
The War of the Last Dragons

After centuries of war, the Dragons were finally 'contained'. No longer would they rule over Ylphasia with impunity and total control. No more would the world have to fear their overlords (or so they saw them as such). In fact, it seemed that with the Humans and Dragons finally gone, real peace was attainable. .....but were they really gone? Legend had said that there were still two fully-blooded Dragons out there to still be caught and entrapped. Thanks to the patience of a secret society, it would only be a matter of time until their protection would wear off, and a new war would begin to reshape the world as everyone knew it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXCERPT: "Now...about this folder..." Adelaide began again and turned to Sattus with a displeased look on her face. "Were you really going to give the keys to the kingdom to him...and before you ever even told her the truth?" The leader nodded towards the silent Destiny, but did not address her. There was a pregnant pause. The Queen sighed in annoyance and sat back into her chair with the contents she held close to her chest. "You really, really were...." She let out brief groan of disappointment. "Well, that's good. That leaves our contract moot. We were very clear about the agreement - no marriages without the knowledge of the council. Did you forget, or did you think they'd just ignore it?" She interrogated Sattus like a mother who caught their son in a lie. Hell, Adelaide was old enough to be the world's mother, and the chiding amused her so much, she had to cover her mouth to stop a pleasant smile. "Why do you think I am so careful with my assignments? Even I fear the Council. An order is an order." Adelaide insisted and crossed her arms with the blue file tightly tucked against her chest. She guarded it like treasure. Whatever was in that folder - that was what Destiny wanted more than anything now. For whatever was in there, held the truth about her entire life - a secret that she hadn't even known was buried in this castle. Was she even Sattus' daughter? Did she have to get married to V'Azlak now? Still stunned by the scene, she had yet to sit down - and finally, Adelaide addressed her, but without acknowledgement.  "Sit down, Destiny. I can't have you going anywhere...." Unsure of whether it was a suggestion, or a threat, she did as Adelaide requested and took a seat as though she had been programed to carry out her orders. It both terrified and confused her on how a woman she barely knew could somehow control her every move - and apparently knew something about her past that she didn't.

Starparticle · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Hard to Believe

"Ismyrea...." Lanshu started with a broken voice as he too sank down to her level with a grimace.

She pulled her face from her hands like lightning and looked at him perplexed and insulted at first. However, it morphed into a beautiful smile once he changed his scales to reflect his native human form. "We should continue this conversation in your room..." He grinned and offered his hand to her.

When she took it, his heart raced and his fingers squeezed around her delicate appendages. He raised her up and opened her door and allowed her to lead him inside.

He shut it behind him as soon as his two toned ass cheeks were just enough out of the way to not clip himself, and was sure to lock it. Although he had only had his back turned for a brief moment, when he eventually turned back around, she had somehow made it out of that tight dress she had been in, and instead left herself in her undergarments.

A pleasant surprise indeed.

"Woah..." He uttered out like some young college boy. 

Destiny came towards him and broke his bewitched gaze on her with a hot kiss and desperate fingers that sunk into his flesh with hunger.

The dusty blonde male leaned into her for a moment, and enjoyed her warmth upon him again. As badly as he wanted to continue, he knew that he had only just a little bit of time to talk to her.

"Ismyrea...your name, do you remember it?" His eyes searched hers with panic in hopes she had an inkling of what he knew - or even a whiff.

'It's my middle name, of course I remember it.' She signed to him with a soft frown.

"No, my darling.... your real name. Your true name is Ismyrea. I've recently been enlightened to our pasts, and you have to know who you are. You and I - we're Dragons, Isme....full blooded. We met a long, long time ago - don't you remember? Back when the humans were still around..." He conveyed so much information to her so quickly, and it was only natural that she denied him outright.

'What are you talking about? I've always lived here, Lanshu.... Are you alright?' Her fingers were clumsy, but he understood what she meant just fine.

