
Misery, a snowballing concept. #8

[ Mystic Fall, Police station ]

[ February 29, 9h00 ]

Getting out from the range rover while shielding her eyes from the bright sun shining on them.

" I'm just saying Hope... I get it, you're strong, there's no denying that- " Alaric's continues his monolog even out of the car.

" Alright we're here, can we go skip to the end now ? " Hope interrupts him rudely, it must be said in her defense that she's hearing the same remarks, the same reproaches since yesterday from someone she particularly respect.

Alaric sigh, it seems obvious to him that he have as much control over Hope as he have over his daughters. Raising special children had never seemed more complicated to him than raising any toddler. Paternity corrected his misconceptions, a big slap on the face delivered by life and it was not the first and certainly not the last.

Lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice Hope walking up the white rocks stair to the police station until she's at mid course. He hurry to catches up with her then they enter the precinct.

The building is old but was recently renovated, despite the large space in the police station thete is only 8 desks that are used. The other dozen are empty, unused. 9 officers, sheriff included. Of course it isn't enough to effectively protect a city like Mystic Fall, this why Matt Donovan who's in charge of the police force cooperate as much with the Salvatore Boarding School.

" Ric ! Good to see you man, you as well Hope. " Sheriff Donovan says as he exit the only separated office and walks toward Alaric and Hope.

" Matt, you look in good shape..." Ric's tone is almost surprised as he answers. Generally when his old acquaintance, dare he say friend, call he's much more roughed up.

" Yeah.. I can thanks this. " Matt says as he lifts his hand and cast a complicated look at the signet ring on his middle finger.

" So that's why you're not in a hospital, you were killed and so every wounds disappeared. " Alaric deduce as Matt confirms his words with a nod of his head, an awkward silence settle as they exchange a knowing look. As a previous bearer of the signet ring, Alaric search something in Matt's eyes, a glint, he is extremely happy to not see what he seeks in them.

" So ? What was it ? " Hope asks curiously bringing the attention to herself.

" Honestly I'm not sure, A vampire, a witch... It happened too fast for me to get anything. " Matt responds sincerely, his eyes staring at nothing as he tries to recalls a clue, anything. However nothing helpful comes to him, he remember looking through the windows of a suspicious cab then nothing. His colleague who was eating at the grill saw him go behind the grill and worried when he didn't reappears in his sight. When he was found dead on the parking his colleague picked him up and brought him back to his home. Fortunately he shared with his adjoints the truth about everything like his predecessors did, otherwise the fragile lid separating the mundane world from the supernatural's wouldn't be possible to maintain especially in a small town like Mystic Falls that's cohabitating with an horde of young monsters.

" I don't want to be insensitive but it isn't your type to call for help, especially when you're as much in the dark. " Alaric says perplexedly.

" I said I didn't know what it was, it doesn't mean I'm in the dark. I have a name, probably a fake but it's a start, furthermore I saw his face from up close so our identikit is as precise as it can get. " Matt says smugly then makes them a sign to follow him in his office, he sit on his chair and he sees through the window his officers comes back from their routinely patrol.

Taking a seat in front of the metallic desk, Alaric spare a mournful look at the picture exposed on Matt's work desk. There is one of Elena Gilbert surrounded by friends and family, another of his late wife, the night he accidentally killed her, Matthew Donovan lost an important part of himself, he knows the feeling.

" Before I show you the image I'd like to ask you a question Ric. " Matt says hesitantly, his hands nervously shakes, barely, not enough to be noticed by Alaric but visible to Hope.

It doesn't stops Alaric from feeling the slight imperceptible shift, suddenly the melancholy is gone. He's not in front of seventeen years old Matt, the young insecure kid but a man, who's known multiple loss and have hardened in response to a dangerous environment.

" Ask away. " Alaric calmly answers as Hope stay silent and observes the interaction that reminds her of uncle and father when they would argue and banter.

" Do you know a Charles Haller ? " Matt asks directly, the tension rising for a brief instant.

" No. Never heard of. " Ric answers simply, no a sign of lying apparent on him, the benefit of telling the truth.

" And you Hope ? " Sheriff Matt Donovan abruptly asks. " No. " She immediately responds.

He scrutinize her for a short moment then when he's satisfied by whatever he found he turns the screen of his computer in their direction. The digital drawing of the faceless Charles Haller until now is revealed to them.

Alaric's success in hiding the momentary suprise flashing across his tired face is superior to Hope. She schools her features an instant later, watching the blond man sitting in front of her in a new light. A potential threat.

" Is he a student you recognize from your school ? " He asks the both of them.

" No " Their answers is almost synchronized.

