
The Wake of Mankind

Kei Yamamoto has just graduated from senior high school and is drafted into a governmental force for space exploration; he journey's out amongst the stars but dreams of a childhood friend. Ayaka Sato graduated with Kei but remained on earth to attend Shizuoka University. She shares a bond that grows more with Kei as he discovers worlds beyond their own.

Abelsson · Ficção Científica
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8 Chs

The Final Frontier

The rush of excitement that had enveloped the UGRS Fuji was palpable. Kei could feel it in the air as he sprinted towards the communications deck. This was a moment they had all been waiting for, a moment that would define their journey.

As Kei entered the bustling deck, Nakamura-san nodded at him to take his place at the front. He was to brief the team leaders of the landing expedition: Alpha 1, Bravo 1, and Charlie 1. Each of them seasoned pilots, their faces a mixture of anticipation and solemnity.

Kei took a deep breath and began the briefing. He explained the landing procedures, the expected planetary conditions, the objectives. Each detail, each instruction was met with sharp nods and concentrated gazes. They were professionals, each ready to do their part in this historic endeavor.

As the briefing neared its end, Charlie 1, a pilot named Daichi Tanaka, raised his hand. He had a look in his eyes that Kei recognized all too well. It was the look of someone carrying a memory, a ghost.

"Nobuhiro would have been thrilled to see this moment," Tanaka-san said, his voice steady, his gaze distant. "He always talked about setting foot on a new world. It's a shame he couldn't be here with us."

Nobuhiro Yamada, Charlie 3. A silence fell over the room. Each person there knew the weight of Tanaka-san's words. They had all lost a comrade, a friend. In that silence, they remembered him. They remembered his dreams, his hopes, his sacrifice.

Kei stepped forward. "Let's have a moment of silence for Yamada-san," he said, his voice echoing in the silent room. As heads bowed and eyes closed, Kei couldn't help but think of the letter he had written, the promise he had made. A promise not just to Ayaka, but to Yamada-san, to all those who had made sacrifices for this mission.

As the silence lifted, Kei looked at the pilots. Their faces were filled with a renewed sense of purpose, a determination to make their lost comrade's dream a reality. They were ready, ready to embark on the final frontier. And Kei, in his heart, knew that he was ready too. Ready to fulfill his promise, ready to face whatever awaited them on this new world.

With that, Kei concluded the briefing. "Let's make history," he said, his voice steady, his heart filled with resolve. "For Yamada-san, for all of us, and for those waiting for us back home."

As the pilots filed out of the room, the mood changed from a solemn remembrance to a focused determination. They all had a job to do, and it was time to get to it. Kei watched them leave, their figures disappearing behind the closing doors of the deck. He then turned to his own task, settling into his chair at the communications desk.

Kei flicked on the switches of his console, the familiar hum of the systems coming to life around him. He started the preparations, his fingers moving with trained precision over the controls. "Alpha 1-4, Bravo 1-4, Charlie 1, 2, 4, comms check," Kei called out, his voice clear over the channel.

One by one, the pilots checked in, their voices crisp and ready. Once that was done, Kei opened a line to the bridge. "Bridge Officer, requesting authorization for attack ships launch," he said.

After a moment, the officer replied, "Authorization granted, Yamamoto-san. Good luck."

Kei nodded, even though the officer couldn't see him. "Thank you, sir."

Next, he connected with the Captain. "Captain, requesting permission to begin the expedition," Kei said, trying to keep the excitement out of his voice.

"Permission granted, Yamamoto-san. Make us proud."

Kei felt a surge of pride and gratitude. "Yes, sir."

His next task was to inform the Yokota Space Center. "Yokota Space Center, this is UGRS Fuji. We are initiating the landing expedition. I repeat, we are initiating the landing expedition," he reported.

"Understood, UGRS Fuji. Godspeed," came the reply.

Finally, it was time. Kei opened the channel to the waiting pilots. He took a deep breath, steeling himself. "All units, prepare for launch," he said, his voice echoing in the silence. "Countdown begins in 5...4...3...2...1... Expedition is a go."

And with that, the final frontier was within their reach.

The tension in the communications deck was palpable as Kei maintained a steady dialogue with the pilots. "Yamamoto-sama, Alpha 1 here. We're entering the planet's atmosphere," Kenta's voice came over the comms, his tone steady despite the monumental task at hand.

"Roger that, Alpha 1," Kei replied, his fingers flying over the console as he tracked their progress.

