
The War Orphan - Pokefanfic

Trey is a hardworking teen, who takes odd jobs to help out around the house. From Cleaning, to watching stores, to even bartending. He has ambitions getting a job to help support the ones he loves, but that wouldn't be his blood relatives, it would be the ones who raised him. The Orphanage in Saffron City. Ran by a wonderful young woman with a heart of gold, and little tykes running rampant. Trey does his best to keep the place afloat with the donations from the city, pouring most of his income back into the place that became the family he never had. Trey had lost everything at the age of 6, with little memories of his family, and not even knowledge of his last name or who killed his parents in the war. He tries his best to move on and work for his new family. Until one day a man in black with a Red R on his shirt comes. ------------------------------------- This is a work of fanfiction and I do not own Pokemon in any way shape or form. I am not an expert on Pokemon but love the series all the same, I am also not an expert in animal physiology or dynamics so please forgive me if something is off. Not everything will be accurate to the timeline of the original pokemon, as I've changed a few things to fit some of the story. But moves, type advantages/disadvantages, and a majority of the items and characters will remain the same. Expect to see some of the original cast of Pokemon throughout the series but the story will revolve around Trey and his journey. ----------------------------------- No release schedule but I will release when I can. Chapters will be on the longer side. I hope you enjoy the ride.

Arthur_Inverse · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Act 1 - Chapter 3

Trey sat down in a chair that a Nurse had brought in. When the nurse had found Trey he had been sitting on the floor still in a depressed mess.

Thankfully the Nurse had been nice enough to not ask questions and just brought a chair from another room in, giving him some hot tea, and went on her way.

His mind was still in a haze and went from angry clarity to anxious confusion one minute to the next. It had been some time before he was able to right his mind, focusing on what to do next.

He sat there the calming tea in both his hands as he looked at the green liquid.

"Where do I go from here.." he thought aloud.

Shifting his weight he pulled his wallet from his back pocket.

900 credits. That was most of what he had until Mr. Tennerson paid him tomorrow. Trey tried to remember where his funds were in his bank account, then remembered he hadn't had one.

He had stored the money he was saving in his room at the Orphanage.

"Man…" Trey said, sighing, his face creasing into a self-deprecating smile.

Trey was about to wallow more in self-pity, but his eyes glanced at the twins. They both wrapped in bandages around their torsos and half their faces. Stopping himself from loathing further.

"I'm not the one that suffered the pain of that night… I lost but not as much as them," Trey said, looking to the left bed, the girl with red hair, Yuki, the left side of her face bandaged tightly around the scar that would surely form from the burn.

"She will never be the same.." Trey looked to the right, the boy, Sasha, was the same, his right side bandaged, "And neither will he," Trey said grimacing, his fingers tracing the edge of the cup.

"How are we going to… No, I'll figure it out too. Looks like I'll just have to go without food for a bit again haha…"

Trey's mind wandered from one thing to the other, occasionally settling on something or another he would have to pay for, forcing him to start listing things,

"I'll need to pay for their medical bills, the stuff for Ralts. Which is… Pokeball, food. Will she need medicine? So there might be that…. I need to do a lot more studying too, leaning more about Pokemon and Ralts especially will do wonders I'm sure. I want to learn self-defense as well, I have a feeling it's going to come in handy… I can just learn that from the net on Wobtube, then muddle my way through that, so I'll need to pay for a library card. Or is there a League Trainer discount? Seems to be a bunch of those." Trey said, processing the expenses, a yawn escaping his mouth.

Trey looked up at the clock in the room.


"It's gotten pretty late. I wonder how much longer they're going to have Ralts for?" Trey wondered, standing up.

Trey first checked the twins, his hand gently passing through the tufts of hair that were exposed from the bandages.

From the beds he walked to the doorway, placing the tea on an empty table top on the way, sticking his head out into the hallway.

He looked left to right down the hallway unable to see anyone when he did. Trey shrugged, not surprised to see an empty hallway this late. He was just about to turn back into the room when he heard the light taps of footsteps at the end of the hallway.