[ Salvatore Boarding School ]

[ At the same time ]

Lizzie close her eyes and takes a deep breath before exhaling slowly. Seating on the lawn of the School's garden in her legs crossed in an approximate meditative pose she repeats the cycle.

One time.

There is purple flowers growing in sections of the garden, two species, similar as well as different, aconit and vervain.

Two time.

Both of these plants toxic to a supernatural species, aconit for werewolves and vervain for vampires.

Then three and so one.

On the verge of breaking down from how loud are her thoughts she is saved from her internal turmoil by the annoying voice of a young boy who's screaming her name.

" Lizzie ! Lizzie ! Hey ! Lizz-" Pedro, a young boy with long curly brown hair shouts while running towards her.

She stands up with a grunt, stretching her legs constrained in straight bleached jeans that molds well with her backside. A fact she's silently proud of as she works hard for it, for a witch who can pretty much do anything without moving an inch, she is concerned a lot about her fitness.

" Lizzie I've bee' calling you ! " Pedro says, skipping an 'n' because of the exhaustion.

" Why aren't you in class midget ? " She asks sternly even if she should also be in a classroom.

" What ?! Uh-huh.. It doesn't matter Lizzie ! There's someone at the gate. " He says stuttering at first then refocusing on the why he came to her.

" Who ? " Lizzie asks urgently, after her little field trip with her dad and Hope then the dragon she's been more spry, constantly on alert for a new monster. After all, it could be a human skinned monster.

" I-I don't know, but he's mysterious, stygian, gloomy ! " Pedro answers, his voice getting increasingly high pitched as his childish imagination conjure sordid scenerios in his mind.

" Little rascal, you've read Josie's forbidden books again ! " Lizzie stern face crumbles under Pedro's guilty expressions. " Now take off, I want you back inside alright ? " She adds still sternly but with a gentle smile.

Glancing behind her to make sure her favorite young warlock is back inside, Lizzie walks to the gates while siphoning a little bit of magic from her bracelet

" Just in case. Invisique" She whispers to herself, casting a spell she learned as a child, a small gift from a part of her family that's gone extinct, the Gemini Coven.

Hidden from all eyes, she advances until she's only a few meters away from the colossal metalic gates. Her heart is beating faster as she approaches closer to takes a peek at the blurry person standing in front of the closed gates. It takes her less than a second to places back the face, Alec. It's him she have no doubts.

She observes him, still hidden she truly looks at him for the first time, in Seattle her mind was elsewhere, she was more focused than she ever has been.

Her cheeks slightly flushes when he mischievously smiles in her direction, she's having a dawning realization when he moves again, this time raising an eyebrow as his grey eyes falls precisely on her. " I can see you Lizzie. " Alec says playfully while wairing for her to cut off her invisibility spell.

" You ?! What are you doing here ? " Lizzie says once she's canceled the spell.

" I recall being invited. " Alec answers, a smile still plastered on his face.

" Of course. Sorry, hard days recently, you know..." She responds sheepishly then slightly opens the gates for him, so little that he has to squeeze himself in and pass close enough to her to smell her parfum with scents of honey and caramel.

" Are you doing well ? " He asks smoothly taking care to not mention their hazardous first meeting.

" Never been better, you ? " Lizzie answers as she guides him to the entrance of the school.

" Perfect. " Alec says while following Lizzie inside. Her rolling hips lighting up the way as he starts explore the school with her.

" Is your dad here ? I should talk to him, a new student not welcomed by the headmaster could be the source of rumors. " He says playfully to her.

" You're right, however he's out with Hope, again. " She says, the last word of her sentence barely audible. " Anyway, since he's not here and I'm not in the mood to wait for him like an clueless idot, why don't you follow me and I'll show you your future school. " Lizzie adds assertively, smiling at him, she looks at him with her blue eyes, batting her lashes.

" Let's go. " Alec responds positively then follows her as they pass through hallway and empty halls. She puts a her index on her red glossy lips when they walks close to the classrooms. She stops in front of a door and opens it confidently, from behind her Alec can't see the mischievous and subtle look on her face.

" Come in. " Lizzie ushers him inside as she sees him standing politely on the doorstep.

He quickly realizes that he's not in any room. She invited Alec in her bedroom. Two large bed occupies the space, each with with an old oak drawers with a mirror mounted on it at their side.

If he had to guess, Alec would say that the bed on the left is Lizzie's, the fuchsia sheets and the black satin blanket match quite well with her according to him.

Taking a seat on the bed he correctly presumed is hers, Lizzie cross her legs and adopt a strange embarrassed look while he stands aside her bed, she seems hesitant, shy, a character trait he didn't expected to find in her.

