
The Necrodrift user Seiku.

The battlefield was thick with tension, the air heavy with the scent of battle. Vman's voice broke the silence, narrating the events that had unfolded during the intense fight against Seiku, the nefarious necromancer, and his undead minions.

"Jimothy, can you use your Darkness Drift to cloak Seiku's undead?" Vman's voice was resolute, eyes filled with determination.

Jimothy nodded, though uncertainty clouded his eyes. "I'll give it a try," he replied, his voice reflecting both determination and doubt. With a swift gesture, he enveloped the skeletal horde in darkness, plunging them into an abyss of shadows.

Seiku, undeterred, mocked their efforts. "Your darkness is feeble compared to my undead. Your Drift can't match mine!" he jeered, conjuring a bright orb that illuminated the battlefield eerily.

"I think it's over, Vman. I'm almost out of ID!" Jimothy's voice wavered, exhaustion evident in his eyes.

But Vman refused to yield. "I'm not giving up!" he declared, channeling his remaining energy into a final, desperate blow. With a powerful strike, Seiku vanished, leaving behind only his enigmatic orb.

Seiku's laughter echoed, haunting the battlefield. "As long as I'm in my Drift form, I will endure!" he taunted, his voice echoing into the emptiness.

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Jimothy retorted, seizing the orb and swallowing it whole. He absorbed Seiku's power, the surge overwhelming him. The strain was too much; he collapsed, his body succumbing to the immense energy.

Weeks Later

Jimothy woke in a quaint village, the harsh realities of battle replaced by the soft glow of sunlight streaming through the window.

"Jimothy, you're awake!" Vman's voice, filled with relief, brightened up the room.

Jimothy groaned, his memory fuzzy. "What happened? I can't feel my left arm," he mumbled weakly, trying to make sense of his situation.

"After absorbing the necrodrift, we had to use a metal restraint to prevent it from spreading. Removing it would mean losing your arm," Vman explained, his tone serious.

"But won't that kill my arm?" Jimothy questioned, fear flickering in his eyes.

Vman looked at Jimothy's bandaged arm. "The curse has already taken it. The arm is gone," he said somberly.

Dizziness washed over Jimothy, and he fainted. When he woke, Vman had removed the bandage, revealing his new skeletal arm.

"Now what? We defeated Seiku, but how do we get rid of this curse?" Jimothy asked, desperation in his voice.

"We need information. I heard there's a specialist in drift's in the city of Celdrom," Vman replied, his brow furrowing in thought.

"But what if the restraint comes off? What happens then?" Jimothy pressed, anxiety creeping in.

Vman's expression grew graver. "Seiku might take over. Don't risk it," he warned, his voice firm.

"Okay, but when do we leave for Celdrom?" Jimothy inquired, determination flickering in his eyes.

"We need to leave immediately. I have a feeling this restraint won't hold forever," Vman said urgently.

Jimothy nodded, swallowing his fear. "Alright, let me get ready." His voice was steady, his resolve unyielding. The journey ahead was daunting, but he was determined to face it bravely, his skeletal arm a constant reminder of the challenge he now had to overcome.

"ID" is like magical energy, your "Drift" channels that energy, depending on what kind you have.

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