Looking to his right he saw a familiar Nurse Jenna turn the corner, a smile on her face as she looked down to Ralts following alongside her.

The moment Ralts looked forward spotting Trey she shot forward, trotting with as much speed as her short legs would carry her, her white sleeve-like arms forward.

Trey smiled back, unable to reciprocate the obvious joy the little Mon had.

Picking her up, their connection seemed to snap back together and a warm comforting feel once again flowed over it.

"How was the check-up? All good?" Trey asked.

Ralts looked up, and her small mouth creased into a frown, irritation, and discontent passing over their psychic thread, her arms crossing and her head dipping into a pout.

"Ralts is doing better than expected," Jenna spoke up, stopping in front of Trey, "She will need some supplements for her lack of vitamins, and here is a prescription ointment for her head," she continued handing over the small white paper bag, "Unfortunately the scars will be permanent until she evolves, and even then they may be faintly visible…" Jenna finished, as she trailed off, her mouth pulling to the side sympathetically as she looked at the small Pokemon.

"I see…" Trey replied, patting Ralts on the head, "It's okay sweetie, I think you are very very pretty, and I'll beat up anyone who says different ok?" Trey half-joked.

Ralts looked up and cooed, her voice a little dripped with concern, but her endearing emotion passed over all the same.

"That's very adorable…" Jenna eked out, then realized she had said it out loud and quickly covered her mouth with her clipboard.

Her eyes flashed with a second realization as she pulled a small white and red ball from her pocket, presenting it to Trey.

"I almost forgot, here is also the Pokeball for Ralts."

Trey took the ball in his hand and pressed the white center button, the ball expanding and surprising him for a moment.

He looked on in wonder at the ball, not understanding in the slightest how it worked, but turned his attention down to Ralts.

But before he could even ask the question, she tapped the ball with an arm and disappeared in a flash of bright red light, the ball bobbing back and forth in Trey's palm.

A few back and forths then the ball gave a sharp 'ding' signaling she had been caught.

What Trey was not ready for was the shaking of the ball in his hand, and the psychic thread of their connection being abruptly cut when she entered the ball.

Jenna looked over a small grin on her face that she quickly hid behind her clipboard.

"I think she wants to come back out, you have to release her," Jenna told Trey.

"Uh.. how do I do that?" Trey asked.

"You shout, 'Go Ralts! I choose you!' then throw the ball," Jenna said, her voice a light snicker behind the clipboard.

Trey nodded and did just that, "Go Ralts! I choose you!" he shouted, then his face turned crimson slightly at the weird line.

In a flash of red Ralts materialized in front of him, with a short cry.

"Ralts! Alts…."

Their connection mended once again, and he was immediately hit with a wave of embarrassment, not from him, but from Ralts.

Trey heard a sharp snickering from in front of him, seeing Jenna's shoulders moving up and down. He then heard giggling from behind him at the opposite end of the hall, seeing two Nurse Caps poking out from the turn.

"I didn't have to actually say that, did I…." Trey said, his eyebrow twitching and face turning a shade deeper of red.

"It-it was still very adorable," Jenna laughed, unable to hold back any longer.

Trey sighed and scratched his cheek, then picked up Ralts once more in one arm, in his other hand the Pokeball.

He looked where to put it, but he didn't have a trainer's belt yet, so he slipped it into his side pocket for now.

"Thank you for looking after her. What do I owe the hospital?" Trey asked, almost wincing as he did.

"Oh Ralts's treatment will be waived by the League, her ointment as well. The Pokeball is 100 credits at a discount for League Trainers," Jenna said, "You can pay at the reception when you leave. As for…" her eyes turned to the inside of the room, "We have deferred payments and payment plans that you can use, there is also League Trainers Insurance that will help, but.."

"But?" Trey asked pensively.

