
The Wanderer - A X-Men Crossover Fan-Fiction

Dying painfully and in despair, Elijah Frost wakes up in a new reality, where he finally got the chance he had been denied before. Using his unique gift, he plans to wander the galaxy, as he enjoys the freedom his power grants him. ................................ This Fan-Fiction is a Crossover between the X-Men, MCU and the Marvel Comics. Characters, events and timelines will be mixed to create the world the MC finds himself in after his abrupt transmigration. It is a slow paced story and therefore a bit different than my other works, which means it will also be longer. I know that a lot of things are overused when it comes to FF in the MCU, so I can only ask you to trust me that I will create a unique story that will not leave you wanting for anything. There will be romance. I have no real update schedule, but advanced chapters of this story are on my p@treon account. I will probably only upload it here occasionally, as this account isn't a priority of mine and just exists to stop others from stealing my intellectual property. (My p@treon-acc: www.p@treon.com/GodOfFreedom; Don't forget to change the @ for an a...) Last, but not least, I don't own anything but my own characters, as I do not own the cover image, which I found on the internet. If you are the creator and want me to take it down, just send me a message or leave a comment. Enjoy!

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181 Chs

Chapter 105 – Visit

[2009 – September]

Listening to his strong heartbeat as she rested her head on Elijah's chest, her bare chest pressed against his side while strands of the morning sun fell through the window and danced across her naked back and his bare upper body, Jean refused to move away from the comfort that her love's warmth and presence provided.

Her thoughts though couldn't help but wander to the words spoken by Elijah the night before while her fingers drew soft circles on the chest of her still sleeping lover, his view of humanity and mutantkind as a whole so clear and 'untainted' that it still caused her much surprise.

She had known beforehand that Elijah looked at things differently than her but what he spoke about the night before was nothing short of shocking.

Elijah saw things with such clarity that even calling him a realist wouldn't do him justice. His view of the world didn't seem to be tainted by emotions or personal experience, it was as if he was just an observer, looking at the world without ever touching it himself.

What was maybe most surprising though was that Elijah didn't even try to convince her to see things his way. On the contrary, he reassured her about her own views, looking at her with the same kind of love that always coloured his gaze when his eyes fell on her.

With this kind of temperament and wisdom, even the Professor seemed mediocre in comparison to Elijah in these aspects.

It was incredible how confident and comfortable he made her feel, even though his views differed so greatly from hers. He was so different than anyone else she had ever met, Jean couldn't help but wonder what had made Elijah the man he was.

She didn't think that she would ever meet someone else like her love as he seemed to be someone wholly unique.

His words also did make her feel at ease while she continued to believe in the good that resided in the human heart, despite the many sickening things she had encountered with her telepathy over the years.

Elijah himself made her want to hold on to this belief as she just knew that he was the best that humanity and mutantkind had to offer. He was strong yet kind, decisive yet loving.

Still, Jean also promised herself to not lose sight of reality, lest she found herself blinded by her own belief as Elijah had warned.

She knew to take his warning seriously, as she had met many people who were trapped by their own views of the world, reality being a vague and unwelcome concept to them.

Jean even had the sneaking suspicion that the Professor might be one of them, as was Magneto.

Elijah's words also made her gain a better understanding of the reason he was so determined to become stronger. It wasn't just so that he could protect himself and those he cared about.

Unlike Magneto, who seemed eager to enter an open conflict with humans, Elijah wanted strength so that others could not force him into taking a side in case such a conflict erupted. He wanted to rely on his own incredible power to preserve his freedom.

It may be a simple strategy, but it was still a shocking goal to actually pursue.

Feeling Elijah's hand coming to rest on her bare hip, his fingers brushing over the thin pair of lacy panties that covered her mound, she pushed those thoughts aside as she looked up, her eyes locking onto Elijah's sleepy gaze.

With a lazy smile on his lips, gentleness shining in his eyes, Elijah whispered: "Morning, Firefly."

Crawling up his body until her lips could reach his, Jean connected them with a tender kiss before replying, her bare breasts pressed against his muscled chest: "Morning, my love."

