
The Wandering Void

[ Read after checking the NOTES please!!! ] Suffered till the age of 15, Michael hated his life. He just wanted to die. He however never could commit suicide. His destiny was different however. But the pain he endured wasn't something, a 15 year old could ever think of. Even in suffering, he never said anything. He only wanted everything to stop. . . . However even after dying, he could still sense things. He couldn't see, speak or move. All he could sense was his consciousness was still there. He waited for minutes, hours, days, and years thinking he will forget everything and cease to exist. However in that long silence and darkness, he saw a light... It changed his whole life from 'beginning' to his 'present' and 'future'. But, he had another role, which he didn't even thought to be possible. He will find himself in a journey to learn the secrets of universes and realities. But during, this time, he will also learn of another existence, which existed even before the birth of the human called Micheal. **************************************************** [ NOTES ] : • There are some very sensitive contents in some chapters. So, if you are weak to it, just ignore them. But, they are necessary to understand the story. • I know, this is very slow. But I too have some problems in my life. I can't just focus on writing a book. So whenever I get free, I will write more in advance so that, I won't be late in uploading a new chapter. • Also, I didn't want to write a story with incest for the first time! But after started writing, it was necessary. I hope to change some things though in the future! • Images and cover is from AI Generator. • I was planning to write a long novel at first. But changed my decision due to some problems. So this novel will probably be short. Currently I am planning to write each volume with hundred chapters. I don't know how many volumes will there be though. For now, I'll do my best! • If there's news, I will notify you all through this page or comments. • Thank you for reading! **************************************************** ADDITIONAL TAGS : • Action • Romance • Harem • Twins • Cousins • Incest (Not really but the truth will only be shown later.) • R-18 • Fantasy • Academy • Yandere • Handsome Protagonist • Intelligent Protagonist • Fetishes • Taming • Master - Servant relationship • Teacher - Student relationship • Cute & Beautiful Heroines • Calm Personality • Ruthless Protagonist(against enemies) • Kind Protagonists(for loved ones) • Isekai • System • Overpowered Mc • Smut • Fantasy races • Weak to Strong • Demons • Elves • Monsters • Vampires • Werewolves • Dragons • Spirits • New Species • Fantasy creatures • Cultivation world (future) • Magic world • Different worlds • Reincarnation • Fast progression • Slow Story

Mad_Crazer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
121 Chs

Chapter - 58 [ Debut During Sacred Twin Moon Night! ]

After Adam and the others left the underground vault, some time later, a shadow appeared there. On a closer look, one could understand this was a vampire, with his Red eyes and white hair. However there was another presence together with him. That presence said after humming,

"It seems they took him away. But the girl is still there. I guess they couldn't find her and left in a hurry. Could they have sensed our arrival..? No that can't be. There isn't anyone in this world who can sense us if I don't let them."

The words were arrogant but, regardless of his words, the vampire nodded and said, "Since, they didn't rescue Lucia, then that means we should hurry with our plans. Also, wouldn't there be any problem if the citizens found about the fake death of their king..?"

The shadow said without any worries, "Don't worry. There isn't anyone who can defeat me here. Besides, even if he escapes, who will trust his words...? All of them saw his death. So they naturally will think he is a fake king."

The vampire nodded. Then the shadow moved towards where he trapped the princess. Reaching the circular room, they saw a figure sleeping soundly on a stone table. Upon seeing this, the shadow squinted his piercing red eyes and said, "I first sensed her movement as well. It seems they were trying to rescue her as well. But they failed."

While he heard the shadows words, the vampire was still doubtful. So he asked, "Are you sure..? What If it's an illusion like yours..?" The shadow snorted angrily before saying with a rough voice, "You are a brat. What do you know about strength..? I am someone who rules over illusions. Do you seriously think I would be fooled by an illusion..?"

The vampire gulped loudly before shaking his head to deny his previous words. The shadow laughed out loudly before saying in a serious tone.

"Let's see through our plans. On the night of Twin Moon Sacred Night, we will make you the sole King of the vampire race...!"

There was silence in that dark place....





Day of The Twin Moon Sacred Night....

At night, the whole city was silenced by the various sounds of music and melodies from the castle, while most of the citizens and Noble families travelled towards the sacred temple of their Ancestor.

The sacred temple was very old, as if it was built from the origin of this world. It was very mysterious even to vampires. Inside the temple, it doesn't matter if one is noble, or one is a common vampire. Under the name of their Ancestor, they all were children.

Unlike the previous years, people weren't smiling, but they all were wearing sadness on their faces. Everyone knows why it's like this. They all eyed, the luxurious cart, leading them all. Without even thinking, they could tell who it was.

Although it was really shocking, they all accepted it when they heard their king was defeated and killed. Now even though they all have hatred towards that person, they don't have the strength to rebel against the person who killed him.

There was a long line of people walking towards the inner hall of the temple. After everyone was entered, the large doors closed sealing them inside until the ceremony was finished.






Seeing everything from the sky, Adam smiled as his doubts were cleared. Beside him, Jace was glaring at the temple like a terrorist, while being their first time flowing in the air without their wings, Lucia and, their father Damon Maacah Lurculi, was nervous like a child. They always rely on their wings to fly, so it was nerve wracking for them.

"They are inside. So we will be going forward with my plans. Any questions...?" They all shook their heads. Smiling in response to their answer, Adam was about to leave when he sensed someone pulling his clothes. Turning towards Lucia, Adam asked with a smile,

"What's wrong..?"

