

Being a good student isn't anything cool or fulfilling.

I have been a top graded in school and high school.

Its not like I was a natural genius who could understand any chapters and solve any problems from

the start,I studied hard for that.

I was average then I started to study seriously hard from morning to mid night and slept only for 5-6 hours,

then only I became a good scorer in exams.

But what have I accomplished in my life until now...?

All I have done is "STUDY" thats it.

I have neither gone out with my friends socialized and gone on a vacation with them.

I neither have girlfriend or a sport I can basically play.

I am a sore loser in my life.

I am obese and ugly.

My face is full with acnes and dark circles with messy hairs.

AHH...!I hate myself,I have to listen every day about how I look gross and fat from my parents,teachers,friends,relatives and even from strangers I haven't met before.Basically every curse me for my looks.

Its not like I want to look fat and gross... "SOB" "SOB"

I tried every thing i could to lose fat 'diet','exercise',and even 'starving' but...nothing changed

I hate this life and accursed world.

uhh....F..U..C..K.. I hate this,its not like i love being fat and all but these people every time and every where all they do is shame me of my looks.


I shouted in frustration!

"Shit,fuck it all I am going out to eat."


I walked towards the door ,opened it and went outside,

In anger I cursed,"This damn POKHARA and its weather always"

Why is it raining now of all damn time it could rain...,

Guess, I have to run to the store for food, "TAP" "TAP" "TAP" "Huff" "Huff"

Shit running these short distance is causing me to breathing hard its really hard being a obese i cant do a single thing properly like i want.

"CLACK" he opens shops door

Hey! sir can I get a "Braised chicken" and "Salad" packed quickly?

Shopkeeper replied,"Please wait 2 minutes for your meal"

Thanks sir

"After 2 minutes"

Here you go sir your meal,

With smile"Thank you for your service sir!"

I walked out of the shop and walked towards the nearby park for sheltering from rain and eating the food he bought from the store.

With excitement,"lets eat this meal quickly,I am very hungry right now"

Its good that i can eat braised chicken and salad at least as it don't contain much carbs but have proteins and necessary nutrients i need from my food to at least remain healthy and not be weak enough to just drop from slight force.

I reached the park's place for eating and sheltering from rain and starts eating.

"Man its pouring down a lot and the thunders are also so frightening"

Lets eat fast and return home exams are coming i have to review my PHYSICS lessons.

I ate and threw all the waste inn the dustbin near the place I was eating.

The place he was living was across the parks in the other end from where he was currently eating.

The wind also started blowing crazy with the bass of thunderstorm and sound of the rain as it was singing the song of god of Destruction "SHIVA" itself for pleasing him.

I dashed towards the other end of the park with full speed i could "TAP" "TAP"

"WHOOOO" the gust of wind with dirt blew my hair and some sand entered the eye while my hair were blowing as it was dancing with the rythm of wind, I rubbed my eyes to make sand particles that were in my eyes to move out,

My eyes were full of tears I couldn't see properly,

Suddenly "ZAP" a bright light hit me but i clearly saw that as it was in slow motion,

White light slowly came towards me and ingulfed me in it, after a while i could only hear "TUN..."

Slowly all the white light disappeared and i couldn't hear anything too,

I waited a bit hoping I will wake at a hospital,



Nothing happened, I couldn't hear,see,feel and smell anything,

MOM ,DAD I am scared I don't want to die,

'I could feel like i was drowning into nothingness and i am fading way'

NOO... I don't want to die yet,

I haven't served my parent as the eldest son,

I haven't achieved anything yet,

I haven't fulfilled my goal yet, I can't die without having a single girlfriend

NOOO.... I am scared to die.. " I cant die yet" "At least i don't want to die as a loser"

While I was falling in despair I saw a whisk of light far ahead of me.

There was nothing in my mind i just moved towards it,

Slowly little by little i could feel i was going nearer and nearer the light.

I felt warmer and could hear some voices as i moved towards it,

when i reached the light, it actually felt i was just struggling to open my eyes properly and the warmth was of the sun and people holding me.

I felt relieved as i thought i was in hospital and was being treated by the doctor and under anesthesia i am not in proper senses.


When I opened my eyes after sometime I could hear people laughing and see people happy around me,

I was confused as I wasn't in a hospital but in a very grand and beautiful room with a beautiful women holding me in her arms and a strong looking man hugging her and looking me.

"Who are you" I tried to talk but to my surprise i couldn't,

I could feel my limbs,so i tries moving it, all i could see was a small babies arms...

I was surprised and uncontrollably my cries came out "WAH" "WAH"

I could understand the language they were talking,


"SON DONT CRY I WILL TAKE YOU OUT TO TRAIN WHEN YOU GROW UP",man beside beautiful woman said.

I realized only then that i was isekaied and they were my parents.