" I... I haven't gotten the chance to properly thank you... " She begins with a soft voice while interlacing her fingers, a trick to control the fast and nervous movements of her hands.

" You don't have to Elizabeth. " Alec says gently, his voice understanding. His use of her full first name makes her surprises her and before she realizes it, he's seating beside her.

" How do you know my name ? My full name I mean. " She hastens to ask, with more confidence than she had the previous time she opened her mouth.

" I'm simply attentive. " He answers smugly, preferring to embellish the reality rather than tell her the truth, that her dad whisper eat as he was in a shocked state from the Empu'sa attack.

A silence neither heavy nor forced settles, it last a small moment. Without searching for it, he sees her physically relax, getting more comfortable in his presence.

" Nevertheless, I still want to thank for your precious help. " Lizzie says, her hands separating, one comes to rest on Alec's knee.

Seating next to her, he feels the tension rising, the connection invisible to the naked eye forming. His hand rests on hers and he sees electric blue orbs tracing his lips.

Making his nail glides along her forearm, he can't stop himself when Lizzie bites her lower lip, the involuntary gesture terribly sensual for him.

Alec gambles on the signs and approaches her, he stops an inch from her lips letting her takes the last step voluntarily while he appreciates the smell of honey coming from her long blond hair tied in an undressed bun.

The little power play stirs up Lizzie even more and so she doesn't hesitate, her lips travel the tiny space separating then and she kisses him.

The kiss starts as chaste, it becomes mkre passionate when he grabs her by the waist, a hand full of her hip while the other is on the nape of her neck, his fingers tracing circle. Pulling her towards him, Lizzie proceeds to ensnare him with her arms, her hands circling around his torso to play with his hair, her long nails gently teasing his scalp.

Words are unnecessary, meaningless when their body can communicatea as such, simultaneously their mouths opens and their tongues meets, they caresses, curl up and uncover which spots is the favorite of the other. Alec's handhold on her hip tighten as she arches her back in response to the fingers on her neck and the kiss.

By mutual agreement she climbs on top of him, then she exercises her personal power over him, her pelvis glues itself to his covered manhood and she gyrotates her hips, all the while applying pressure on him with her weight.

Grinning victoriously while they keep kissing languidly when she feels him hardening under her actions. They're forced to part from each other's lips to breath however it certainly doesn't keep her from moving her hips seductively on his lap.

Kissing her jawline, Alec descends on her slender neck. Laying kiss after kiss until he reaches just above her collarbone. He pulled down on her red sweater and put his mouth on her pale skin. She moans as his hands left their positions on her to grab possessively her ass, a hand on each cheek as he roughly brings her closer to his full hard-on. When his mouth leaves her warm skin a purple mark appears not long after and she brings him back in a kiss even more sensual and heated than the precedent.

" Hnn.." Lizzie lets out a reluctant moan as Alec puts distance between them and stop her hips from moving. " Why did you stop ? " She adds voluptuously, her hands sneaking below his shirt and testing the fitness of his abs.

" You're dad is outside ans I don't think it'll paint a good impression if I'm caught by him red-handed enjoying the body of his daughter. " Alec says, playfully adopting a perverse tone as he finishes his sentence.

" Killjoy.. " Lizzie says teasingly while Alec focuses his attention on the enormous magical presence getting inside the school, the flickering flame at it's side is much less remarkable to his preternatural senses when it comes to magical energies.

[ At the school's entrance ]

Hope and Alaric leasurely gets inside. The young woman worries as she follows her fatger figure to his office.

Once again she was deceived, she reasons with herself, she doesn't know everything, maybe there is an explanation. However adding this new information to all the suspicions she already had about his involvement in the Hotel Plaisance situation.

Alaric takes out a bunch of keys from his jacket pocket and opens his office. Getting inside, he can't help but glance questioningly in the direction of a very coveted object.

An unassuming knife that he made sure to retrieve after the victorious return of Hope and his daughters. They slayed a dragon, he didn't say it out loud but the pride he felt is indescribable.

" Do you think Alec is here because of the knife ? A day after we face a freakin' dragon he's here, in Mystic Fall, don't you find it strange ? " Hope tells him about her interrogations as she also looks at the knife.

" Given that we met our first monster in his company I would say we'd do well to not exclude the possibility that he's somehow involved in this peticular case. " Alaric answers, his words makes sense to her. Nonetheless they're both aware that several things still escape them, greatly limiting their understanding of the situation.

Their thoughtful silence abruptly comes to an end as loud knocks resonates in the small office. A pretty blond head pokes through the doors then fully opens them before having being encouraged to do so.

On the doorstep stands Lizzie and Alec, revealing nothing of the explosion of passion that took place between them in her room.