

How to rule a kingdom isn't a joke, how to stand strong during war,lead your most trusted men to war,fall in love,dream of a normal but a blueblood can never dream of a normal life it's not by choice it's fate "you have a concubine "Tonia asked "why won't I?I had a lot before you got pregnant so why will I not have one after you left. After all, did royal concubine Lydia not inform you." Marcus asked looking into her troubled eyes it was the first time he looked up since she entered the dinning hall. "I don't know her".Tonia said "oh you don't? she was your handmaiden then,our son might be eight or almost nine now though I haven't seen him since he was four ."Marcus said and started eating again

timm_silva009 · História
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18 Chs


In prida, mages are created while sages are born but in Milda mages are born while sages are created. That begins the story of a long time in a deserted settlement.

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Cries of baby can be heard in two different places the similarities is that they are both palace. Austro and Mampi are neighbouring villages. Coincidentally, the queens of both palace put to bed at the same time.


"Your highness, it's a boy".one of the guards said

"kill the queen and her handmaids".the king replied immediately.

"they already escaped".the guard said in a mellow tone. Suddenly,huffs and pants can be heard inside the courtroom. the king was enraged and was already beating the guard a good beating.

Finally, the heir arrived. He shall be called Mato. The new prince was named after both his father and mother. Marcus and Tonia.

Outside the palace, in the outskirts of Austro, the queen and her handmaids were still running, it was late already the city gates was locked and the guards were standing without blinking at the gate. Tonia knew she had only two options, it's either she gives up or pass through the bushes that leads to Mampi. She is no longer a queen, she is now a fugitive running away from her enemies. ENEMIES!!Her own husband, the father of her child. she will be back for her child, she faced her handmaids.

"Lydia, Miel,take this scarf and go to Lyvette,ask for shaman Kai and give it to her,she will take care of you".

"Your highness, what about you?"Lydia asked

"Both of you took care of me ever since I was born it's now the time for you to take care of yourself, stay safe till I come back". Then a mist appeared, suddenly Tonia was gone. The handmaids bowed and took the left end.


"isn't she beautiful?She looks just like you".The king said and the queen turned red and back to her normal color.

"she looks a lot like you my lord".the queen replied

"Percy,isn't the name beautiful? that's her name"

"it is my lord".Then the queen succumb into a deep slumber.

The birth of life and death, what can two do if they do not concur, Austro and Mampi finally have heirs to their kingdom but things will never happen the way we presume it will. FATE CHANGES.