
The Walking Dead The Journey.

A man dies and gets three wishes before being transported to the walking dead.

Cat_Tip · TV
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Back Story.

"Son you should stop overworking yourself you know, that's how I got sick and I don't want to see that happen to you as well."

"I know mother and I'm sorry and I'll try my best I'll see you later I made you three prepared meals, there in the fridge don't forget to eat them you need to start gaining weight like the doctor said, also make sure to take your medication you always forget."

"I will Daniel and I love you have a good day at work sweetie."

"I love you too mom goodbye, I don't know what time I'll get back home you know how the company I work for is like."

"Yeah I know just don't overwork yourself."

"I won't bye mom."

"Bye son."

Well as you can see by the introduction my name is Daniel and that's how my life used to be like every day, taking care of my mother and working at a company that pays way less then it should for the work I do.

I was a orphan who was adopted by my mother who's name was Janet Votey married to Bill Votey they where a lovely couple who couldn't have a baby, because of health reasons so they decide to adopt and they found me at the age of five.

After I was adopted my adoptive father passed away a few days after adopting me my from a car accident my adoptive mother was devastated, but when I asked what's gonna happen to me she said that we where family and we would stay together.

That was the day I promised to take care of my mother so from five years old to twenty I did everything from cleaning to throwing my back out from the age of ten to earn money for my mother since she is always working and it stayed like that until she got sick and I had to take more jobs and that went on till I graduated from HighSchool when I finally secured a job that payed well compared to all my pass jobs and everything was going well until I came home that night.

The first thing I noticed is that the door was unlocked, I was planning on the calling the police but I got to worried about my mother so I couldn't think. So I made my way into the house and saw blood the further I went in the stronger the scent of blood became and when I enter my mother rooms I saw three guys around my dead mother taking everything valuable they could see. I pretty much blackout after that and rushed at them.

I tackled one guy to the ground and push my finger into his eyes, digging them out and he screamed. Then it happen I got shot multiple times in my back and I fell hard onto the guy I was digging my fingers in. Then I woke up here in a black space.