
The way it happen (Hawks x reader)

jennahryleigh04 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs


Your POV

"Well, i had another dream." flora mentioned. "I figured what happen this time. Did it have something to do with your dad, or your mom?" i asked her. "Yea this one was the same. about mom. She was chocking me. Blaming me,my neck was bleeding, while she was screaming-" she paused as tears fell down her. Her head hung low and sobbed in her hands. I help and comforted her. And she cried harder. I felt so bad. Both out pasts were messed up. Her family turned psycho, and mine were killed by an "accident".

"Listen to my wise words ok?" I smile at her as she lifted her head ." You won't forget this, it's always going to be in the back of your mind but you need to know you are stronger than the thoughts in your head and that you are not at fault. You have helped everyone around you for years never letting your shields slip once, it's going to be awhile maybe years but soon those dreams will fade" i particularly smile at her. Ayaka looked up at me and hugged me. "Thank you y/n. I owe you. Your always there for me and i thank you for it" she hugged tighter.

It was around 8:40 when we got done talking. I decided she would just spend the night, Keigo agreed and i made dinner for us three. Anddd hawks kits had to be the bird he is and decided to ask Ayaka questions.

"Soooo Ayaka, is it, or would you rather me call you Flora?" hawks asked. "Either is fine. I'm not picky" she smiled at him and continued to eat. "Keigo stop picking on her before i kick you out of your own house" i turn to him, anddd he just shoved food in him mouth. "I'm just asking a few questions, nothing wrong with that" he told me with food in his mouth. After dinner i need to take a quick shower and get Ayaka some

cloths to sleep in.

Floras POV

"So Ayaka, mind if i ask you a few things about Y/n?" he asked me. "I don't see why not? why got something planned for her" i winked at him. And he turned 50 shades of red. It was funny. "But before you ask i wanna ask you, have y'all fucked yet" i asked with a smile. "I-uhh- what-" he couldn't get his words out straight. It's funny watching him like this. Shit is dabi we're here he would smack the crap out of me. "Another question, have you dated anyone other then y/n? Who was your last relationship, did it end badly, are you using her? i glared at him "Woah kid calm down. One question at a time. Firstly I have and "he" was a good guy just we were to different." he stoped and looked kinda sad. "Who was it" i asked him "Well- don't judge me, it's not that i regret dating him m, well actually we weren't really dating we were like a fling. More like friends with benefits. You know? Anyway you probably have heard of him, being a villain and all-"...."Hold the mother fucking phone, you, a pro hero, the second pro hero at that, dating a villain?" i started cracking up. He turned red again "Yes kid i "dated a villain, Dabi for your information-" I stop laughing immediately and looked at him in shock. "Y-you dated Dabi?!? That little bitch didn't tell me that!!" i rushed with anger and he looked at me like i was crazy.

"What do you mean didn't tell you. Are you in league with the LOV?!?" He looks pissed. "Clam your tits chicken boy, i'm not i'm just fucking dabi is all." I said with a straight face starting at the blank TV. "Anywayyyyyy what was the question about y/n you were gonna ask?" i questioned him. "Oh right ahem-" he clears his throat and begins again "I was gonna ask if you could tell me about her past relationship. With that explosion guy".

I explained the story and it looked like he was ready to kill someone. And that someone was gonna be Bakugo. Just before he was about to storm out y/n comes running in here.

Your POV

I got done in the shower about 10 minutes ago but wanted too hear what they were talking about. I stand in the hallway listening to Ayaka tell keigo about my previous relationship with bakugo. I saw the anger building up inside him but before he left to go do good know what to him i run in and grab his waist. "Keigo calm down it's fine. It's over ok?" i said in a calming tone. I look at ayaka and signal her to go to my room so i could talk to him alone.

After she left i pulled him to the couch and hugged him. He rested his head in the crock of my neck and his arms around my waist. Soon after he lifted his head and pulled me in for a kiss. This kiss was heated and it felt different from the others. He licked my bottom lip asking for permission to enter, and i grant it. Out tongues wrestled for dominance, and of course his won. He were on the couch making out. I heard a click and quickly pulled away. I had saw Ayaka with her phone out and she took a god damn picture (Pray for Ayaka). I flew off the couch and tackled her. Not before she sent it to someone. And as she did i heard Keigo's phone ding. "When the fuck did you get each other's number!?!?" i questioned them both. They just starred and smiled at me.

Later Hawks said he needed to leave to go check on his agency, i know full well he needs to so i didn't bat an eye at it. About 3 hours past and he was still not back. I got worried and me as Ayaka started to text and call him. But no answer. That's when i decided, "Hey ima go to his agency. I'll be back in a few ok?" i told her." She was on her phone and her eyes widened "Y/n there's no need. I know where he is. And your NOT gonna like it." she told me. She turned she phone so i could see it. A news article with some bitch ass girl kissing Hawks. Me being an emotional unstable person, had different emotions rushing over me. I didnt know if i should feel mad or sad or pissed or guilt. Or if i should even feel those. I mean we're not a couple. He never asked me and i never asked him. So all i could be is some little Intern who's been making out with the hero.

"Y/n are you ok?" She asked me. All i did was smile and node my head in agreement. But she knew full well i was hurting. She pulled me in and i started to cry in her jacket she was wearing. "Ayaka- will- i ever - be good enough?" i asked in between sobs. "Ofc dear you are good enough your amazing talented smart beautiful, and any guy would be luck to have you. And if Hawks doesn't see it then it's his own damn fault." She used her wise words and smiled at me. I felt a sting in my heart as i heard the door open. I look over at the door, my eyes red as can be, my nose looks like i have a cold and my cheeks are stained with tears.

I look at hawks and turn away. I looked up and saw Ayaka glare at him. "You my sir should stay 15 feet away. Or you'll deal with some poison ivy." she threw at him. "Wait just let me explain-" he tried to say but I cut him off "I don't want to hear it right now, please just give me time. I'll be out of your hair tomorrow. And i'll get a different hero agency to work with." His eyes widen and he walked over to me and pulled me away from Ayaka. "Listen to me for once" was all he said as he pulled me in for a right hug.