"It will not kick in for three weeks, and you must claim the children as their legal guardian. Also, you need to complete a minimum of five League Sanctioned battles to be registered on the Battle Net Website," she explained.

"That's a lot of specific requirements… What exactly is the damage on the bill then? After all of that?"

"It would come to 50,000 credits for each of them, even after the discounts… But!" she said hurriedly, "With the payment plans offered to trainers, you will only have to pay 450 credits a week for both of them over the course of 5 years."

Trey still grimaced from the amount. That alone would still be nearly half his income for just the medical bills. But he would have to find a way to make it work.

"Thank you for the information.." Trey finally said, "So it will be 550 in all today if we go with that?"

Jenna scrunched up her face, "No… without the League Trainer discount you will have to pay 800 upfront today…"

Trey felt like the wind had been hit out of him for a moment.

"800… Ok, that's fine…" Trey said, "Would it be fine if I stayed with them for the night? Well," he looked back up at the clock, it already the next day, "Until I have to go to work?"

Jenna nodded, "That's perfectly fine. I really do hope they are ok and get better soon, it's an awful thing that happened… If you need any assistance please just let me know. Um… here.. H-here is my phone number! Please just call it if you need something!" Jenna said, turning flustered, handing a card with blue ink on it, before turning and running to the end of the hall disappearing behind the corner.

Haha… Never thought I'd be getting picked up in a hospital.. Doesn't she know I'm 17? Well, I am turning 18 this year… Trey thought, placing the card into his back pocket.

"No harm in saving it for later."

His quip resulted in a slap on his chest from Ralts. Her voice rumbled.

"Oh, are you angry? That's a first. Don't worry I won't be calling her for what, a whole nother six months?" Trey laughed.

Ralts huffed and crossed her arms again, looking forward, but her irritation and a small drop of disappointment flowed over their thread.

Trey kept his grin for only a while longer as they walked into the room together. Trey found the chair once again and sat down in front of the twins' beds, Ralts on his lap.

Ralts cooed and pointed to each of them in turn.

"Yeah, they were kids at the Orphanage. That one is S-Sasha," Trey said, biting his lip for a moment, holding back his blurring vision for a moment.

Taking a deep breath in and out, he continued, "And the other one is Yuki, and they are both our family as well. So can I count on you to take care of them too?" Trey asked.

Ralts stared at both of the twins, the emotion coming over the connection one Trey was not expecting. Happiness, determination, and a willingness to protect.


"Spearow! Spearow!"

Trey grumbled as he was awoken to the sound of the bright and early Spearow once again, this one not his alarm.

On the tree outside, the cracked window was a Spearow cawing into the void as it seemingly just woke up itself.

"I swear to Arceus that I will fry every bird Pokemon into Pewter Style Fried Chicken..." Trey cursed with a yawn.

His eye opened up briefly to see the Spearow and then saw the Murkrow kick the bird off the branch with an irritated look in its eyes.

It kawed at the flittering Spearow before it went back to its perch in the tree under the shade. Closing its eyes again.

"That Murkrow is my Spirit Pokemon…" Trey laughed.

Ralts cooed in his lap as she turned over to one side, her arms still under her head as she curled up.

Trey smiled endearingly at the Mon, then turned to a grimace of fear as he looked at the clock.


"Son of a Snubble! I'm going to be late! Why didn't you wake me up Odd-" Trey stopped himself before he finished his sentence, realizing that the small green Pokemon was no longer there.

"Shit.." Trey cursed, biting his bottom lip, feeling the dredges of grief beginning to stir the longer he dwelled on it.

Looking up was now a fully alert Ralts, her ruby eyes peeking out from under her cap.

Trey tried his best to hide the grief on his face, as well as push a happier emotion through their connection.

I'll have to get used to them not being here… Trey thought then looked up to the twins. But I'm going to have to start doing more and being more, I have two.. Well, three more mouths to feed now.

Trey quickly received a slap to his chest from Ralts.

"Right, my bad. Two and a half mouths to feed," he joked.