Arriving before Xavier's Mansion in a flash after spending a very heated morning with Jean, her sweet moans and pants still fresh in my memory, I dispersed the barrier that had brought us here.

Looking ahead, I saw Ororo approach and open the large iron gate by entering the code on a panel to the side. I had sent a message to the Professor to inform him about the time of our arrival, so she had most likely been sent to receive us.

Her eyes held a complicated expression as she looked at Jean, worry mixed with relief and affection. Ororo obviously cared about Jean, which didn't surprise me considering that my beautiful redhead had lived in the mansion for a decade before leaving. Ororo had basically watched her grow up.

"Ororo!", Jean called out happily, hugging the older woman with a bright smile, having also missed the dark-skinned mutant.

"Hey, Jean. How have you been?", Ororo replied, reciprocating the hug and smiling caringly while looking at Jean.

"I've been great! And you?", Jean answered with a smile as she moved back to my side, grabbing my hand and entwining our fingers as if on instinct.

"I'm fine.", Ororo voiced out with a calm smile, though the moment her eyes shifted to me, the look in her eyes turned from warm and affectionate into something much colder.

"Hello, Elijah. The Professor is awaiting your arrival.", she stated formally, her gaze filled with faint hostility and a hint of fear. She had obviously not forgotten our last meeting, though I didn't care if she liked me or not.

Everyone had to be responsible and shoulder the consequences of their own actions. The moment that I had attacked the X-Men, I was naturally aware of the fact that this might ruin the favourable impression that they had of me.

It was as they said: You can't have your cake AND eat it.

I had chosen my path, so I had to accept the consequences of my choice. Not to mention that I wasn't so immature that I couldn't handle the fact that others thought badly of me.

"Hello, Ororo. Please lead the way.", I replied politely with a nod of acknowledgment, seeing no reason to act out of sorts.

Giving me one last, deep look, Ororo turned around and led us towards the mansion, chatting with Jean along the way and subtly inquiring if she had been treated well.

It didn't take long for us to enter the mansion and arrive in front of the Professor's office. Ororo knocked quietly, which was a bit strange as the Professor should have sensed our approach with his telepathy.

"Enter.", the Professor's voice sounded out from inside.

Opening the door, Ororo stepped into the room and held the door open for us. My gaze immediately settled on the bald elderly man sitting in his wheelchair, which stood beside the leather sofa on the left side of the spacious office.

He wasn't alone though as a teenage girl with caramel-coloured skin sat on the sofa. She wore a long-sleeved light blue shirt and a long white skirt, long dark hair framing a very beautiful face.

"It seems we will have to continue our conversation later, Sooraya, as I have other matters to attend to for the moment.", the Professor addressed the girl with a smile, passing her the book in his hands.

"Yes, Professor.", the girl replied quietly as she stood up from the leather sofa. Greeting Ororo shyly, the girl threw a curious look at Jean and me before hurriedly leaving the office and closing the door behind her.

"Jean, Elijah. Thank you for accepting my invitation.", the Professor greeted us with a smile, before turning to Ororo and dismissing her softly, "Thank you for bringing them here, Ororo. That will be all for now."

"Please, take a seat.", he gestured to the now empty leather couch after Ororo left the office with reluctance, having thrown one last threatening look my way.

"Thank you.", I nodded and accepted the offer, pulling Jean with me, who for her part seemed very conflicted as she stared at the Professor.

I didn't necessarily feel any better but I had noticed something peculiar about the aged telepath.

He seemed somewhat haggard, even though I couldn't sense any new injuries on his body. With my Extrasensory Perception though, I could feel that something wasn't right with him. He seemed weak, too weak for an Omega-level telepath.

'What is going on?', I couldn't help but mull over this question as I took a seat with Jean by my side.

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This story has more than 80 advanced chapters on my p@treon account. I will probably only upload it here occasionally, as this account isn't a priority of mine and just exists to stop others from stealing my intellectual property.

(My p@treon-acc: www.p@treon.com/GodOfFreedom; Don't forget to change the @ for an a...)

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