
The way it happen (Hawks x reader)

jennahryleigh04 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs


Your POV

Waking up the next moving all wrapped up in Keigo's wings. It's like a warm feathery blanket. It's so soft too! 'Damn it's only 9:36, ugh i'm so tired i tell myself'. I tried to get out from under Keigo's wings, hoping not to wake him up. As an apology for last night i figured i'll make breakfast.

I was finally able to get from under him. God it took forever tho. He wouldn't let go!! mDumb bird' i giggle to myself. I walk into the kitchen and walk over to the fridge. I pullout eggs bacon, bread and chicken. I started with the bacon, after that was all done i cooked the chicken and started the pancakes. Which the smell of those woke him up. He comes up all silent, walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head on my shoulder. "Good morning" he said ima tired voice. I didn't blame him. I felt really bad for last night, and that's why i'm making food. Make it up to him.

"Good morning birdie" i replied while flipping the pancakes over. "Why you making all this food?" he still has his hands wrapped around me. "Well i wanted to apologize for yesterday. I fell bad and it's my fault" my face went from a smile to a frown with sadness in my eyes. His arms wrap me tighter and started kissing my neck. "No- it's my - fault" he said in between kisses. They were soft kisses, and he made sure not to leave a mark. I let out a soft moan as he kept doing it. Slowly lifting his hand up my shirt and playing with my brest. I poke him in the face and he backs away. "owwwwww why you do thattttt?" he said in a baby voice. "I'm making food and i don't want it to burn!" As i finished up the pancakes i took the chicken off and finished up with cooking the eggs. Carefully breaking the shell with one hand, placing them into the center of the bread already laying in the pan. (That was one of your favorite things your patents made). "Keigo food is done." i yelled while putting all the food on the table.

He comes back down stairs with dripping wet hair and let me just say holy crap~ he looks hotter.... didn't think that was possible. I couldn't help but stair. He catches me staining and chucked. "Take a pic kid itll last longer." he said with a smug look. I pull out my camer and take the picture "Done" i say with a smile. He just looks at me with confusion. "What... you said to!" "Nice one kid" We finish eating and he thanked me for making the food. I went into my room pulled out cloths and went to the bathroom to shower.

I turned the water on and waited for it to warm up. It took about two minutes and i hopped right in. I realized about 10 minutes into my shower i forgot a towel. "KEIGO!!! HELPPPP MEEEE" I yell hopefully it get to him. He comes flying in thinking i was hurt or something I don't know. "Y/n!?! Are you ok what happen!!?" he panics. "huh!? ohh nothing i just forgot a towel. Could you be a dear and get me one. I open the current just enough for him to see my head and pulled out the puppie dog eyes. "No" he threw in my face.

"No!?! Your kidding right!?! Keigo i swear to god. If you do not get my a towel I will hurt you." I said and looked back out and he was gone! "You little bish!! I HOPE YOUR GETTING THAT TOWEL." i yelled at him. About 10 minutes go buy and i'm practically dry but still no towel. "You know what fuck it! I get out and walk to my room... Necked. And see Keigo sitting on my bed like we was waiting for me to get back. I have my old cloths coving my boobs and crotch. "Your a bitch" i say and throw my cloths at him. I walk over the bed and grab the towel from him.

A few minutes after getting dressed I walked to the living room and punched Keigo in the shoulder. "That's for not getting me the towel."

"Brat" he replied. "Say kid do you have a nice gown or something to wear to the gala?" he questioned me. "Uhhhhh-" i went blank. "No.... Do I have to dress up!?!" i panicked cause i hateeee dresses and heels. "Well yea kid it's a "Gala" you know means fancy." He looked at me with those sweet eyes. Ugh those eyes. "AGH FINE". But i'm going shopping with Ayaka! " I look at him with a mad face.

Ayaka's POV

Those hands gripped around my neck, her long forest green hair draping over my shoulders as she pinned me against the bed. The pits where her eyes should be, the dark red bloody ring around her neck... she began to speak in a voice that wasn't possibly human "Th-is... this i-is your fault... THIS IS YOUR FAULT YOU WORTHLESS CHILD YOU-" cold blood dripped through my shirt as her neck began to bleed as she screamed words that dug deeper than any blade then a snap... my neck.

I shot up feeling my neck then moved my hand over my mouth before racing to the bathroom and puking into the toilet, tears streaming down my cheeks and dripping off my chin. I heard footsteps but before I could turn I vomited once more. My hair was pulled back by those scared hands who held me hours before. He kept my hair back as I continued to puke and held it there till my stomach was satisfied.

" Deep breaths, it's not real, you're okay" the males voice was deep and cold but there was kindness, behind that cold mask, he was just a man... he was mine. Those words broke me as I turned and buried myself in his arms. He held me as I broke down and he didn't judge he never did.

