
The War of Creation

The Transcendent Creators, the most powerful beings in the multiverse, are locked in a war with the Council of Corruption, a group of evil beings who seek to destroy all creation. Nsu, the heir to the Transcendent Creators, is tasked with leading the war effort. But she is not alone. She has the help of her twin brother, Lani, as well as a host of other powerful allies. The war is long and bloody, and neither side seems to be able to gain an advantage. But Nsu and her allies are determined to win, no matter the cost. In the end, it will come down to a battle between Nsu and the Void, the most powerful member of the Council of Corruption. If Nsu can defeat the Void, she will save the multiverse. But if she fails, all of creation will be destroyed.

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7 Chs

The Gathering Storm

Malia sat at the bar, sipping her drink and chatting with her friends. She had been training for hours and was exhausted, but her friends had insisted that she come out and relax. She didn't want to disappoint them, so she reluctantly agreed.

As she finished her drink, her AI bracelet buzzed. She glanced down at the screen and saw a notification for an emergency meeting of all allies and generals in the capital world of Diveri.

Malia's eyes widened in alarm. This was serious. She quickly drained her glass and stood up.

"I have to go," she told her friends. "There's been an emergency meeting called."

Her friends nodded understandingly. "We understand," they said. "Be careful."

Malia hurried out of the bar and made her way to the teleportation pad. She teleported to Diveri and headed straight for the meeting hall.

The hall was already packed with people, and the tension in the air was palpable. Malia found her seat and sat down, waiting for the meeting to begin.

A few minutes later, a high-ranking general named Aiko stepped up to the podium. She was tall and imposing, with a stern expression on her face.

"I am here to inform you that we have received intelligence that the Void is planning an attack on Diveri," Aiko announced. "We believe he will be attacking with all his forces, so we must be prepared."

A murmur of fear rippled through the crowd.

"We are gathering all our allies and generals here in Diveri to coordinate our defenses," Aiko continued. "We will need everyone's help to defeat the Void."

Malia listened intently, her mind racing. She knew this was a serious threat, and she was determined to do her part to stop the Void.

The meeting lasted for several hours, with various speakers outlining their plans and strategies. By the end, Malia had a good understanding of what needed to be done. She knew that the Void was a powerful foe, but she was confident that they could defeat him if they worked together.

After the meeting, Malia returned to her quarters to rest. She was exhausted, but she knew she needed to be well-rested for the battle ahead.

As she lay down on her bed, she thought about the Void. He was a powerful enemy, but he was not invincible. Malia was determined to defeat him, and she was confident that she would succeed.

She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, dreaming of victory.

Meanwhile, in another dimension, ten individuals gathered in a tower overlooking the multiverse of Drina.

These were the ten rulers of Drina, each a powerful being in their own right:

Faceless (The Heavenly Dragon)

Lani (The Primordial Destroyer)

Raiku (The Worldly Devastator)

Teka (The Blood Queen)

Kagenou (The Nightmare King)

Michi (Heaven's Equal)

Genesis (The King of Curses)

Hunter (The Mana Lord)

Toji (The King of Calamity)

Zarc (The Absolute Admin)

They had come together to discuss the recent attack on Diveri by the Void. All were concerned about his growing power and determined to find a way to stop him before it was too late.

"We must act now," Faceless declared. "The Void grows stronger by the day. If we do not stop him soon, it will be too late."

"I agree," Lani said. "We must find a way to destroy him once and for all."

They discussed their options for several hours but were unable to come up with a foolproof plan. The Void was a formidable foe, and they would need to be very careful if they hoped to defeat him.

In the end, they decided to split up and search for his weaknesses. If they could find a way to exploit them, they might be able to defeat him.

With that decided, they dispersed, each going their separate way. They were all determined to find a way to stop the Void and confident that they would succeed.

*End of Chapter 3 I hope everyone is enjoying this series*