
The Walking Dead: A Survival Tale

A man dies and is reincarnated in an alternative universe in the middle of the 2000s. Although it's a different universe from his own, things are pretty much the same, with very few differences. Using what he knew about some events, our protagonist uses his knowledge to become a billionaire. He was satisfied, as he had everything he wanted. Until... 'Congratulations to you for owning the one and only SHOP, where you can buy food, weapons, ammo, and many other things to help you on your journey through the Apocalypse!' An interface/message appeared in front of him, deeply confusing our protagonist. And the content of the message wasn't good either. ''Apocalypse !?!? What is happening!'' A few days later, news started to show some crazy people biting others. ''... That's bad, isn't it?'' ------------------ The Image is AI generated; I own nothing. All rights belong to their respective owners.

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70 Chs

55 - Paris(1)

It didn't take long for Jonathan to arrive in Paris, but this time, he didn't go straight to the point the SHOP gave him. He was too tired for that.

Add the fact it was at night, the sleep came like a truck.

Doing what he had done in China, Jonathan put on a parachute and then stored the jet in his INVENTORY. The fall came soon after.

As it was night, and he was above the clouds, he couldn't fully see the streets, but he deduced that they were full of zombies. So, while aiming at the point, Jonathan kept an eye on the situation in Paris.

As he descended from the clouds, Jonathan was shocked by the state of the city, 'It's like there's no problem here...'

As he was above the clouds before, and it was night, Jonathan couldn't see the state of the city, but now that he had come out of the clouds, he could see that Paris was in a great state.

Everywhere he looked, there were lights and no zombies in the streets. That was something impossible in today's world.

"How come nobody put this on the internet?" At the very beginning of the apocalypse, when the internet was still working, nobody said anything about it.

But it soon made sense to Jonathan, 'Umbrella probably acted and prevented news about Paris...'

' Which could mean that patient 0 is here.'

And so are Umbrella's main forces. So this time Jonathan couldn't land directly on the point. So, still at a good altitude, and with normal visibility, Jonathan took aim at a nearby building.

Tomorrow, when he was rested, he could simply use a helicopter and land where the point was.

Choosing a building that looked normal, Jonathan waited until the limit to open the parachute, so as not to be noticed by the Umbrella forces, if they existed. And, thanks to the KNOWLEDGE he bought at SHOP, he was an expert in that area.


Even with all this, it was still uncomfortable to land on pure concrete, but Jonathan didn't complain too much. As soon as he landed, he put the parachute away in the INVENTORY and tried his best to hide his existence.

He didn't know how many forces they had, so he was acting cautiously.

After 30 minutes and no sign of anyone noticing him, Jonathan finally relaxed. 'I'm too tired for any kind of battle.'

Although he could use the items he had bought from SHOP to stay awake, Jonathan knew that nothing was better than sleep to combat sleepiness.

So, after making a few traps in case someone came along, Jonathan took a bed from the INVENTORY and went to sleep.



After a much need sleep, Jonathan woke up ready to find this damn patient 0. The worst thing is, after finding the said patient 0, he was sure he would have to do other things to make the cure.

So, this whole search was just one part of a puzzle, but Jonathan was going to do his best to solve it.

Now with sunlight shining through everywhere, Jonathan could finally see the state of the city. And it was even better than he expected.

Using a drone to look around, with a safe altitude to better hide it, he could see how the people here were living.

There were markets, and pets, not a single civilian was holding a weapon, and all their clothes looked normal, not like the ones you would expect of a person living in the apocalypse. Of course, there were guards in some places, but it wasn't that common to see then.

' This place is even better than the prison.' Before seeing this, Jonathan was proud of his home, a place he could've proclaimed as the safest on Earth, but now, seeing Paris, ' It pales in comparison.'

This was literally paradise. No zombies around, no death, only people living happily.

But that made Jonathan even more cautious, ' Umbrella seems more powerful than I imagined.'

If they could protect Paris, a large city, they must have a lot of manpower.

Satisfied with what he saw, Jonathan focused his attention on the point SHOP showed him. When he went the with his drone, he could see there was a lot of soldier in the area. A lot.

' The patient 0 must be inside.' For it to have so many guards, that was the only conclusion Jonathan could have, ' Or they were guarding something worse.'

Calling his drone back after looking around the building where the point was, Jonathan could not think of a plan to enter such a building, ' I don't know what to do now. I imagined fighting against zombies, which in itself would not be easy now they are evolved, but this... this is difficult.'

While Jonathan didn't think he would lose, it would still be dangerous. Very much so.

So, with no idea of a plan, Jonathan put his drone to use once more. This time, he went to check the outside of the city. 

And the sight made him pause, ' ... What the FUCK is this?!'

Jonathan could see through the lens of the drone, that at least millions of zombies were surrounding the area. The strange thing was that they weren't attacking or moving, almost like they were docile.

' ... Not knowing what your enemy is capable of is horrible.'

Jonathan knew that a single sightseen of a human would make those zombies go berserker, and Paris would definitely fail. So the question was, ' Why did they let so many zombies around the area? It was like setting an atomic bomb as a defense mechanism.'

A possibility made Jonathan grow fearful, ' Perhaps they can control the zombies...? No, that is impossible.'

Deninig and hoping that it wasn't the truth, Jonathan once more hit a dead end.

' What do I even do now?'

Putting his hand on his face, for the first time in a while, even with the INVENTORY, Jonathan could not think of a solution that didn't involve a lot of deaths and destruction.

' I could, if the zombies weren't being controlled, attract this horde to Paris. That would give me the chance I need to check inside the building where the point is. But, that would mean everyone here would die.'

After a long time, Jonathan decided to check if the people here were from Umbrella. If they were their family member of them, he would do what needed to be done.

The safety of his family, and the cure X The people in Paris. 

It was clear which one was more important to Jonathan.

So, after putting on some nice clothes, with a bulletproof vest underneath it, and putting all his guns in the INVENTORY, Jonathan set out to mix up with the people below him.


Jonathan was in the middle of the people in Paris, and thanks to the KNOWLEDGE he had bought before, his French was perfect. So, he was getting by without being noticed by the guards around the area.

'I feel like I'm just like Alpha in the comics and the TV show when she went inside their home to look around... By the way, she must've died, right?'

While not feeling sorry for the fate of such a person, Jonathan continued going around places, not asking too much, just chatting, eating, and getting to know the locals.

The conclusion he arrived at was that the majority of the people around were the family of the members of the Umbrella.

Of course, it was easy to arrive at that conclusion, as they weren't shy about this topic. Jonathan managed to avoid the question by saying he was new to the area. It worked, but he did not want to meet any guards, as they would find out about him not being from the area.

After this trip, to see the enemy, Jonathan retreated once more to the building he had landed. And now, he arrived at the conclusion that he must do what needs to be done to protect his family and find the cure.

Unfortunately, to the people in Paris, the plan Jonatan thought was to let the horde of millions distract the guards, while he entered the building. Of course, the zombies around the area could be in some sort of trance, so it was a gamble.

After this plan is put in motion, Jonathan's hands will be filled with blood. Of course, it would be the blood of the enemies of humanity, but even then, there are innocent people here. But that will not stop Jonathan.

Paris must fall.

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