
Chapter 3: happy days

I came over to her she had blonde hair she smelled like perfume.

'Hello' she said

''I'm Henry Henry wallman'' I introduced

'Nice too meet you' the girl said'

I'm April, April Sanderson she introduced

She offered me a brownie I refused to she looked at me.

'You can stay here I heard the racket with your dad' she asked

'No that was my uncle' I replied

She built me a room she was clever. April sent me to bed and we lived together

cant imagine how uncle Andrew feel's.

April gave me breakfast, crumpet's their the best, my new favourite food.

My father gave me only baked beans, nothing else I have ever had in my life till this day.

'thank you April for letting me stay' I said

'any time' she replied

I walked and put my waistcoat, April ran out and gave me a kiss on the cheek.