The next morning I woke up on the bed feeling exhausted and my eyes hurt. I glanced around the room before seeing the empty spot next to me and I shot up and began to panic for no apparent reason. As if on cue the man walked through the door with a bowl of soup and a weak smile " Morning flower"

I tried to hide the smile that creeped at the corners of my mouth before I gave in. He placed the bowl on the nightstand before sitting next to me and running his long fingers through my hair

" How are you feeling" he asked softly as I reached up and held his hand on my cheek

" I don't know if i could feel any better now that you're here derp"

A deep chuckle slipped out as he pinched my cheek " Looks like i have no choice but to stay by your side"

" Nope!" I giggled before moving up to my knees and moved up to kiss his forehead " Thank you..."

A dark smirk sneaked in as he pulled my chin down and planted the forehead kiss right against his lips. I wish It could always be like this, the stolen kisses, the conversations, the shared bed...

After a few moments he pulled away and wrapped his arms around my waist

" What's on your mind?"

" The fact that your pipes may be filled with flowers soon and the oh so poor League of villains will have to hire plumbing"

His eyes widened for a moment then he placed me on his lap and began to do my hair... Apparently he was good at braids which shocked me at first but now I find it normal for him to do my hair.

Once he was done I got up and looked at him as he sat on the bed

" I wonder If Y/N has fucked hawks or not, wouldn't put it past her ia mean his an eye catcher i'll give him that"

His face grew dim as he stood and lifted my chin

" I don't want you to say another mans name hero or not"

"What if i want to say that i'll kill my father, he's a man?"

Silence... He let out a sigh

" Sometimes i wonder how you havent been expelled from schools"

" If someone tells me not to do something that tends to perk my interest and push the limits"

He smirked

" Is that what happens when people say don't befriend a villain?"

" and yet I fucked one last night, you get my point?"

That smile... I had never seen him show it to anyone but me. In the next hour I got into my dress and brown lace up boots and drank the soup he gave to me as he tidies his room up a bit. We began to walk near the dorms before he pulled me into an alleyway and looked down at me

" Please... tell me if that happens again... you shouldnt deal with it alone"

I raised a hand and placed it against his cheek, feeling the scar that most feared looking at

" I know you suffer too and I need you to promise that you won't be stubborn and tell me when you have sleepless nights as well"

He leaned in and planted a soft kiss which was anwer enough. I began to walk back to school afterwards feeling like I left a part of me in that ally and wanted to run right back to him but i couldn't, at least not yet

One day, one day i'll tell the world I love him One day i will prove I am stronger than my father and all with dabi by my side

All of a sudden i got a text from Y/n.

Y/n🌦: Heyyy Ayaka!! I was wondering if you wanted to help me pick out a dress for the hero's gala i'm going to with Hawks in a few days. You know i don't do fancy dressing up crap. Sooooo? 🥺

to Y/n🌦: Your lucky i love you. Met you at the mall in 20!

I put my phone in my back pocket and turned on my heels and started going towards the mall. It took me about 10 minutes to walk there. I had got there a little past 2:30. Walked in and saw Y/n standing there lost in a day dream. In a light blue flowy top and light denim pants with holes going down both legs. Sometimes she's fashionable but others..... not so much. I laughed to myself and walked up to her.

Your POV

After i texted Ayaka I told hawks and he said maybe look for a red or blue dress. But if i don't find one in that color don't worry. He'll still try and match with me either way. He's caring, i'll give him that. I told hawks i was leaving and he waved at me and said be safe. I left at about 2:10 and would take about 25 minutes if i walked. I pulled my earbuds out and plugged them in, and started walking. I arrived at 2:27 but didn't see Ayaka yet, so i stood by the escalator and waited for her. I started day dreaming about how i can upgrade my hero suit. But was suddenly pulled out but Ayaka smacking my shoulder.

"You need to stop doing that in the middle of no where" she said looking at me and laughing. "Yea yea. let's go." i said and pointed off into the crowd. We started walking around looking at different stores. Finding cute cloths like shirts and bottoms but still haven't found a dress I liked. We went into a store that had a big dress and suit on the stop of it and it was call "Gowns and crowns". We walked into their, hoping to to find the right dress. We started walking around and i spotted a dress i was interested in and so did Ayaka.

I found this beautiful dark red dress with black lace around the boob part and off the shoulders part. I decided to go and try it on. And it was a perfect fit.

Ayakas dress was a light blue with gems on the waist and brest part. With see-through sleeves. It was gorgeous and it looked amazing on her.

We both came out at the same time and starred in awe at each other. We loved them. They were perfect. I never thought i would get a dress like this, but i am. And Keigo was gonna see me in it. We took the dresses off and looked around for heels. I found some nice black ones and Ayaka found some nice light blue ones. We paid and left. I told hawks i found the perfect dress but couldn't see it till the day of the gala. All i said was it's red. That way we match. I also asked if Ayaka could come over so we could have a girls talk. He agreed cause he knows i've probably told her everything but knew she wouldn't do anything to hurt either of us.

We left and made our way to Keigo's place. "Keigo were back" i yelled for him. "Ayaka come in its ok. He said it would be fine" i told her grabbing her and pulling her in. "I know but i don't want to intrude." she said. which is unlike her. Something must have happen, she's never like this... unless she has one of those nightmares. I look at her with sadness on my face. "Ayaka come on sit and tell me out the dream you had this time." she looks at me like i've read her mind. I know her enough to tell when something is bothering her.

"Ok well-"