Ralts huffed and crossed her arms in a pout, her indignation coming over the psychic thread.

Trey chuckled and stood up, holding Ralts in his arms as he said his temporary goodbyes to the twins. Making his way downstairs he gave a few head nods to the nurses and patients he passed.

Then he spotted the dreaded reception desk.

Walking up to it he was surprised to still see Nurse Joy behind the counter.

"Good Morning Nurse Joy," Trey greeted, both he and Ralts giving a wave.

Nurse Joy however raised a brow, "Good morning, have we met before?"

"Y-yes? I spoke with you late last night," Trey recalled, making sure he was not remembering a dream.

"Ah, you must have met my sister. We both work opposite shifts here at the hospital," the second Nurse Joy Trey had met clarified.

"Oh yeah ok, that makes sense," Trey said, but it in fact did not make sense at all.

Ralts also cooed confused, as she tilted her head in his arms. Trey patted her cap, his feelings of confusion the same as hers through their connection.

"What can I help you with?" Joy asked a round pink top of a Pokemon moving back and forth behind her from cabinet to cabinet, papers in each hand.

"Ah! I have to pay for some hospital fees?" Trey said hesitantly.


"Trey. I'm paying for the first installment of Sasha and Yuki," Trey answered.

Nurse Joy quickly typed behind the counter finding the information she needed.

"Would you like to pay with card or check? Do you also have your insurance card on you?" Joy asked.

"You don't take cash? And unfortunately, I do not have my League Card as of yet," Trey said sheepishly.

"We do not handle cash, no. You can either defer the payment until later with a fee, or you can pay later today," Nurse Joy said matter-a-factly.

Trey thought it over for a moment. He would have time to deposit the cash into the Bank on his break between jobs today, so it would work better for him. Allowing him to put more in from his paycheck from Mr. Tennerson's.

"I'll be back later tonight than to pay," Trey said.

Giving a customer service smile Trey was familiar with himself, Nurse Joy sent him off with a wave, "We will see you later tonight then. Have a wonderful rest of your day Trey."

Trey waved back and sprinted out of the hospital like a Flamethrower was on his heels.

He dodged people, trolleys, Pokemon, and cars as he ran down the streets towards Mr Hennerson's store on the other side of the city.

Ralts yelped and chirped excitedly in his arms as Trey dipped and dodged everything under the rising sun to make it on time to the store opening.

Minutes later an exhausted and out of breath Trey nearly doubled over behind the store's employee entrance, Ralts looking on her arms raised from the stop Trey had placed her so he could catch his breath.

"Y-you, en-enjoy that?" he huffed.

"Ral-Ralts!" she cooed.

"W-well at least one of us isn't having a heart attack…" Trey smiled.

Trey stood up feeling a foreign push on his side in his pocket. Fishing through it he found the Pokeball he had gotten for Ralts.

He took a minute to look at the door then the ball and back to Ralts.

"You know sweetie, I don't know what Mr. Tennerson's policy is on employees having Pokemon out during work hours…" Trey started, then saw Ralts deflate, "I'm sorry Ralts I just want to be more safe than sorry. We need the job right now or I would be adhering to the lines of 'better to ask for forgiveness than permission,'" Trey said, a grin on his face.

Ralts still cooed a complaint but nodded all the same after airing her dissatisfaction.

"Thank you, sweetie. I'll be sure to get you a nice snack for lunch," Trey winked, then realized he didn't know how to return her to the Pokeball.

Ralts chirped and placed her hand on the button, expanding the ball herself. Then tapping it once more she disappeared in a flash of red light.

Their connection vanished after she entered the Pokeball, leaving Trey feeling empty momentarily, but he quickly forced himself to smile and get back to his upbeat self.

"I'll have to study a lot more.. Can't be having my first Pokemon embarrassed that I don't know how to return her to a Pokeball…." he chuckled wearily.

