
The Merchant

"Where am I…?" Ellie thought to herself as she notices that she is in an unfamiliar wasteland...

Although she was conscious, she had no control over her movements…

"Am I dreaming…?" She thought as she notices other individuals wearing power armor as they marched through the unfamiliar territory…

"What am I wearing?" Ellie thought as she saw herself wearing the same kind of power armor "Also, what am I doing…?"

Ellie tried to remember anything that could match up to what she was seeing but failed… She could not remember ever being in that place or even wearing power armor in her entire life…

Eventually, she spots a small village in the distance…

Taking off her power helmet, she grabbed a pair of binoculars and began to scout the vicinity.

The village seemed to be a peaceful farming community, filled with the smiles and laughter of the villagers.

As Ellie puts down the binoculars, she turns towards her companions.

One of them nodded at her and she nodded back

But as they stood up, everything suddenly turns black…

Fiore; Ellie's House

2 days later:

Ellie wakes up as the light of the sun touches her eyes.

"Another one…" She muttered while still being half-awake

Ellie rose from her bed and began to get dressed for her upcoming journey…

It took a good 10 minutes before the young mercenary was ready for the day

Stepping outside her house, Ellie proceeds to Polonsky's house to say goodbye before leaving on her journey…

Polonsky's House

Ellie arrives at the doorstep of her old friend's home.

Despite being built under the foundation of a destroyed apartment, it was good enough for the young man…

She knocks at the door waiting for her friend to answer.

"Polonsky?" She said as she continues to knock on his door, with each subsequent knock getting louder "You awake?"

"Hold yer shit…" Polonsky replied with a sleepy tone "…I'm coming"

The door then opens and Polonsky steps outside to greet his friend, despite being awoken from his slumber…

"Morning!" Ellie said with an optimistic tone

Still feeling a bit sleepy, Polonsky said "Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"Yeah" Ellie replied with a straight face "It's about 7am…"

"Kinda early don't ya think?" Polonsky replied

"No" Ellie answered

Polonsky gave a disappointed sigh and after stretching his arms, he was fully awake…

"So you're headed for Canterbury Commons?" Polonsky asked

"Yeah…" Ellie answered "Can't waste any more time here"

"It's only been 2 days since you arrived" Polonsky said

"Even so" Ellie answered "I got a mission to accomplish"

"Yeah, yeah" Polosnky replied lazily

"So about your contact at Canterbury Commons…" Ellie said

"You mean Derek?" Polonsky answered

"Yeah…" Ellie replied "…How can I find him?"

"He's the Town's chief…" Polonsky replied "You could say he's the mayor so just ask around and you'll find him"

"I got it" Ellie replied with a smile "I'm off then, thanks Polonsky"

As Ellie turned her back and began to walk away, Polonsky stopped her

"Wait!" he uttered as he reaches his right arm to Ellie

Turning around, Ellie asked "What is it?"

"If Derek refuses to help ya just ask him 'Is Nothing sacred?'" Polonsky said "He'll most likely reply with yes which is yer cue to say 'How about Free thought?'"

"What is this?" Ellie wondered "some sort of secret bro code or something?"

"You could say that…" Polonsky replies "You know usual merchant shit…"

"Right…" Ellie said teasingly "Is there something else you're not telling me, Polonsky?"

"What…?" Polonsky wondered as he tries to decipher what Ellie meant

About 10 seconds later, he decoded her message and with a flustered face said "OH HELL NO! It's not like that!"

"Sure it's not…" Ellie replied as she winks at her friend

"Don't you have to go somewhere or something?" Polonsky replied

Ellie simply chuckled but she was still a bit dumbfounded by the 'bro code' Polonsky told her.

Nevertheless, this was Polonsky talking so she could let it slide…

"Well, see ya!" Ellie said as she waves good bye

"Be Careful" Polonsky said with a serious tone "Don't do anything stupid"

"Don't worry" Ellie replied as she flicks her wrists, releasing her hidden blades and with a smile, she continues "I can handle myself"

Metro Subway Tunnels; 11:05am:

As Ellie neared Farragut Station, she hears gunfire from the distance, along with the loud snarls of feral ghouls…

Responding to the sound of battle, Ellie runs towards the source. She then notices a couple of feral ghouls by the escalator.

Hiding behind some debris, Ellie brings out her varmint rifle and fired shots at the ghouls' heads.

She counted 5 kills before a small group of people emerged from the floor above; it was a NCR patrol…

Seeing the NCR troopers caught the young mercenary by surprise as she further conceals herself in the debris…

Annoyed, she could only mutter:

"What's an NCR patrol doing here!?"

She crept slowly, hoping to eavesdrop on the conversation of the patrol units and finding out their intentions…

"Nothing but feral ghouls here…" one soldier said with a disappointed tone "You sure the intel is solid?"