She felt a little guilty and decided first not to say anything, but remembering her sister's words last night, she made a determined face as she said,

"I'd like you to do something else too..." Following her, their father, Damon also repeated, "It is something I wish as well. If it's not impossible, I'd like to request this as well."

As he didn't know what they were talking about, Adam listened to their request. Although he was surprised, he wasn't going to control their life. So he nodded. But before he could start his plans, he was forced to smile in response to Lucia suddenly asking him to marry her once everything was over. Damon only smiled a little.







Each and everyone was waiting inside the large hall without any noises. Only the king, his guards, and others of royal blood went through a triangular doorway before closing the invisible door. Outsiders could only see the floor from here.

As the king and his people stopped before an even larger hall, one of the old men among the noble family heads, stepped forward. He kneeled first to the marble coffin before standing up and bowed to others. Then he said, "Greet the Ancestor..!"

Following his words, everyone, including the king kneeled and said, "Bless us Ancestor..!" Then nodding in satisfaction, the old man opened a box near him and pulled out a sparkling red and gold clothes, he spread it wide before making the king wear it. Then he said loudly,

"Now, the ceremony of Twin Moon Sacred Night Begins...!"

Following his cry, the others, including those who are waiting outside began singing a song about their Ancestor. During this time, only the king and the old man kept their mouths closed.

The song continued for some hours. Before midnight, they all kneeled again and kept crying, "Night of the Moon , Blood of Life..!"

Then making them all stop, they all saw through the open roof, the two moons above the temple aligning together to form a glowing blood moon. Then as if there's nothing else in the atmosphere, the light from the moon was projected like a torch as it pierced through the large mirror above the inner hall where the king and the others were.

Under the mirror, there was a large magic circle colored red. Seeing this, the old man said to the others, "The moon has blessed us with its light. For the sake of receiving successful blessings, others should leave the room."

As this wasn't the first time they participated in the ceremony of blessings, they knew the king and the old man were planning something. However without the power to say anything to his words, they all bowed before walking away. Now only two people were left in the room.

Sighing, the king said, "Old man, the light only remains for little time. We have time until the moon eclipse finishes. It will take some time. But we should do everything as fast as we can. We won't get this opportunity until next year. So go and bring her here."

The old man nodded like a servant before leaving the room by another door. As the old man left, a shadow appeared next to him and said, "It's really wonderful phenomena. You know Vesta... In my world, there isn't anything like this. Such a mysterious power of nature. Your world is a treasure. When our plan is completed, we will find all the treasures in this world for ourselves....!"

Hearing the shadows words, Vesta, the king who defeated the previous king chuckled. Then he said, "With your technique, I can take her whole blood. And what is it..? Soul..? Something that makes us who we are. I will snatch it from her as well...!"

"Hahahaha...! Your ambitions are quite good. But, without the sufficient amount of knowledge about 'soul', you will not grow any further. Even if I teach you a little, that is nothing in front of true knowledge. If I say myself, I have only an understanding of 2% about souls. So if I teach you, the most you can learn is about 00.0001%..! In other words it is not so easy..."

Vesta was forced to open his mouth as he never thought he would be so far behind this friend of his. However feeling more motivated he nodded. The shadow quickly hid as the old man came together with a figure covered by a loud blood line floating in the air.

Seeing the figure of Lucia, who looked like a doll without life, Vesta smiled evily. But clearing his thoughts, he nodded to the old man. The old man placed her body in the middle of the magic circle without touching it himself.

After his work was done, he was told to wait outside just like others. He wanted to stay and learn whatever his king was going to do. However fearing his death, he nodded before leaving.

Walking towards the magic circle, Vesta rested with his legs crossing. Then he said, "I am ready..!", which was answered by the shadow appearing behind him and nodding.

The shadow pointed his hand at the magic circle, and another circle was created above it with black colored energy. He then began controlling its input before he screamed, " Soul Absorption Technique..!" As he said this, the body of Lucia began to burn with the black energy before her body became a corpse like that of a mummy. This surprised him however as it was done too fast. However thinking how such weaklings can have strong souls, he ignored it. . He cast the technique and aimed it at Vesta.

As he was waiting, the shadow nodded in satisfaction as the black mist from the rotten corpse covered Vesta like a round bag.

'Is it because the world is different, the technique works differently..?' The shadow thought. But his eyes widened when he saw the black barrier explode. He jumped back in confusion. However a panicked expression appeared on his face when he saw Vesta vomiting blood.

He didn't really care about Vesta. But, this showed that there were some mistakes in his technique or something went wrong. He saw that the corpse of the vampire girl was missing. Feeling slightly doubtful, he tried to leave this world and return to his true body. However feeling as if an invisible layer with the thickness of the bubble but harder than anything he has ever seen, was denying it, he understood everything. But still feeling quite confident, he walked towards Vesta and called out to him, "Are you okay, Vesta..?"

Vesta still coughing out blood answered after stopping his cough, "Yeah.. What happened..? I feel like my life itself was reduced by a large margin."

Without waiting, the shadow responded, "It seems they knew about our plans. At least about using that girl for your blood awakening. And i don't know how, but it seems this world still has some experts...."

"Experts..?" He was confused. They defeated a Magic King. One of the strongest beings in the world. Now his friend is saying there is an expert stronger than a magic king..?

"I know you are confused. But before that, let's call them."

Then turning towards a random location, he called out, "Come out. I know you are here." Although he was only testing, his smile which was under the hood and darkness was changed when he saw someone walking from the darkness wearing weird clothes from his perspective. Then a loud scream was heard as this person said,

"Alright... It's time to clean up some extraterrestrial trash."

A little fun as piccolo~~!

Mad_Crazercreators' thoughts