Trey placed the ball back into his pocket, making a mental note that he had a laundry list of things to purchase today on his break.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, and solidifying the list, making sure that getting a Pokeball holding belt, food, and possibly some training books or printouts.

I'll have to hit the library right after the store today… I wonder if Mr. Renner is working today. Trey thought, moving to the employee door.

With his absent mind, Trey opened and walked into the building, the same flickering hallway light still flashing on and off.

The light in particular made Trey grin, as at least something was normal. Walking down the hall he picked up the same broom he opened the store with yesterday, making his way through the hallway to the main floor, up and down each of the stocked rows.

This time though Trey took a little more notice of some of the prices of the Pokemon paraphernalia.

"What the fuck… Why is premade Pokefood so expensive?" Trey said aloud, picking up a small 7 lbs. bag with a Snorlax on it, and turning it over to look at the ingredients.

Reading over the box briefly Trey learned one thing.

He had no idea what he was looking at.

Trey understood some of the more basic components, like Protein, Calcium, Sugar, Salt, and some of the more well-known vitamins. But after that, he might have well been looking at how Sliph Co. bags worked.

"Yeah… The library might have jumped up on my list," Trey murmured, the ball in his pocket shivering slightly.

"Oh, you can still hear me in there sweetie? But the psychic connection doesn't work, that's curious," Trey mused, as the shaking of the ball stopped abruptly.

Did I say something? He thought, slightly concerned, but couldn't dwell on it as he saw Mr. Tennerson walking to the front door, unlocking it with a key.

"Good Morning Mr. Tennerson," Trey said with a forced energetic wave.

"Boy, what in the blasted hellfire are you doing here? I heard what happened, you should be resting!" the old man said, giving Trey a firm scowl.

"W-what? But I need to work."

"Nonsense. I heard what happened, you should be resting, not working," Mr. Tennerson said again, handing Trey his wage for the week.

Trey looked down at the 350 credits, his face filled with confusion.

"But Mr. Tennerson, this is 50 more than you owe me?"

"I know damn well what I gave you, I'm old, not senile! It's your wages for the day. Now," Mr. Tennerson said, his face softening as he held Trey's hand with both of his, curling up the money in it, "I know what it's like to lose one person you love, I can only imagine what it all that grief is doing to you. Take it and rest."

Trey's face went from confusion to disbelief and finally broke into a flat grit of his teeth and mouth as he tried his best to hold back the flood of emotions.

"T-thank you… I-i'll work an extra day to make up for it! I-"

Try tried to say, but was quickly cut off by the wave and scoff of Mr. Tennerson.

"Bah! I won't hear it! You get out of my store and I don't want to see you back here until tomorrow at the earliest you hear me!"

Trey couldn't help but nod and smile at the old man.

I never noticed how kind the people around me are… He thought.

"Mr. Tennerson, may I ask something?" Trey offered.

"What is it boy?" the old man asked.

"I'm going to be a trainer. It's something I've fallen into but I think it may be fate… I'm going to take it seriously and give it my all so I can someday bring back the Orphanage better than before. In honor of all of them. When I do that, will you give me the pleasure of saying I started my journey shopping at this store?"

The old man blinked then barked a laugh.

"A trainer? That's something I didn't think you would say in a million years! You're nearly 18 and I've never seen you so much as take an interest in training Pokemon. I'm not sure what changed your mind but if you will do this old man the honor of free publicity like that! I don't see a reason to say no."

Try smiled again, wiping the tears pulling at the side of his eyes, as he felt the outside of his pants pocket the small protruding bump of Ralts's Pokeball and wondered if he should introduce her but decided against it.

He would have loved for Mr. Tennerson to meet her, but he didn't have the emotional or physical energy to explain her situation to him just now.

"Then, would you also give me a discount on food for Pokemon and a sandwich?" Trey asked, keeping his smile.

Mr. Tennerson laughed again, then his face went stone cold.

"Not a Will O' Wisp in hell boy, now get out."


Trey walked out of the Central Bank his pockets lighter and his debit card 1,250 credits heavier.