With a deep voice, the other soldier replied "I dunno and I don't care but orders are orders so quit your whining and move out…"

The NCR squad then turns left, traveling north from Ellie's position

As the squad disappears into the dark tunnels of the subway system, Ellie could only sit there and wonder what those soldiers were talking about…

Just as Ellie sat there to ponder on what she had heard, a figure slowly approaches the young mercenary…

Hearing a distinctive snarl, Ellie jumps to the side, avoiding the feral ghoul that was about to grab her…

She tried to grab her rifle but realized that using her firearm may attract more feral ghouls or worse, arouse the suspicion of the, still nearby, NCR squad.

With no other option, Ellie decides to use her new hidden blades on the feral ghoul.

Like a sumo wrestler preparing for the initial charge, Ellie observed the feral ghoul's movements…

Just that, the ghoul lunges at Ellie. The young mercenary responds by crouching and subsequently, grabbing the ghoul by the arm.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Ellie points her arm towards the ghoul as she pulls the creature towards her. With a flick from her wrists, the hidden blade is unleashed and pierces the ghoul in between the eyes…

With the NCR squad gone and the threat eliminated, Ellie proceeds to the surface…

On the way, she notices two heavily damaged protectrons…

"Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti…" was all the protectrons could utter…

Ellie could only stare in disgust as she knew that NCR squad was responsible for this…

She soon opens the steel gate towards the surface and continues her way towards the town…

Capital Wasteland; a few minutes later:

As Ellie walked the barren wasteland, she hears gunfire from a distance…

Stopping by a hill, she witnesses a squad of NCR soldiers battling an albino radscorpion.

The soldiers relentlessly unloaded bullets upon the creature but the mutant insect hardly flinched from the bullets and using its pincers, managed to decapitate one soldier and stab another using its poisonous tail.

The soldiers were clearly outmatched and they needed help!

Ellie was now placed in a predicament, should she help these soldiers or should she leave them to die?

"They're NCR after all…" She muttered nervously "…No! I won't help them!"

The screams of pain and cursing reached Ellie's ears as she tries to walk away…

Her conscience was screaming at her to help the poor souls but Ellie maintained her original decision...

"No…No…" she kept muttering to herself like some sort of mantra "No... They're NCR..."

"SHIT!" shouted an NCR soldier as he runs out of ammo

Scratching her head in frustration, Ellie shouted "ARGH! Fuck it!"

As the radscorpion was about to kill another NCR trooper, Ellie leapt from her position on the top of the hill and with a flick from both wrists, she plunged both of her hidden blades upon the radscorpion's body as she lands on top of it.

But even this was not enough to stop the creature, and it soon began to shake Ellie off of its body.

Retracting both blades, Ellie jumped off the creature and quickly drew her pistol and began to shoot the mutated insect's eyes…

With its eyes shot, the insect stepped back and began to shriek in pain as it swings its claws and tail around.

Ellie took this opportunity to lunge towards the insect and, with the flick of her right wrist, stabs the insect on top of its many eyes… The insect shook a bit before finally dying…

The 3 remaining NCR soldiers then approached Ellie and thanked her for saving them…

Ellie simply brushed them off and walked away…

"Wait!" said one of the NCR soldiers

"What do you want?" Ellie said with an irritated tone

"I, uh…" the NCR soldier said nervously "Can I get your name at least?"

Ellie raised both of her eyebrows and said "Huh? You mental or something?"

"No…" the NCR soldier responded "I just want to know your name ma'am…"

"Well my name's kinda confidential" Ellie responded "So my answer is no!"

Disappointed, the NCR soldier merely responded with an 'ok' and returned to his squad as Ellie walks away and continues her journey towards Canterbury Commons…

"There's a lot of NCR patrols lately…" She muttered

2 hours later:

Ellie was nearing her destination when she, once again, spots another NCR patrol…

"Another one!?" she said in frustration "This is the 10th Patrol squad today! Why are there a lot of em!? Even in the subways I can't escape these assholes!"

She continues to walk, pretending to not notice the NCR patrol…

Canterbury Commons; 4:00pm:

Ellie finally reaches the merchant town and wasting no time, she immediately began to look for Polonsky's friend, Derek.

She spots a tall middle-aged man wearing a cowboy hat.

Spotting Ellie, the man approaches her and says:

"Well hello there! Haven't seen you around here… Must be a traveler…"

"Uh… Yeah…" Ellie replied "Do you know a person named Derek Pacion around these parts?"

"Oh that's me!" Derek replied with an optimistic voice "What can I do for you, little lady?"

"Oh" Ellie replied "I just have some questions to ask you…"

"Ask away!" Derek replied

"Ok then" Ellie replied "So, why are there a lot of NCR patrols lately?"

