
Chapter 7

“Those two youngsters back there. I don’t think either of them could have been in their teens. Such a waste they’re already set on a life of crime.”

“They’re the waste. Waste of space.”

“There is good in all people.”

I wanted to argue, but…well, it wouldn’t have been right.

“I didn’t thank you properly. Without you intervening, I—”

“You buying me that meal was thanks enough. This bus fare took most of my spending money, and I’ve still got to pay for a taxi when I get to Cleveland.

“You must let me give you some money, then.”

“No way! Sorry, Jerry, but no, I should have enough.”

“You really do live up to your surname, don’t you?”


“You were a true knight back there.”

“Give over.” I was blushing again. “I only did what was right.”

“But not everybody would. A couple of people came into the bathroom while I was being, um…but when they saw what was going on, they turned and left.”

“Really? Sounds a bit like the parable of the good Samaritan, doesn’t it?”