"I'll enjoy it while it lasts… Soon all of that will be nothing but Dusclops in the wind," he said with a sigh.

In his left pocket, a small shake made his Pokeball known.

"Ah! I'm sorry sweetie, I'll get you out right now since we're out of the bank."

With that Trey dove into his pocket fishing out the small white and red ball gripping it between his thumb and pointer, using his thumb to tap the center of the ball, expanding it as it cracked in half, releasing a red light that molded into the small Ralts.

"Raaaaaaaaalts," said the little Pokemon as she stretched with both her arms.

"Feel better now?" Trey asked, a smile forming on his face.

Ralts nodded and cooed as she raised her arms up, in a gesture to be picked up.

"Sure thing sweetie," Trey chuckled, picking her up as she sat nestled on his forearms, "Ok! First stop is the Mart. We need to get you some food and a belt for us. Then we have a few hours before I need to be at Donnie's… Shit, I have to explain everything to him and Kristine don't I… Ah…" Trey said, beginning to worry.

"Ralts? Alts!" Ralts cooed, looking up at him from her seat, her small mouth turning into a cute pout.

"Ah, no it's fine I'll figure it out. First things first! To the Mart. We'll just take this one step at a time sweetie. Maybe we can find something nice for the twin's room while we look around. Maybe some flowers, yeah?" Trey said, more so to build his own confidence than anything, as he slowly eked his emotions over their thread, doing his best to calm the worried Ralts.

Ralts cooed in affirmation as she pointed a white sleeve forward.

"Onward it is!" Trey chuckled.


Trey and Ralts had taken a short walk down the main street of Saffron City, a few wandering eyes finding Ralts and the marks that lined parts of her green cap.

Trey had glared at them, forcing them to look away and no one was bold enough to say anything.

This might get to be a problem if the wrong person sees her.. And it isn't even her fault. Trey thought, sighing.

Ralts felt the tinge of annoyance and regret through their thread and looked up with a curious coo, to which Trey gave her a light pat on the head, doing his best to reassure her.

"I'm alright, just a little tired is all. It's a good thing Mr. Tennerson gave me the day off. If we get done here quick enough, we can relax a little bit. I'm sure there will be a little left over for some ice cream, yeah?" Trey smiled down, his thoughts turning optimistic if only for her sake.

Finally, after a few arduous minutes of being stared at and glaring back, Trey and Ralts arrived at the main Poke' Mart of Saffron City, which happened to be situated right next to Silph Co.

Trey looked between the two buildings in awe of the magnitude of one to the other.

"I'm pretty sure this Mart isn't even on the small side… But dear Arceus the Silph building is enormous…" he said, his neck craning upwards slightly to see the full structure.

Ralts cooed in his arms, her small head doing the same until it leaned against his chest.

Trey chuckled a bit, then took a deep breath as he walked up to the store preparing himself not only for a large crowd inside as he saw people coming and going. But also for people to possibly ask questions about what happened with Ralts.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained… Trey thought exhaling and steeling himself mentally.

Trey walked through the large double doors entering with a few other people, each one toting either a belt full of Pokeballs or the former with a Mon accompanying them. The fellow trainers and breeders gave Trey and Ralts a terse glance, many of them giving sympathetic looks as they saw the injuries on Ralts. Others showed outright gazes of disgust as they passed.

Trey's face contorted into a frown but was forced to bite his tongue once again. He couldn't very well make a scene in the mart before he even got what he was coming for.

Sighing he did his best to breathe and release his tension. Looking down at his arms seeing Ralts crane her head and coo just reminding him once again of all the growing up he would quickly have to do.

Not only would he have to take care of his new partner, but he had two small children that would be needing care as well. As much as he had always longed to be a real kid for once, now more than ever did his circumstances require him to be more of an adult than most adults he had seen.

He knew very well from his time in the orphanage and watching…

He choked back a sob interrupted in his thoughts as he saw Miss Urah's face flash in his mind, startling Ralts in his arms briefly.

