
The Vinx System

In a contemporary and formidable world, seemingly ordinary individuals possess extraordinary abilities thanks to an advanced technology known as 'Vinx.' Among them is Shin Nanoa, an 18-year-old student at Saturon University, and Mooni Sato, also known as Vinxurian Zero. Together, they embark on a quest to unravel the mysteries behind this cutting-edge technology and unearth the origin of Mooni and her extraordinary kind. As they delve deeper into the secrets of Vinx, they discover a web of hidden truths concealed by the government to maintain a delicate balance, preventing the dominance of Vinxurians. The narrative unfolds as Shin and Mooni navigate a world where ordinary façades mask extraordinary potential, unveiling a gripping tale of intrigue, discovery, and the struggle for equilibrium in a society on the brink of transformation.

Niiyeng · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Mutual Intimacy (Part Final) (R-18)

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Shin holds her head to keep her mouth trapped in his intimate area so that she can swallow all the sperm that she wants to release.

When he had finished, he let go of her head and she pulled her mouth away from Shin's cock, swallowing it all and coughing a lot after his surprising pull.

"My God, Shin, tell me next time that you're going to stiffen your hands over my gourd, so I can drink it all... that scared me!" Mooni exclaimed at his sudden action of not telling her that he was going to cum all over her mouth and ended up holding her head tightly.

"Oh, I'm sorry... I thought you'd like that." Shin apologizes for what he's done, and she looks at him doubtfully.