"No you haven't, and yes I am. I've been having dreams since I drank this tea Adelaide gave me - dreams of you and I, and all of our lives together. Have you not had anything? Not even a gut feeling?" Lanshu's lips frowned deeply as his eyes searched hers for a spark of remembrance, but she just looked lost.

"Do you really, truly believe I would lie to you, Isme?" He asked as he gripped her hands.

Her hesitation to shake her head hurt him deeper than he imagined it would have, but he only tried to prove it further. "Maybe if we stay together longer, you'll remember. You have to....we've been each other's other half for centuries - and now that I know that, I can't let that asshole downstairs take you as his bride. I'd rather be skinned alive than to even have the thought that his hands touched you."

The lovely Dragon captured in the water blinked at him a few times before she nodded. 'I trust you, Lanshu - it's just a foreign concept to me right now. I don't feel like a Dragon...I can't even change into one...'

"Of course you can't. I couldn't either until recently. How can you emulate what you haven't seen? There are no pictures of our kind anywhere, there are no books, or tapestries. Nothing. Just a mention here and there in the past mythologies of the humans."

'How did a tea-'

A hurried knock rapped against the door. "Destiny, are you alright?" Sirene asked through the door. "I don't know where that guard is, so I'm coming in before he gets back..."

The poor Princess looked terrified at the prospect and looked between him and the door swiftly for answers.

Lanshu winked at her and pointed towards the pool of water near her bed. 'I'm going to hide in there - don't worry, I can hold my breath well...' He informed her with his hands and sprinted when the lock clicked.

While Destiny watched him fly through the air, she held her breath with anticipation that there would be a large splash. Her attention was pulled away from him and towards Sirene who let herself in, and just as her Lady in Waiting turned to close the door -- a soft splash echoed briefly.

"What was that?" Sirene pondered and tried to look over to the pool of water, but was distracted by Destiny as she pointed to the bathroom in the jolt of the moment.

"That guy isn't in there, is he?" The maiden whispered hoarsely as she pointed to the closed door.

Destiny shook her head and signed beautifully as she lied through her fingers. 'He went to clean his hand up. I don't know where he went. I was just about to bathe myself and ride my scales of the mess he left behind.'

She raised her arm to show Sirene the smeared blood still left on her shiny skin.

"Oh, that's gross. Let's wash that off of you, then. I'll stay here so when he gets back you have me here to protect you." She offered with a soft smile.

Once more, the Princess shook her hands and head and made a sour face to ward off her attendant, but it only aroused more suspicion ( Destiny had always been a poor liar).

"What is going on here...? Are you sure he didn't hurt you? Did he touch you? I'll kill him-"

Once more the Princess insisted on her satisfactory safety and shook her head and hands before they slid into sign language. 'No - ew. I just want to be alone for a while. I was just essentially sold off to someone, and I want to soak that in. Just - please - leave me alone.'

"Your Grace..." Sirene began with sadness in her eyes. "Don't push me away, please...You can trust me, you've always been able to trust me. This shouldn't be different. I'll still be able to go with you wherever he takes you. Let's get a warm bath going, and I'll get some scented sea salts..."

Unable to yell, Destiny instead stamped her foot on the ground and used solid precision with her hands as she spelled out each word with no fluidity - just to make sure Sirene understood her completely.

'I. Said. Go. Away. Please.' She had become so angry that tears had formed in her eyes. 'I just want to be alone. I want to be angry - not consoled.'

"I..." Her only friend hesitated and then bowed to her. "As you wish, your Grace....but.... I cannot ignore your pain for long. I will return - just... don't break anything, please. Yourself or otherwise."

Sirene looked hurt as she turned and left as she came, and even locked the door as it had been to cover her tracks. 

Destiny sighed out in relief, but also felt a twinge of remorse for how she had spoken to her only friend whom she usually trusted everything with. She didn't know why, but her gut screamed at her to send Sirene away - but she listened to it despite how bad she felt.

Hopefully it would be the right call later....