"Sorry sweetie… Painful memories…" Trey sighed, patting her on the head, doing his best to calm her and apologize yet again for letting his emotions slip over their link.

The psychic thread that they both shared, for better or worse, was also another reason he needed to grow up even more than he already had at the orphanage. The very thought of sending harmful emotions that might send the poor Pokemon further down her own traumas hurt Trey deeper than he could articulate.

Feeling the painful reality of the things he had just gone through, he knew it was not fair to continue to use her as an emotional crutch. He needed to be better, he needed to do better. He would do better.

Using his current feelings as an emotional segway, Trey steeled himself. But quickly heard a cough behind him.

"Ahem! You are blocking the store entrance…" a young boy said.

"Oh! My bad was lost in-" Trey tried to explain but was cut off.

"Yeah don't care, move old man. My journey isn't going to wait for grampas like you! Come on Growlithe!" the boy said, waving in his mon.

The Growlith walked past Trey and Ralts, its head up high, trotting along like he owned the place, even going as far to scoff as it looked over in Trey's direction.

This little shit! No.. No.. patience… Please don't let the twins start growing an attitude like that or Arceus help me… Trey thought, doing his best to calm himself now.

Trey finally looked up and into the store, amazed by the sheer vastness of the selection. The wonder of everything contained in the store set his boyish glee ablaze, making him easily forget about the little trainer and his Growlithe.

Trey walked further into the store, looking around with his mouth agape, Ralts humming and harring in tandem with him at the rows upon rows of Pokemon food, equipment, training equipment, evolution stones in thick glass cases, potions, balls, and more.

"And this is supposed to be only a moderate store? Is this because it's next to Silph? The one in Celadon is supposed to be bigger right…?" Trey hummed, walking down slowly, browsing the items, "The only thing they are missing is a Pokemon adoption department… Shit that reminds me I have to go and finish filing those. Jeez, I need a phone I think…"

Trey scratched the back of his head going through the things he needed to buy.

A phone is the bare minimum now, maybe I'll be able to get a deal as a trainer for a Rotom phone, or a Silph one. I'll have to ask someone when I checkout if I can't find it…

Trey continued to walk through the aisle for the moment, taking in all the different items and gadgets they were selling, completely lost in things he couldn't even purchase.

"What would someone need a thermometer that went up this high for? It's fuc- It's really 200 credits just for this?!" Trey yelped.

Trey began getting bad premonitions about how much his wallet would hurt.

Turning away from the fire-type aisle he was just in, he began searching for the sign that marked the Pokeball aisle. After a few moments of meandering, he finally spotted it, but was disappointed to find that none of them were actually there.

What Trey found were pictures and prices of the balls and their types as well as functions.

They're vouchers? Trey guessed, looking over some of the Pokeballs.

What he found were standard Red and White balls, Vanity balls, Great balls, Lure Balls, and many many more. Each picture hanging from the wall of the aisle and the prices shocked Trey, well everything besides the standard Pokeballs that Ralts was using shocked him.

"The prices double or even quadruple from one to the next… This is almost like cigar smoking…. Like Donnie says, 'it's just burning money,'" Trey chuckled wryly.

Suddenly remembering the old man, who absolutely hated Trey, but somehow hired him. Trey balked.

"I almost forgot about Donnie and Kristine too… Today is going to be one long exhausting day… If only that Spearow didn't wake me up…. I fucking hate bird Pokemon…." Trey sighed as Ralts looked up tilting her head with a coo.

You can now go to Patreon and read ahead one chapter from Chapter 7, before the release to RR and other sites. RR will be updated once there is at least 1 chapter ahead for War Orphan on Patreon. You are able to read ahead for less than a cup of coffee if you wish. I appreciate all the support and only hope you will continue to enjoy the series I produce. I will be finishing the uploads of chapters 4 to 7 tonight, Cheers.


Arthur_Inversecreators' thoughts