
The Violet Warlock

Serah was a normal girl until she woke up in the luxurious mansion within the Asterion Empire with a cursed gift—God's Eyes. These violet eyes drain her life force, promising an early death unless she can awaken their power. Reincarnated with memories from her past life, Seraphina is determined to defy her fate. Instead of submitting, she is determined to take control of her destiny. In a world of magic, knights, and secrets, Seraphina thrives for more. ------------------------------------------- Tags: Transmigration, Female MC, Western/Eastern Fantasy, Yuri, Action, Adventure, Late-Romance. And More. Schedule: 6+ chapters per week. Notice: The MC is not a hero nor a villain. She acts to do things for her own benefits but she will still do good things if it does not harm her or if she knows she can get herself out of any trouble it cause. Similarly she will do evil things if needed, and a lot of her actions may seem cruel to others in the world. This novel will not be contracted and will be FREE. -------------------------------------------

ZeroX0666 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs

Chapter 28 - The Sparring Match

As they arrived at the old training ground, Seraphina took a moment to look around the surroundings. The stone-paved area was spacious, with old training dummies and abandoned wooden weapons scattered around.

It was clear the place hadn't been used in a long time. The ground was littered with cracks and weeds that grew out from it; markings of graffiti decorated the walls, and much more.

Gunther stepped into the center of the sparring area, stretching his arms and rolling his shoulders as he prepared himself for the match. Seraphina followed suit and stepped forward, taking a deep breath and calming her mind.

She wasn't afraid of Gunther, nor did she like him. But she had to admit that he had been training as a knight longer than her; the man had experience she lacked.

It would be a hard fight and she had to be prepared to give it her all.

The rest of the group gathered around to watch, with the two knights standing close by to ensure that nothing went wrong to harm their Lady. Lucy had a look of worry on her face, fidgeting with her fingers, wanting this to end.

Adrian and Annabeth stood by and watched with interest; Adrian wasn't a knight but he was still interested in them. Annabeth was training as a knight, but she never fought before.

"We need weapons; Knights?"

Gunther said, turning to the two knights that stood to the side and smirking. He wanted to use their weapons for the fight; which naturally didn't stand well with them.

"My Lady, I can't advise you to fight with real swords. You may get injured; the Lord would have our heads if that happened."

Seraphina nodded but they had no other weapons to use; the wooden ones on the ground were all rotting and wouldn't even last a single hit.

"Then we'll fight with the sheaths, that should be fine right?"

Seraphina voiced her opinion and posed the question to the knights, but also Gunther at the same time.

Gunther frowned as he wanted to use real swords, but he agreed in the end. The two knights did as they were commanded and removed their swords from the sheaths, giving one to each of them.

"Ready when you are."

Gunther said with a cocky smirk on his face as he swung around the sheath, getting into a proper stance once he was ready.

Seraphina nodded and held the sheath in her hand; she lowered her body and took a stance that would allow her to move around easier. She didn't have the strength to compete with Gunther, so she would rely on her speed.

"Remember, this is just a friendly spar. No need to get carried away."

Adrian reminded them, his tone serious.

Gunther nodded in reply, his eyes never leaving Seraphina.

"Of course, just a friendly match."

"Then begin."

With that, they both took a step forward, closing the distance between them. Gunther was the first to make a move, dashing forward he swung his sheath in a wide arc aiming at Seraphina's side.

Using her legs, she quickly pushed off the ground and dashed to the side avoiding the attack. But she didn't stop there, she used her own sheath to counterattack; aiming to strike the man's ribs with a thrust.

The sound of wood clashing echoed through the training ground as Gunther pulled back his sheath and parried the incoming attack; blocking her strike.

The fight didn't stop for a second as they continued to exchange blows. Gunther was very aggressive with his attacks, he was attempting to use his strength to overwhelm the girl, but Seraphina used her training to avoid the incoming attacks.

With her build, speed was her specialty, Gunther couldn't even get a hit in with her constant moving. Dashing forward after he left himself open with a wide swing, she landed a solid hit on the man's stomach, causing him to stumble back.

She could see the frustration growing on his face, but she remained calm and composed, her eyes never leaving her opponent for a second.

"Not bad."

Gunther muttered, wiping the sweat from his brow as he stepped back and prepared his weapon.

"But let's see how you handle this."

He suddenly lunged forward with a burst of speed, his sheath aiming directly at her chest. Seraphina reacted instinctively and sidestepped the incoming man, bringing her sword up to deflect the blow.

However Gunther was expecting that. He placed his foot ahead of him as he dashed and spun around, striking her side with the sheath and causing her to grunt in pain.

Clenching her side, she jumped back and created some distance between them. The man stood there with a smug look on his face, pleased to have finally landed a solid hit on her.

And solid it was. The man was strong, much stronger than Seraphina, that one hit was enough to leave a bruise, as Seraphina didn't have a good defense.

But she wasn't out for the count yet; she lowered her body to avoid putting pressure on the wound and held the sheath before her. Locking onto the man; she dashed forward.

The man swung his weapon at her incoming body; however, she didn't stop going directly at him. Just as the sheath was about to hit her, she swung her own upwards and made contact with it.

The two weapons collided and both were sent backward; dropping her own she dashed forward and slammed her body into the man's body. Causing him to stumble back and fall onto the ground.

Using her own body she pressed onto the man; pinning him down.

She readied her fist to punch him in the face and end the fight right there, however before she could.


Adrian called out, stepping forward to end the match.

"Seraphina wins."

The group erupted into applause, with Lucy cheering loudly. Even the knights couldn't help but smile at Seraphina's performance. It was rusty but she was able to use her weaker body to compete with someone stronger than her.

Seraphina released a sigh of relief as she stood up from the man and looked down at him. Despite the tension between them, she offered the man a hand to help him up.

"Good match."

She said, her tone sincere. It was a good match for her, she had learned where she needed to improve.

Gunther hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he grunted and slapped her hand away. Standing up on his own he moved away from her; looking away with an angered grunt.

Seraphina shrugged and turned around, returning to the group.

"Good job, Seraphina!"

Lucy said with a smile as she jumped on the girl; hugging her.

Her hug however caused Seraphina to wince in pain, as the attack to her side previously had left a bruise that still stung when touched. Trying to brush it off, she replied with a smile.

"Thanks, it was fun."

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