

Tristan was livid. The fact that he was late in protecting his wife. Looking at his wife not getting up to greet him like she used to do. Now hearing that mad researcher to label his wife as a product that he owned??? This truly triggered his inner demon. No one truly know why they were called Seven Prince of Hell. It's not just a play or wanting to be cool during their puberty days. It was because of each of them truly have the power of a demon that can swallow the whole world should they use it carelessly. Only they know where the power truly came from. Now that he's being triggered by this crazy researcher who wanted to take away his wife, he couldn't hold onto his anger any longer. He grabbed the mad researcher easily by the neck and shoots through the safe room ceiling taking him far away from Alicia. The rumbles didn't even drop on any of the people in the safe room as if some sort of invisible barrier was protecting them.

Slamming the mad researcher on the hill that are far away from the neighborhood, he unleashed his full power.

"Wh...who...who are you? What are you?" The researcher stutters. Knowing he couldn't beat Tristan at this time. He took out a couple of syringe from his pockets and inject himself with the liquid from it. It was the same drug that he used to feed on Alicia and his other 'products' back then.

Tristan only look indifferently. His dark eyes turn red as he looked upon his prey.

"Hahaha,,, Now you can't beat me. I'll take you back with me and will make you my own. Just like how i feed that little girl back then with the same drug. She was my beautiful product. The most perfect product that i just keep on testing although she's out of reach. As long as i am alive, she will always be mine. Hahahahaha... And you're ne...."

He didn't manage to finish his sentence when he was lifted up in the air without Tristan holding him. He could only see Tristan lifting his finger before he put it and he was slammed to ground causing the hill to crack into half. Before he could process anything, he was lifted up again and slammed on the ground.

Tristan kept on repeating the same action over and over again to the point that the hill became like a small volcano. The spot where he slammed the mad researched has became a deep hole that you could almost see the hot lava coming out.

"You have made a mistake touching someone who you shouldn't have touched. To think that a mere human like you wanted to make me your experiment? I'll have you taste what hell felt like." Tristan said lazily.

He move his finger again but this time it was different. The mad researcher could almost feel like his blood flowing out following the rhythm of Tristan's finger. And slowly, he felt an incredible pain as the blood flew out from his body, draining his life as slow as possible. He couldn't utter any word but he knew one thing. Demon. He's a demon. That was the last thing in his mind before his life fade away. His body shrunk like a mummy before it turn to ashes when Tristan makes a fist.

Looking at the blood that flowed out from that mad researcher's body, he felt disgusted. Usually he would completely destroy everything. But knowing that his blood could give new info about his's wife situation, it's better if he keep it around. Despite the antidote that he got, he somehow felt like his wife's consciousness is linked to some element in that mad researcher's blood. With that, he immediately went back to the neighborhood and find out the situation on his wife.

After Farrah injected the antidote into Alicia, there's still no changes in her body. Instead the machine beeps out loudly indicating that her vital signs is fading. Even her organs start to fail one by one.

"No, Alicia. Now. You have to fight this. No. I don't know what else to do. Wake up Alicia. Please wake up. Tell me what to do. You always have the answers to everything. Tell me what to do right now. Tell me how to save you. You knew this was coming didn't you? Is that why you prepared everything? Alicia,,,please. If you can hear me, please open your eye. Tell me everything is okay." Farrah finally broke down in tears as she hold onto Alicia's hand that was turning colder as time pass by. The endless beeping from the machine was just a sign that Alicia is still alive but just barely.

Farrah never stop begging silently for Alicia to wake up or at least show a positive sign. Looking at the babies that were in the incubator that was inside the safe room, she knew that Alicia must have guess that she won't be able to hold on. Was it too late for the antidote? Or was it because the presence of the enemies outside are still presence? She wished she had more info on Alicia's body. More like the drug in her body.

"I haven't tell you the gender of your babies. But i'm guessing you already know. You have a pair. Don't you want to meet them?" Farrah as if Alicia is truly listening to her silent plea.

The sound of someone walking in, makes Farrah stay alert. She hold onto her gun and looked up. Seeing it was Tristan, she sighed with relief.

Tristan who walked into the safe room feels complicated. He can hear the beeping sound from the machine and with the look on Farrah's face he knew Alicia's situation is bad. He quickly walked towards the woman he loved, who was laying there with blood smear on her clothes from the Cesarean operation. Looking at her pale face his heart ached. Turning his head towards the incubator where both of the babies are, he felt more pain.

"This is not what you promise me. I came back as fast as i could. Is it still all in vain? What should i do without you by my side, darling? Our babies need you. And i need you as well. Wake up for me, love. For our babies. I'm here now. I'm here." He whispered softly in her ears as he caressed her hair and along her face. Holding her cold hands tightly and without stopping he kisses them as if to give it more warmth.

"It's the enemies out there. As long as there are still around, it will be harder for her wake up. The drugs in her body are going rampage ever since they appear. And although you have the antidote, it is useless. As long as the enemies are alive, the more danger she will be. It's her way of protecting us. I finally get it now. She knows that the drugs will responded to those enemies. And until those enemies clear their mission or got destroyed, until then she can finally reclaim her body and react to the antidote."

Mrs. Sylvia who woke up from her faint, got up slowly as she explained what she accidentally found out. The timing is just right. All these time, Alicia had no problem controlling the drugs in her body. But the moment the enemies arrived, she was unconscious. This must be the reason.

Tristan gritted his teeth before planting a kiss on Alicia's forehead. He then head towards their babies and touch the small hand before disappeared from the safe room. It's time to finish it all. And when she's awake, he is going to scold her for making such decisions.

"Alicia...she's...she's..." Farrah stuttered.

"She will be fine. Trust in her. She promise us that she will put herself first. And the antidote will help her." Mrs. Slyvia confirmed her word. Farrah smile in tears as she energetically watched over both the mother and twins to make sure nothing worst will happen. She trusted Mrs. Sylvia. Besides Alicia herself, only Mrs Sylvia truly knows the drugs component in Alicia's body. And thus, she hold onto that hope.

I just realize,,,i thought i already publish this chapter after i was done with my other chapters. End up it's still in my draft...Hope you guys enjoy it. Stay safe everyone. Covid is real. And do take care of your health...

Dlysycreators' thoughts