
The Weakest Otherworlder

In a world where everyone was gifted an opportunity to devour everything in front of them, but what if that opportunity was out of reach? And suddenly a being that they called a God came down and gave everyone a spoon so they could reach them and devour them? Everyone devoured all those opportunities and satiated their greed. Power, wealth, you name it. But there was a person who could only watch those people satiating themselves with a spoonful of power and wealth. So, he prayed to that so-called God. "Please! Just give me an opportunity just like the others, God! Even if it's just a tiny bit! I would really appreciate it!" A young man with messy long gray hair asked God with tears in his eyes as he watched the people around him being killed by Otherworlders. [You have been chosen] [God has gifted you the power to devour all opportunities!] [Welcome, Candidate Alseace LaRoze] "You're kidding, right?" Alseace asked in a trembling voice and forced a smile as he stared at the ability God gave him. "What the fuck am I going to do with this?!" He shouted at God who gave him the ability and glared at the cloudy night. While everyone was given a normal spoon, Alseace LaRoze was given a spoon with a giant hole that even a grain of sand would be hard to pick off with it. Alseace chuckled in disbelief and started laughing as the people around him screamed in agony. "You gave me an ability called Leftover?! Don't joke around!" Alseace screamed his lungs out. [God gave you what you wished for, be grateful]

Iqfauli · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs

Chapter 16: Physical examination.

"You want me to make a recommendation letter for Alseace?" Gratya looked at Sierra with a confused look.

"Yes, I want him to join the Emissary so he can enter the vortex and high-rank portal," Sierra nodded her head as she sat down and joined Katya and Gratya's table. "Can you do that for me?"

Katya glanced at Gratya and they both shared a look since it was something out of the blue. They never thought Sierra would ask for a favor, and it was the first time ever.

"I could, but a recommendation letter won't guarantee his way in and become the agent of Emissary. He still needs to prove his worth, his knowledge, and his skill to the Emissary. If he even failed on one of them, he won't be accepted," Gratya gave a reply and explanation to Sierra that basically said she was powerless.

"Becoming an agent of Emissary is like devoting themselves to helping people. They have to be able to give the best answer, and solution, and even lend a hand to whoever is in need. It's not something that Alseace wants, right?" Gratya asked since she knew Alseace didn't like getting involved in things that were unnecessary for him.

Sierra looked at Alseace behind the counter and was talking to Elenoir and Ando, "Let's ask the kid." "Alseace, come here for a second," Sierra waved her hand at Alseace.

Alseace walked around the counter and approached them. He then listened to Sierra and Gratya about becoming an agent of Emissary. He already knew about it and decided that it was fine as long as he could have access to the portals and vortexes.

"If you're fine with it, I guess I can make you a recommendation letter. You have proved yourself in that vortex a few months ago, and the only problem now is your knowledge and your skill," Gratya said as she crossed her arms and legs. "If you asked me a few months ago, I could help you with that since I was a department head, but now I got promoted and became a secretary of the Emissary President, my hands are full," Gratya continued and looked a bit sad.

"Even if I want to help, I don't know much about the test," Katya said before Sierra could propose to her as Alseace's mentor. "Isn't that guy there, in the academy? Your colleague? He's teaching in the academy, so that means he can help him, right?" Katya looked at Gratya with her eyebrows raised.

"Harth?" Gratya asked back. "I'll ask him," Gratya pulled out her phone and immediately made a phone call.

While they were waiting for Gratya, Katya told Alseace and Sierra about the academy that had just opened for Candidates called Pave Academy. It was basically a school to nurture and pull out their inner talents at an early age. The academy was mostly for younger kids of age 13 up to 20 before they could go out there and choose their own path.

The academy was also a perfect place for guilds to scout for strong Candidates and bring them to their sides. The idea for the academy came from Katya, and she proposed it to the other Guildmasters from East Dasmein. Her idea was welcomed and agreed to create a perfect academy under the Emissary's supervision.

"What do you think?" Sierra looked at Alseace.

"Do I really have to join the academy? I think it would be a waste of time since I already have the best teacher here. I only need basic knowledge to become an agent," Alseace answered.

"Oh, you don't have to. You're only an academy student in name, and you can just focus on your study there for a few months. Of course, you still have to follow some rules there," Katya said and drank her iced coffee. "Since I'm one of the founders, I can let you get some freedom in there," Katya pointed out.

Alseace hummed and nodded his head with understanding. Gratya then came back and sat down next to Sierra since she wanted to be close to her.

"He said that he doesn't mind and will teach you how to be an agent," Gratya looked at Alseace with a smile. "But before that, I need to test how strong you have become because I heard from Miss Red that you're no longer the same Alseace from before," Gratya said with a serious expression.

Katya raised her eyebrows and she looked intrigued by the conversation.

"A test? What kind of test?" Alseace asked.

