
Beach Volley

"Hey! Dive! Get it up!" 

A young cute female shouted with her frilly blue sundress that was slightly dirty from some mud as she eyed a beach volleyball falling slowly to the ground. 


With a click of his tongue, a tall slightly tanned guy who stood shirtless heard her girlish scream and dived at the ball, rolling in the mud as his hand connected with the ball and narrowly passed over the net. 

His lean muscles flexed as he stood back up with a slightly bored look on his face. Alas, his slightly bored and indifferent look only turned on the ladies that stood by the area and watched the ongoing match. 

With another rush of their cheers and screams, the match continued with Layla's team in the lead due to Ling's unfair height advantage. 

"Little girl! Play properly! We need to win!" Claire slapped Chris's back who stood in the front row with an annoyed look on his face.