
Catching feeligs

'You won't? Such a shame, guess I'll have to kiss you then.'



Void quickly took Keylee's face in his hands and placed a finger against her lips to stop her from speaking. He looked in her eyes, they were big and confused. His eyes softened and for a second Keylee thought she could see emotion in them. Then he closed his eyes and gently moved closer until their noses brushed against each other.

Keylee closed her eyes again and leaned in. Not caring for anything he had done. It was the past, the past she was willing to leave behind. She would focus on the present time and maybe the future. Right now, it meant focusing on Void and how their lips moved against each other.

The kiss they shared was gentle, tender and slow. A warm feeling spread through Keylee's body and her stomach felt like it flipped over and over. But she like it, she like the way Void made her feel. Void smiled in the kiss, not caring he felt happy for once. Not caring it was not how it was supposed to be.

They both didn't want to stop but eventually Keylee slowly pulled away to catch her breath. Void smiled at her, not his usual sly smirk, but a genuine smile.

Keylee bit her bottom lip and felt the heat rise to her cheeks. Now Void's smile turned to a smirk when he saw the effect he had. 'We should do that again don't you think?'

Keylee was in lost of words. Not knowing what she had really done and if she even did it right. She had always expected it to feel... weird or something. This felt far from weird. It left her lips cold and longing for more. Something she had promised herself not to feel. It was something she read in books, it was romantic, a fairy tale. Yet it was exactly how the kiss felt. Like all the stories she had read. She nodded slowly and Void slammed his lips against hers.

This kiss was different. It was more passionate. More hungry. Void moved his hand to Keylee's lower back and pulled her so possibly even closer while she moved her hand up in his hair. She shivered slightly and he grumbled when she pulled him deeper into the kiss.

He pushed her on her back and moved on top of her without breaking the kiss for even a second.

Void could hear Keylee's heartbeat increase and for once, his own heartbeat wasn't as steady as it was normally used to be. He suddenly pulled away. His body was reacting on the kiss, he liked it, she liked it. It couldn't be. It wasn't supposed to be. He was a demon, no matter what he told himself. He couldn't care for her like this, it would only bring the both of them in more danger.

He quickly stood up and moved a had through his hair, a movement he had stolen from Stiles once. 'F*ck Kitten, that was not- I shouldn't-'

Keylee just stared at him confused. Didn't he like it? She knew for sure she liked it, was that wrong? She didn't think so. He kissed her after all.

Void took a deep breath to steady himself and really going back to being "void".

He glanced at Keylee who now sat up in bed. Looking at him confused and worried. Void sighted and closed his eyes. He had lost control of himself, he should have left when he had that chance.

He sighted once more before walking away and slamming the door. leaving Keylee behind.

She blinked a few times and tried the hardest to process what had just happened. She had kissed Void, and he had kissed her.... They kissed. She had kissed someone. Someone who was dangerous... and she had loved it. But he wasn't happy now, and it made her sad and confused. Slightly angry as well.

Why did he just leave? Had she done something wrong? Or did he...?

Keylee sighted frustrated and fell back on the bed. She did exactly what she didn't want to... She cared for Void, she missed his touch, his lips. And she didn't want to miss it. But how do you just... shut your feelings out? It's not like she wanted to feel dependent but she did. She hated it, yet she loved it. It was so confusing.

She grumbled. Was that gonna be life from now on? One very long roller coaster? She had chosen to leave Scott and everyone else behind her, to go with Theo. To bring Void back. She wanted him back. But what if he didn't want her?

And she knew for sure he felt the same as she did. Theo knew, she remembered it from previous moments... So why did he still try to keep her at distance?

After a while of laying on the bed Keylee finally decided to get up. After all, there was no fun in just lying down and doing nothing. She needed to know why Theo had knocked her out, it wasn't necessary for the plan right?

Something just didn't add up.

Keylee took a quick look in the mirror before she would leave and stared at her reflection. Perhaps she needed to shower first.

So she did. She took a quick shower and when she came back she almost dropped the towel. Void was sitting on the bed, playing bored with a little bouncing ball.

He didn't look up when he heard her come in and continued to play with his bouncing ball. 'Oh, you're back. Great. Why do girls always take so long to shower?'

'I beg you pardon?'

'Not necessary. You really don't need to beg for it Kitten.'

'What the actual f*ck Void! Stop joking around! What do you want?'

Void caught the bouncing ball and turned around. He widened his eyes at the lack of clothes and smiled slightly. Right as he was about to answer Keylee quickly tossed the towel in his face.

'Keep that up or turn around.'

'So much trust, but why so cold?'

Keylee scoffed. 'Serious? You just walked away and now act like nothing happened. I mean, I get you're a big bad demon who's scared of his feelings but this is not fair to me! Oh, and you can look again.'

Void tossed the towel away and stared at Keylee. She was wearing dark blue jean shorts and a red shirt. She looked around and Void tossed her her jacket from the bed. 'I assume you were looking for that.'

Keylee clenched her jaw slightly in annoyance. 'Maybe.' She admitted. She turned her back to Void so she faced the mirror.

