Your husband has already slept with me, and it's been more than just once. Anything wrong with that? I have always been the only one Qingyan loved before he met you, little wretch. If it weren't for you, I would've already become his wife long ago!" Chi Rui'er sneered, placing a hand on her face.

Unable to tolerate what he was hearing any further, Fan Shixin interjected, "That's enough, Ms. Chi."

"How dare you! She may be your Young Madam now, but she will be stripped of that title in no time. Try continuing to defend her and you shall face the consequences once I become his lawful wife," Chi Rui'er glowered at him menacingly.

"We'll talk about that when it happens," replied Fan Shixin, completely dismissing her warning. He then asked An Xiaoning softly, "Young Madam, do we bring Young Sir home?"