
The walking dead Carl Grimes twin brother

This is an oc not reborn, he will go through a lot of conflict through the first two Seasons before finally becoming the loner who would do anything for he or his family’s survival.

king_sake · TV
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29 Chs


After about two weeks of getting to know everyone, Zane was close with everyone from the camp excluding Daryl and merle. But aside from his family including Shane.

He was closest with Sophia and dale, he and Sophia's relationship was that of fun and goofing off like kid's their age should be. With her and carl Zane felt thing's were normal but he didn't show it,

With he and Dale it was a kind of like Dale was his grandpa or something, Dale taught him things about radio's and cars and Zane really enjoyed being around him, he felt he had a grandpa and that really helped comfort him after just losing his dad not more than two weeks ago.

While Zane, Carl and Sophia are playing tag the adults have a serious discussion about what to do about resources. Shane was getting more frustrated the longer the conversation went on, he listens to the conversation go on for awhile before he finally lets the frustration get the better of him and frustrated and angry says "why the hell do we need to leave when we can hunt."

everybody stay's silent for awhile before dale finally says something with his always calm tone " well we don't just need food we need other things to you know." he says pointing to Andrea, Andrea is a women with long blonde hair and a round face with green eyes.

she shakes her head but nods and agrees with dale and so does everyone else. Shane is angry he knows what their saying is true they have needs the wilderness doesn't help with but he thinks that this is gonna get whichever people go killed.

The next day the adults have another meeting about who is gonna go on this little supply run, Shane instantly says "well I don't support this idea so not killing myself for it."

no one is shocked by the revelation because they expected Shane not to go kill himself over something he didn't agree on, Andrea starts thinking that she might have to go because she definitely wont let her little sister go and Lori cant go she has kids and the same with carol, and she is the only one who know what they need who can go.

"well I guess I'm going since I don't have much choice since Lori has kids and so does carol and don't even says anything Amy."

Amy wants to say something but she see's the air is serious right now so she feels it would be better to stay silent for now,

Glenn speaks up "I think I should go to because I know the city inside and out."

no one has a problem on that so no one comments, suddenly Shane blurts out "why don't merle and t-dog go to for the protection T-dog agrees and is onboard with it, merle laughs and says "as long as i get to knock somethings head off."

everyone just ignores him and takes that as his signal that he is gonna go, after that they chose a few more people to go and they were set they all decide they were gonna leave early next morning.

5 days later

Shane went to Zane and Carl and was playing with them and thing like that and they were all having fun. About two hours later Shane left and went into the woods and told them to stay there and they did.

Lori was collecting berries and things when suddenly she starts hearing noises she panicked a little but she calmed herself. she convinced herself it was a small animal and nothing else but she was wrong.

a hand found itself over Lori's mouth she tried to struggle but she heard Shane's voice "i was waiting for you."

Lori smacks him for scaring her "how much time do we have." "enough." they begin kissing all over each other they take off their clothes Shane starts kissing on her stomach and then he grabs his pole and puts it inside her.

Zane and dale are talking about radio's again because Zane simply wanted a reason to talk to dale since he was bored of playing with Sophia and Carl, he is starting to feel weird he doesn't know how to explain it its like he is never really having fun anymore.

he talks to Dale for a little while longer until he finally gets bored of talking to Dale to so he decides to just go back in his tent, he sits in the tent and reflects on how things have been going lately and things suck and most of all he didn't know what was wrong with himself.

While he was pitying himself his mom called him "its time for haircuts." Zane let out a big sigh he hated haircuts, he goes out and carl is already getting his haircut he says "mom do i really have to cut my hair."

Zane add in with carl and says "yea mom haircuts are really unnecessary i want to grow it out could you only trim it please." she nods her head and Zane gets extremely happy, and then he finally notices Shane and he says "man I'm glad I don't have to get a haircut."

Shane smiles and laughs and says "ill take you boys out frog hunting tomorrow." Zane and Carl say at the same time say sounds like fun Lori and Shane laugh they've been doing that since they were little. its like they know what the other is going to say.

Shane says "well be the heroes to these folks for bringing them dinner."

they all share a laugh at what Shane said and when Shane was about to make another joke they hear a loud beeping noise.

Shane gets up and and says "speak to me dale."

dale responds quickly with "I don't know yet I cant tell."

Amy worried says "is that them are they back." dale says "stolen car is my guess."

the car pulls up and Glenn gets out of the car Amy starts asking him questions, about Andrea and Shane is telling him to pop the hood he pops the hood and they disarm the car and it finally stop's beeping.

Shane says "you trying to attract every walker in the damn area?!"

Dale defends Glenn "maybe he had no choice you don't know what happened back there."

As Shane was about to respond a truck pulled up and parked and Andrea walked out and Amy was ecstatic. she ran up and hugged her sister and they were happy to be back together.

Another one of the people who went came and reunited with his family.

Seeing that he decide there was no reason to stay no one was coming for him so as he's walking away he hears carl yell something that shook him.

carl yells out "dad" full of emotion.

Zane turns around and see's his dad and he freezes he doesn't know what to do, his dad was supposed to be dead how is he standing there.

He touched his face to check if he was dreaming he was really confused how could Shane get it wrong, without thinking anymore he ran to his dad and he was real he wasn't his imagination.

But the only word that left Zane's mouth when he was hugging his dad was "how."

Should i do the part where rick is in the hospital or no

king_sakecreators' thoughts