"Haven't you heard?" Derek answered "There's been an increase in insurgent activity lately so; the NCR tightened their patrols around the region"

"Insurgent activity?" Ellie muttered to herself as she ponders for a moment

"Yeah" Derek said "Ever since that battle in the Jefferson Memorial a few weeks back, a couple of people have begun to attack NCR patrols and caravans… I'd be careful if I were you... Don't want getting caught up in that shitty mess..."

"You have any information on the insurgents?" Ellie asked with enthusiasm "Do you know where I can find them?"

"Whoah there, lass" Derek said as he tries to calm the young mercenary down "I have no clue as to anything pertaining to these rebels… In fact, our caravans are also victims of these attacks all because we also supply the NCR camps and bases around the region…"

Ellie looked at Derek the entire time he was saying that and she knew that the man was lying or at least, he was hiding something…

He knew something but refuses to tell her…

"What should I do?" Ellie thought to herself "How can I prove to him that I'm anti-NCR too?"

As Ellie ponders on her options, Derek interrupts her train-of-thought and says:

"Well, I'm a busy man so I should get going…"

"Wait!" Ellie said as she tries to stop Derek

"I told you" Derek replied "I don't know anything, so, if you'll excuse me"

As Derek was walking away, Ellie suddenly remembered something Polonsky told her that morning…

She called out to him, "Derek!"

Hearing his name, Derek turns around and says "For the last time, I don't know anything"

Swallowing her anxiety, the young mercenary built up the courage to say "Is nothing sacred?"

There was nothing but silence for the next few minutes… Ellie could only hope that those words could prove to him that she is trustworthy…

Derek's face becomes serious. He ponders to himself for a moment then turns to Ellie and says:

"Yeah… In case you haven't realized yet, the world's pretty much fucked up…"

"But" Ellie replied nervously "How about Free thought?"

Derek smiles as Ellie said those words…

"We can't talk here…" He said "Come inside"

"Yes!" Ellie thought to herself as she follows Derek to his home

Derek's house; 4:35pm:

Entering the mayor's house, Ellie sits down at the couch while Derek brings out two bottles of Nuka-Cola for them to drink.

He then sits on the opposite couch.

"So…" Derek said "…You're Polonsky's friend?"

"Yes…" Ellie replied "…You know him?"

"For a long time…" Derek replied "…Best buddies, me and him. So how is he?"

"He's doing fine…" Ellie replied "He works as a repairman for a lot of different items in Fiore…"

"Fiore huh…" Derek said "… Only been there once, good to hear that good ol' Polonsky is doing fine but I guess talking about my past isn't really why you were looking for me now, weren't ya?"

"Y-Yes!" Ellie replied nervously

"Don't worry" Derek replied with an optimistic tone "Now that I know who you are, I can divulge some info on ya but not all"

"Ok…" Ellie replied "…So what do you know of the recent insurgent activity?"

"Not much…" Derek replied in a serious tone "After the fall of the Purifier, surviving Brotherhood members and Anti-NCR wastelanders banded together to form pockets of resistance around the region… But they're scattered and aren't really united…"

"Why not?" Ellie asked

"They lack communication with each other, that's one thing" Derek replied "The other is that they lack someone to unite them…"

"So they lack leadership and equipment?" Ellie asked

"Pretty much" Derek replied "I tried to supply some of them with the best weapons and equipment that my fellow traders could find but my acts are limited because the NCR's keeping an eye on me & my caravans and these taxes. Don't even get me started on how shitty it is!"

Ellie pondered for a moment as she tries to digest the information she had just been fed…

There are several pockets of resistance around the Capital Wasteland but they lack leadership and proper equipment… Ellie knew she would never fit the role of leader as she was always a 'lone wolf', preferring to work alone.

"Uniting these guys is gonna be a real piece of work…" Ellie thought to herself

The room was filled with silence for a few minutes as Ellie thinks of several solutions to this problem… She then looks at Derek and says:

"Do you know where the nearest batch of rebels could be hiding?"

Derek pondered for a moment to remember the location of a band of rebels he met…

"Try the Temple of the Union, up north" Derek replied "Find a guy named Johannes. He may be able to help ya with your problem."

"Right" Ellie said enthusiastically "Thanks for the info! I'm off"

"Wait!" Derek said as he stops Ellie before she even opens the door "You're too excited about this… When you get to the Temple, don't forget to say the passphrase 'Nothing is sacred'. That should be enough for those rebels to, at least, not shoot you on sight…"

"Right…" Ellie replied smiles embarrassingly "…Thanks again"

"Be careful" Derek said "Going against the NCR is gonna be one hell of a fight… So don't get careless…"

"I know…" Ellie replied as she opens the door and leaves…

Finally alone, Derek stand up, cleans the table of the Nuka-Cola bottles and walks towards his safe.

Opening it, he brings out a letter that was sent to him a few days back….

The sender, Polonsky. As Derek rereads the letter, he couldn't help but chuckle and smile…

"Ah Polonsky…" Derek muttered to himself "She is as reckless as you say… But will she be our savior or our destroyer…?"