"Every kind of test. I want you to be in the Emissary headquarters at 7 in the morning. You'll see what kind of test you're going to take," Gratya answered as she looked at her phone.

"Well, since we are going to leave in three days, it's better for you to buy all the necessities for your stay there in the dorm after you take the test. I'll let the principal knows in the morning tomorrow," Katya said as she put on her suit that she put over her shoulders. "It's already late, can I sleep here for the night, Miss Red? I miss my room," Katya asked as she stood up.

Sierra nodded and let Katya stay for the night. She told Katya where the pillows and the blanket were, and then Katya went upstairs to grab them.

Elenoir and the others joined the table since they overheard Sierra's conversation with Katya and Gratya. Elenoir was saddened when she heard Alseace was going to leave West Dasmein.

The next morning, Alseace went to Emissary headquarters with Sierra since she wanted to see the test as well. The moment they arrived, Alseace was surprised that everyone was there waiting for him because of the same reason as Sierra.

Alseace was escorted by Gratya herself with Ando and the others following them from behind. They all ended up in a test room with so many devices to test and evaluate each status.

"Your first test is your strength. Try to lift this steel chain over here," Gratya said as she pointed at the big chain with her hand.

Alseace looked at the chain that was connected to the center of the wall and believed there might be something behind the wall. He walked toward the first link of the chain that was as big as a bus tire which was a third of his height.

Alseace picked it up with one hand so casually, and it surprised them since a single link of the chain weight was 500 Kg. Sierra was giggling as she watched on the chair since she already knew how strong he was.

"You need at least 20 Strength to lift it up..." Ando said since he often times watched his guild members do the test.

"What was your record?" Elenoir looked at Ando.

"I could lift it up and pull 4 links. I used my Frenzy skill and I pulled 7 links," Ando answered as he looked at Alseace in disbelief.

Gratya cleared her throat, "Now pull the chain as far as you could."

Alseace casually walked back as he held the link. They looked at the second link that got lifted, the third link, the fourth link, and the fifth link. Their jaws dropped when Alseace pulled all the 10 links of the chain and he didn't look like he was struggling.

"This is..." Ando glared at Alseace in disbelief. "How much strength does he have?!" Ando turned around to look at Sierra.

"That's something you should ask him, not me," Sierra answered as she sucked the candy in her mouth.

Gratya approached Alseace and asked about his Strength status point. Alseace wrote it down on the paper on the clipboard that Gratya held, and she was speechless when she saw the amount.

"265? How in heaven did you get that many points?!" Gratya tried so hard to say it quietly since she didn't want the others to hear her. "I don't think there's a reason for you to tell me anyway... Let's just go to the next test," Gratya pointed at the screen on the wall.

Alseace looked at the colorful dots on the 120-inch screen in front of him. There were a total of ten colored dots as big as a tennis ball.

"What's your Dexterity?" Gratya asked as she was operating the screen.

"263 points," Alseace looked at the dots.

Gratya blinked her eyes repeatedly and tried to process what she had just heard. She then cleared her throat and operated on the screen. Suddenly the dots shrunk and became as big as a fingertip. She then instructed that each color represent each fingertip, and he had to tap it as fast as he could.

"You have a minute, and try to touch as many dots as possible. Go!" Gratya tapped the screen.

Alseace tapped all the dots and didn't miss a single one of them. Gratya and the others couldn't blink their eyes because they wanted to see his fast fingers and reflexes.

"2458 dots per minute, with 100% accuracy..." Gratya said as she looked at the results on the screen. "That's like 41 dots per second..." Gratya looked at Alseace in awe.

"What's the highest record?" Alseace asked.

"612 dots per minute and that person has 71 Dexterity," Gratya answered as she rubbed the bridge of her nose. "So you weren't lying..." Gratya glanced at Alseace who seemed a bit disappeared with the result.

Knowing that Alseace didn't lie about his status, Gratya decided to accept it and prepared for the next test.

Two hours had passed and he excelled in every test and created a new record that would be impossible to beat. Everyone was dumbfounded and speechless by the result. They wanted to know Alseace's status points, but Gratya kept her lips sealed since it was confidential.

"I believe Alseace is more than qualified to become an agent of Emissary, isn't that right, Gratya?" Sierra asked with her right eyebrow raised and smirked at Gratya.

"Yes..." Gratya nodded her head and still couldn't believe that Alseace had become the strongest Candidate in Dasmein.

"Since we are done here, I should bring Alseace to the mall since he has to buy new clothes and other stuff," Sierra said as she held Alseace's hand and dragged him out of the test room, but then she stopped and turned around. "Gratya, if Alseace's information got leaked, you'll have to take responsibility. Do you understand?" Sierra stared at Gratya with a cold expression.

"I promise as the Emissary and as Gratya Adein that Alseace's information will not be revealed to anyone," Gratya said with a serious expression.