
Chapter One

"NOW YOU MAY KISS YOUR BRIDE" After hearing the 6 words, my heart skipped. The wind started to blow. Everything felt so slow. Butterflies were in my stomach and the feelings was unable to express. He was coming closer and close to me and it felt so slow, kept the palm his hand on my left cheek and bend down a bit. And when he was going to kiss me, I felt something wet and suddenly

"Wake up your sleepy head" and then I realise that everything was a dream. my eyes were shot open and found myself totally wet.

"Wait! Everything was a dream!! I was going to kiss Daniel and you broke my dream in the middle. I hate you so much" I yelled at my sister for waking in the middle of my dream. I saw a bucket on her hand and realised that she put a bucket full of water on me.

"I hate you too so now get up and take a bath or else you will be late for your collage" you shouted back at me and stormed out of the room and I went to the washroom to fresh up.

These is another day of my boring life and I am standing in front the mirror and admiring myself.

Well, Hey I am Eliana and today is the first day of my collage and I am super excited. I am my parents 'perfect girl' and I will be going to be that forever. Well my family is not really that big but it contains my mom, dad and my sister well there is one another person and he is my boyfriend, Lucas.

He is too funny and makes me always happy. We were best friends since grade 4 and he became my boyfriend in class 9. And you all must be thinking 'what about my parent?' then let me tell you that they told me to be with him and I know you all are also shocked like me. To be honest, I was very surprised about my parents' decision.

They even told me that after my graduation, I will be getting married to him, Although I am still against this decision. Also, I am very loyal to my boyfriend.

And if you are thinking 'what about that guy name Daniel', then you are quit wrong cause he is a very famous celebrity and he is out of my imagination. I am going to the same collage where he studies and I heard that he is in the same stream as mine so I am very much excited. And for your information I don't have any romantic feelings towards my boyfriend so we act more like friends instead of couples but still for my parents I always have to act like lovey-dovey couple.


"Eliana are you ready?"   Suddenly my mom shouts breaking my thoughts. She has actually been the most irritating person but what else can I expect from her! She is my mom Afterall.

Brushing out my thoughts, I came downstairs and saw Lucas sitting in the sofa ad talking to my dad"Hey Mr. Malfoy! I didn't think you would be coming to pick me up." I said while eating and apple. He was a guy who would never ever pick me or drive me to any place so I was a bit surprised with his presence.

"I came here not only to meet you, also to see my future in-laws" he said in a mocking tone making me roll my eyes. He was one of top of most irritating person after my mom. Although he is nice to me but it makes me sound clingy.      


I got down from the passenger seat of my car and felt speechless. I was standing Infront of the biggest collage in London and it makes me feel so special. UNIVERCITY OF ENGLISH & LITERATURE, LONDON short for 'UELL' is one of the most famous collage all over the world. Although the fees are too costly and we belong from a middle-class family so I had to study hard and get scholarship and see here I am standing Infront of my dream collage. 

"Mom I guess you should go now. I will find my dorm room myself and don't take too much stress" I said kissing in my mom's cheeks and caressing her hairs.

"I will be fine but let me drop you first then I will be relieved" she said in a soft caring voice although it's a new side of my mom for me.

"Ok fine, now let's go else I will be really late" I said in a hurry voice and went towards the hostel administrative area and checked for my dorm room. The room number was A-124. While looking for my dorm room, me and my family got lost Afterall it was such a huge collage.

"Excuse me, can you tell me where is room no A-124?" I asked a random guy who was standing and talking with some girls.

He turned and saw me or you can say checked me from head to toe and then a smug was formed in his face which made me feel disgust but my mom didn't saw me because she was talking to some random parents.

"You must be a freshman here but you look sexy much so may I know you name!" he said in a mocking tone which was totally disgusting and literally no one dared to talk to me like that before even if I still know everything but everyone was scared of me as I ended up beating of guy of our school.

I was going to reply him but someone cut my words from the middle and shake hands with that guy and started talking making me absolute shock

"Hey bro, long time no see! I missed you so much during this vacation." I diverted my eyes from that guy to that voice coming from. And literally my heart skipped a bit. I was non other than 'Daniel Gray'. Can you image the Greek god standing Infront of me?!

I was so busy checking him out, I didn't notice that he was also staring me out. The voice broke my thoughts,

"Are you done checking me out? A picture would last long" his deep husky voice made me flinch and I guess he noticed it too. His voice was so imitating that anyone can fall for him. His sound was so dominating that anyone would ready to be his-

"I am asking you something. Are you def that you can't hear me?" he said while shaking his hand Infront of me. I was so lost in my thoughts and literally felt numb ha I couldn't speak a word.

"I-you-I'll--- I mean I am sorry but I wasn't staring at you" I kept on shuttering and it was so shameful.

"Yes, yes. You weren't staring at me, actually I mistook it" his voice sounded more like a teasing one and it made me feel Hella embarrassed.

"Actually, I was searching for room A-124 and couldn't find it so I was asking him. Anyway, I should go now cause I have to search for the room. Bye." I said is a hurried tone and turned to go but the voice came from back made me stop and so I had to turn back to check it out;

"You must be lucky enough to stay with my girlfriend" the owner of the voice was non other than Daniel. But somewhere I was feeling sad and upset that he had a girlfriend. Wait what am I even thinking, I have a boyfriend.

"Sorry but whoever it is, I don't care. So now excuse me I have to go"

"You must have got some guts to talk to me like that" he said in a pissed tone making me feel irritated

"See I know who you are and I am really happy that we are in the same collage. I didn't come to see your low attitude and if If I knew you were something so pissing" I mentally facepalmed myself. I quickly made my way went from that place.

After hours of searching, I found the room and went inside. I said goodbye to my parents and went out to have some snacks. The weather was so cool and calm so I felt relax.

While I was returning to the room, I heard moans coming inside my room. I quickly hurried and opened the door and regretted cause the scene somewhere broke my heart. Daniel and his girlfriend veronica' and if you are thinking how do I know her name then Lemme tell you that I met her before.'

The scenerio infront of  made feel like puke, they were sucking each other's face making me feel disgust. I guess they were unaware of my presence so I fake coughed getting their attention.

"You don't have any manners, Eliana? You can't see I am with my boyfriend?" she said is such a pissed voice something like I took her boyfriend;

"Why would I have manners for coming in my room? It should be you who should have some manners. You know what screw it. I am going to sleep and if you want to continue these then you may go out and do but not here" I was very angry at that moment so I said whatever came in my mind. Like it's my first day and I am having fight with my roommate. I guess this year is going to be very tough.

Before she could say any further, I went to my bed and slept, Not really cause the disgusting moans were making me unable to sleep but somehow after a long try, I drifted to sleep.


[Vote for the chapter or else you all are no more my friends. Do comment too]

Hey reader readers!! Finally my first official chapter of the book is published. Well I was really very excited for these one since it was one of those favorite stories of mine. I don't always keep on writing so the story may delay. I hope you have that much patience to wait for it.

Till then I update next part, take care and eat lot food 🙃

~Bye bye :D