
The Waking Dream: The Age of Magic

For over a hundred years man has written stories based on historical events and happenings. Many are quite unbelievable and considered works of fiction rather than actual fact, but is it really all that unbelievable in the end? In a world where the imagination flourishes and thrives we are not so limited to what could have been and what really happened. Children believe, so why can’t we? In Japan a new story is unfolding, the pages already decades old and written long before the modern world existed as it does today. Let’s follow this tale of two siblings, bound by blood, as they uncover a treasure thought forgotten. Broken apart in time they will find the source of everything… So, I ask you this question, dear reader… When everything you know is turned upside down and all these little bedtime stories about myths and magic weren’t just stories anymore, what would you do?

Helvetija · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Cleanliness is Important

Oh hot springs were lovely! Evelyn couldn't believe her luck when they had come across a natural spring on their trek, especially considering she stank to the high heavens and back. All dirt, grime, blood and crustiness had since been washed away and Ryō had been generous enough to procure some type of soap, that smelled suspiciously like hemp and fat, for them to wash with. She didn't dare ask where it came from or who used it last because for once, she had found comfort in something familiar. She definitely didn't want to ruin what little normality they had left in this upside-down world. She let out a deep sigh and sank beneath the warm waters enveloping her, wanting nothing more than to disappear into nothing and let the water wash everything away. Her leg ached something fierce, but the relaxing liquid all around her easily soothed the pain away, making her forget everything and even where she was. It wasn't meant to last, unfortunately, and she found out the hard way when her moment of tranquillity was interrupted by a ball sized light object smacking her right in the middle of her face, and a rather large expletive erupted from her mouth. Laughter echoed within the trees and the familiar tone of her brother's voice literally dragged her right back to whatever reality of illusion they had been stuck in. Her heart pounded heavily in her chest while she waded gently to the edge of the water that had her neatly folded kimono at the ready. Surprisingly there was also a fresh blank cloth sitting innocently next to them that she assumed equalled to this age's version of a towel. Her face felt like a furnace, because whoever it was had seen her in the waters distortedly naked. The thought itself further enhanced her blush and it seeped right down her neck as she began dressing and drying off. Her dark hair flopped uselessly in her face when she went to tuck away the strands behind one ear. Alas the comforts of home had never seemed so far away as they did now.

"Ev, you better be done! We need to start moving again and your foxy friend keeps gnawing at my ankles!" She snorted softly as she imagined something else entirely and shook her head lightly, fastening her kimono belt around her waist as best as possible before collecting the discarded towel and joining the men. Her first instinct was to throw that very same damp towel cloth at her brother, but second thoughts made her reconsider when she saw his face. The brief flash of lingering grief struck her hard, and she put on a blinding smile to ease his pain, nudging him as she passed.

"Brother don't look so dour! Haven't you always wanted a family pet?" Michael looked down at his feet at the small bundle of fluff wrapped around his right foot and groaned internally. He tried to shake it off, but it just held on tighter and looked up at him with the saddest of eyes he'd ever seen. Then proceeded to continue chewing at his ankle.

"I was thinking more like a hamster...you know...less claws, less teeth..." there was a shuffle of movement as the tiny fox was plucked away and gathered between layers upon layers of violet and white traditional cloth, and a short, chirped purr erupted beneath it all before the fox settled comfortably in Mizuki's arms. Michael looked on, baffled, "...uh, yeah..." and trailed off once everyone began to move. Evelyn just cracked another smile and followed.

"Have you yet considered a name, Rin?" Mizuki hummed once the siblings had caught up. Said female stuttered in surprise, not expecting him to ask her anything.

"I-i think so.." he tilted his head to listen, "...Sorrel sounds nice." and promptly smiled, stretching out his hand to a confused Evelyn.

"The tag Kai gave you, please." There was an amused dip to the end of his voice as she scrambled to procure the delicate item from her kimono. While she was doing this, Mizuki had averted his eyes until he felt the familiar feel of wood in his hand. This type was awfully rare, and he could feel the hum of power it had with just his fingertips brushing its surface. Shifting the young fox in his arms, he took the small tablet and drew his nail exceedingly sharp across it, watching as Evelyn looked on in astonishment and awe when a soft lilac light emanated from where he touched. Once he was finished, the tag and collar were placed around the sleeping fox's neck, and when she squinted she could still see a faint glow come from deep within the scrawled Japanese upon its surface. "It is not full Japanese, the name. My kind choose to use another writing system to keep us secret and safe...Sorrel, your companion, is special Rin. You will find out why in due time but know that she will never leave your side." Smiling was not exactly a forte with Mizuki, however it seemed lately it was becoming almost the norm. As he passed the sleeping Sorrel back to its chosen, he flashed Evelyn a secret quirk of lips that was so bright and serene, she had to double back on it. "Now come, we must reach our destination by sun fall." There may be no idea what manner of darkness that follows if we don't…