She looked different. Different from the girl she once was. She couldn't quite put her finger on what had changed but it felt better. More... like it was right...

'What is it with you and staring? Take a picture, it will last longer you know.'

Void grinned. 'Mirror I guess?'

'No, I have eyes in the back of my head. You get those once you get killed.' Keylee answered sarcastically.

'I'm sorry.'

Keylee stopped trying to get her hair in a ponytail and turned to Void. 'W-what?'

'I'm sorry.' Void said again. 'I, I regret killing you Keylee. I really do.'

Keylee stood silent for a while. She just stared at Void with a blank face until he shifted uncomfortable. Where did that came from? Why did he say that? And why was she just staring at him? Did she believe him? Void knew for sure he wouldn't believe himself. 'I get it if you don't believe me. I wouldn't either.'

'NO! No, that's- that's not it. I believe you. I know it when you're serious Void. Right now you are.'

'You know? How?'

Keylee smirked. 'That's for me to know and for you to find out. But why were you here again?'

Void stood up and handed her a knife. 'Because we need to train you.'


Out of the blue Theo jumped in front of her, glowing eyes, fangs and claws out. Keylee shrieked and in a reflex slapped him hard across the face. 'THEO! WHAT THE HELL!? You scared the life out of me! Why did you do that?'

Theo rubbed his burning cheek and smiled painfully. 'We wanted to test your reaction. You are the only one who, no offence, can't defend herself.'

Keylee thought about it. He was right. She had no claws or fangs, or at least not that she knew about. She turned to Void. 'Do I have any claws or something?'

'Well.... You should be able to train your senses and shift in a cat eventually. I believe it should make you able to get claws...'

'But you don't know? How can you no know? You know me for... how long again?'

'How am I supposed to know it? I'm not you!'

'Yeah but you remember your past thousand years.'

Theo snickered and Keylee and Void both turned to him in annoyance. 'What?' They asked at the same time, which only made Theo laugh more.

'Well, you two are bickering like two toddlers about absolutely nothing at all. You keep getting back to each other and pushing each other away. Right know Void should know more about you than you do. That's kinda funny.'

'What? That is so not true!?'

'Don't you dare say that. I can kill you if I'd want to remember?'

Keylee turned to Void. 'Don't you dare...'

Theo sighted. 'Void, go hurt someone else and feed of that but stop the strife please. I seriously need to train her if we want her to stay alive this time.'

Void looked slightly angry that Theo ended their little discussion and narrowed his eyes. Doubting if he should listen. He eventually did, hurting someone sounded like more fun anyways.

Keylee stared at him as he left. 'Why did we bring him back again?' She grumbled.

Theo smirked and swung an arm around her. 'Because you love him and I need him.'

Keylee sighted. 'I know. I wish I didn't care though. I doubt how much he cares anyway.'

'He cares Key. He cares more than you can imagine. Call it fate, call it destiny. The reason he didn't kill me was because you wouldn't forgive him. I think he just doesn't know how to react on his feelings. Sometimes ignoring is way easier than facing something.'

Both of them didn't realize how right Theo actually was in that moment. 'I'm gonna go after him. He kinda still owes me an explanation.'

'Great idea. I'm gonna do something else.'

'What else?'

'Something. I need to look for someone. Now, you should go before he leaves.'

Keylee nodded and jumped up to run after Void. Perhaps it was stupid, perhaps she should just be angry or scared with him. But what was the point of that? She was done wasting time at bad things. She was gonna focus on good things. If that was possible right now at least.

*Void's pov*

I slowly made my way to the forest. Carefully linking my mind with Stiles who clearly felt miserable. I locked him out of... well.. everything from the moment I took control but right now I'm bored and I can use a chat buddy. Stiles might be annoying but he can be very much fun. At least he's not as easy to trick as Scott. Though he fears me more. That can be seen as a good thing.

"Hello Stiles."

I close my eyes and focus on the place in our mind where I locked him. I was in a good mood and kind enough to lock him in something that looks like his own room.

"V-Void. LET ME OUT! You can't kill anyone else... please..."

"Shhh... hush Stilinski. I'm not gonna kill someone, not yet at least."

Stiles looks so confused. This is so funny. "What do you mean, not yet? When are you, and who? Why? I- I don't understand."

"I'm sure you can figure it out. Meanwhile, I'll give you a little riddle. I'm fast on my feet, driving dogs mad, my tail flicks when I'm angry I hum if I'm glad. What am I?"

"I don't know. Just let me out. Please, Theo is a threat, even you should know that-"

"I'm aware Stiles. I don't trust him either. Thanks for the warning. But you didn't even try to solve the riddle. Let me motivate you a little."

I think of a few things I could do. Option one is to threaten him. Option two is to torture him. Option three is to hurt someone else. That sounds like fun but I don't really have time for that now.

"If you give me an answer on my riddle when I come back I'll answer one of your questions."

"What? What do you mean with tha-"

Before Stiles can finish his sentence I block him out again. I swiftly turn around. 'Hello Kitten.'