
The Void Of Reality

Gaurav one day after going to sleep in his bedroom, wake up found his left leg locked by a chain, he tried many way to remove the chain from his leg and after successfully removing the chain, he open the door of his bedroom, but what he saw next completely shocked him.

Blue_Lotus123 · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Unknown Man

"Wow, finally someone new here."

When Gaurav heard someone's voice from his behind, he was scared out of his wits, he jumped out of the bed, hurriedly turned back to check the source of the voice.

"Oh! Intresting the place to be a room." The unknown man said that when he saw the surroundings.

"It's very rare to see someone breaking point to be a room." The unknown man continues then he focused his attention on the man seemingly frozen in his place and was staring him.

'Slowly this situation is going out of hand many new people are on their breaking point. Hee he he it's going to be more chaotic.' The unknown man though and slightly snickered.

Gaurav's body started to shake from the frightening scene He was seeing his heart start to beat rapidly, he tried to control his shaking body by taking a long deep breath, but it didn't do anything.

Gaurav for a few moments was not able to utter a single word, his whole body was shaking and while taking deep breath he watched the wall from where he saw a man coming inside the room.

Gaurav asked the man, " who are you.. and how are you and how are you able to walk through the wall..."

"Ah! It seems that I have scared you from my stunt."

"I am really sorry, how rude of me to suddenly barge in your place please do not mind me, I am just a passer by and for your question, I don't think it is necessary for you to know my name, and from your reaction you didn't seem to fully understand what situation you are in or may I say which place you are."

After hearing what the unknown man said to him, Gaurav didn't question him anymore, his body was still slightly trembling.

Seeing how Gaurav didn't question him anymore he laughed slightly, for a few moments he just stood in one position and started to check his surroundings and then suddenly his vision felt on the photofram present on the study table, then he slowly walked the study table.

"I am sorry if I am looking at your private things, are these people in this photo your family members?"

When he didn't receive any response, he turned towards Gaurav, but he was slightly surprised to see Gaurav was frozen in his place and his body was slightly trembling.

"Ah! I am really sorry how could I forget you don't even know what is happening with you, do not worry I will not harm you, now what was I saying before, about that photo from the looks of it is your family, how nice."

The unknown man said to Gaurav while patting on the Gaurav shoulder.

Gaurav's body stopped trembling, he then fearfully asked the unknown man, "how can you... walk through the wall and do you know what is happening now."

But the unknown man didn't answer Gaurav but instead he asked him a question.

"From the looks of it, this is your room or I can say this is your bedroom?, ha ha ha.. interesting, did you find any changes in your surrounding?"

"What do you mean by that?" Gaurav asked him back.

"My bad for not explaining you properly, did you find something different in this room?"

Gaurav replied, "yes"

"Oh my, you really find out there was something different in this room, then tell me when did you found out about it."

Hearing the unknown man questions, Gaurav hesitated for a while then he answered and explained to him his whole experiences.

"My my you really are one of a kind, to find out about the change in the room in a few moments."

Gaurav asked the unknown man again, "Do you know what is going on now."

With a slight grin the unknown man replied, "I do not think it is necessary to me to tell you about it, you will know about it sooner or later, since you are a person who can find the change in a few moments."

After saying that the unknown man giggled seeing Gaurav and started walking towards the wall from which he came from.

Seeing that the unknown man was leaving Gaurav hurriedly shouted and asked him again, "Hey man can you please tell me what is going on?"

Hearing Gaurav pleading shouts from his behind, the unknown man turned around and looked at him, with a grin he said, "in future if we are fated, and if we ever met again I want to see what will drive you from here your fate or your desire."

After saying that he laughed slightly and continued to walk towards the wall, then the unknown man vanished from the room.

Gaurav was seeing all the things, he started to breathe rapidly again, his heart started to beat rapidly from all the shocking things that happened to him today, from finding himself locked from a chain, to finding another room like his bedroom connected from his own bedroom door, and now seeing a man who can walk through a wall.

Gaurav was now tired from all this, he did not know what was happening with him, he slowly walked towards the study table and sat on the chair.

Gaurav fell asleep on the chair again while he was thinking about his daughter.

"Father mother I want that big stufftoy."

"My sweet little darling you have so much stuff toy in your room why do you want this one?"

"Because all of them are small and this is one super big."

"See this husband you have spoiled our daughter so much see want new toy again."

"It's okay it's just a toy, ofcourse my sweetheart can have it."

"Really father you are going to buy me the big stuff toy."

"Yes yes my little sweet heart you can have it."

Suddenly Gaurav opened his eyes and he was still in the room sitting on the chair.