A few tense minutes passed as they navigated through the alien skies. "Alpha 1 to Yamamoto-sama, we've begun scouting for a suitable landing site," Kenta reported. Kei could hear the faint hum of the ship's scanners in the background.

"Understood, Alpha 1. Keep us updated," Kei said, his gaze fixed on the console screen. Every blip, every signal from the pilots' ships was a beacon of hope in the uncharted territory.

"Yamamoto-sama, Bravo 1 here. We've located a possible landing site by a nearby lake," Bravo 1 reported after what seemed like an eternity.

"Confirmed, Bravo 1. Proceed with caution," Kei instructed, his voice steady despite the racing of his heart.

The pilots landed their ships, and the communication deck fell silent. Kei could practically hear his own heartbeat in the deafening silence. After what felt like an eternity, Kenta's voice crackled to life over the comms. "Yamamoto-sama, Alpha 1 here. We're initiating the atmospheric survey."

Kei nodded, even though Kenta couldn't see him. "Proceed, Alpha 1."

Minutes ticked by as they waited for the results. "Yamamoto-sama, the air is breathable," Kenta finally reported, his voice filled with relief and wonder.

Kei let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. "Understood, Alpha 1."

Next, was the moment of truth. Kenta would be the first one to step out of his ship, the first human to set foot on this new planet. "Yamamoto-sama, I am disengaging the life support system," Kenta reported, his voice steady.

"Roger, Alpha 1. Proceed with caution," Kei said, his voice barely above a whisper.

The silence on the comms was deafening as they waited for Kenta's next move. Then, after a few heart-stopping moments, Kenta's voice came over the comms, clear and strong, "Yamamoto-sama, Alpha 1 reporting. I've set foot on the planet. I repeat, I've set foot on the planet."

Kei couldn't help but smile, a sense of overwhelming pride and relief washing over him. "Understood, Alpha 1. Congratulations, you've made history."

As the initial excitement began to calm down, the Captain's voice suddenly echoed throughout the communications deck. "Attention, all hands. This is Captain Hiroshi Nakada speaking. Open all communication channels."

Kei watched as the console screens flickered, channels opening, creating a network of communication that connected the entire ship. "Today, we stand on the precipice of a new age. An age of discovery, of exploration. Today, we have made history."

His voice was steady, commanding the attention of everyone on board. "This success, this achievement will not only be written in the history books of Japan but across the entire Earth. Each one of you has played a part in this momentous occasion, and you should be proud."

There was a pause, and Kei could hear the breathless anticipation of the crew as they waited for the Captain's next words. "I am pleased to announce that all twelve landing teams, Alpha through Lima, have successfully landed on the planet."

A collective breath was held, the silence almost tangible. "In honor of our homeland, and in recognition of the ship that has carried us across the stars, I hereby declare the official name of this planet to be... Nippon Fuji."

The communications deck erupted in cheers. Kei could hear the jubilant shouts of the crew, their excitement reverberating through the ship. He couldn't help but join in, a wide grin spreading across his face. They had done it. They had traveled across the stars and found a new world. And they had made history.

In the two months that followed the initial landing, the UGRS Fuji worked tirelessly. Three large colonization ships descended to the surface of Nippon Fuji, each carrying supplies and personnel to begin the construction of the first colony. Prefabricated buildings were erected, gardens were planted, and slowly, a small settlement began to take shape on the foreign planet.

Ensign Kenta Suzuki, the first man to step foot on Nippon Fuji, was promoted by Captain Nakada to the rank of Lieutenant. He was given the role of acting Commanding Officer for the colony, a responsibility he accepted with a mix of pride and solemnity. As the UGRS Fuji prepared to leave, Kei watched as Suzuki gave a final salute to the ship, a symbol of their shared journey and the new responsibilities that awaited them.

The day of their departure arrived sooner than Kei had anticipated. The small colony gathered to bid the UGRS Fuji a celebratory sendoff, their cheers and well wishes echoing across the radio channels as the ship began its ascent. Kei watched from the communications deck, his eyes glued to the screen as Nippon Fuji receded into the distance. The planet, their planet, was a small beacon of light in the vast darkness of space.

As the UGRS Fuji embarked on its 10-year journey back to Earth, Kei found himself at his console, composing a new letter to Ayaka. "Dear Ayaka," he began, for the first time breaking the formal address. "Today, we begin our journey home. Nippon Fuji is more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. I can't wait for you to see it. I hope this letter finds you in good health. Until then, know that I am thinking of you, every day, every moment. With all my love, Kei."