
The Villains Need to Save the World?

In the legends that were told, ten thousand years ago the twelve demon kings wreaked havoc upon the world, almost completely destroying it. Ten thousand years later, the late arriving Bella discovered that she had been screwed over by her reincarnation, the ranks of the Saviors are already filled and she has to change teams in order to pass the days. Having her gender changed into a beautiful girl… she endured that, not being able to join the righteous side and obtain cheat abilities… she endured, but what she could not endure, was that the world that she had transmigrated to was toxic beyond belief. No one here does their rightful jobs properly, be they heroes, demon kings, or creator gods… in fact, Bella felt as if they all had also started with the wrong faction! I don’t own the novel I will update 5 chapter weekly

Daoist137206 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 4: Helplessly Dragged Into A Naval Conflict

After some time had pa.s.sed, Bella opened her eyes and looked around; Angel and Mia were still standing where she had last saw them; Bella had successfully merged with Octavio Felia's body, she was able to feel the armor's weight on her body, it should be the same set that Felia was wearing.

"Can I return to my previous form?"

"Yes, you'll be able to return when your current body is sleeping or meditating. This body is just a disguise for you."

Bella relaxed after hearing Mia's explanation, if she couldn't return to her original body, it would be awkward to interact with any other villain bosses as a holy knight.

Luckily the princess dressed more decently, Bella finally managed to escape her commando state that she had experienced for the past couple of weeks.

(H: I'm using commando for lack of a better word to describe not wearing underwear, if there's anything better please tell me)

Even though Bella had solved her own decency problems, there was still the matter of Angel and Bella's attire; while they were discussing earlier, Bella found out that Mia was also commando underneath her shrine maiden robes. Is going commando now a prerequisite for being a villainous boss?

Bella held in her hands the sword that princess Felia was clutching onto tightly before her death, it seemed quite light. The armor that she was wearing was also heavily damaged and probably unable to be used again.

"I feel bad for this sister, all her equipment is pretty average and not much better than a soldier's standard issue; It's a miracle that they lasted her so long." Mia took a few glances at Felia's equipment and dismissed it as average quality.

"Really? The decorations on the equipment looks like it was made by a skilled artisan."

"I don't know how humans determine the quality of equipment, but I believe that a real weapon doesn't need to be fancy and luxurious to kill"

Mia turned around while she spoke and operated some mechanism on a candle stand not too far from where they were standing; one of the four walls of the church opened up slowly, exposing the armoury within..

All of these weapons were devoid of decoration, but radiated a threatening aura. Bella went to reach for the thin sword closest to her, but was stopped by Angel.

"Sister, this is a death type weapon, your current body is that of a holy knight, your original body won't be affected but this body will be destroyed." Angel managed to stop Bella's impulse in time.

The three of them decided to spend the night in St. Emilia chuch as it was already dark out. At midnight the vicinity of the church was dead silent, normally there would be all types of monsters in the area, but due to the three terrifying existences spending the night in the church the monsters had not dared to approach.

The three of them laid down on the empty floors of the church, the two lolis had already fallen asleep on either side of Bella, clutching her arms; this caused Bella herself to be unable to fall asleep as even though the sights of the two sleeping lolis were very tempting for her, she reconsidered when she remembered their identities.

Early next morning the three of them returned to the beach, the remains of the fleet's ship remained, but all the bodies had disappeared; Bella didn't know if they were dragged away by monsters or had been zombified and left the ships themselves.

Bella didn't plan on returning to Coristel continent using these blood covered first of all they were only three people, no way they could operate a ship this size. Secondly, this fleet was all a trap in the first place, if she were to return as Felia after everyone in the fleet had died, she would be sure to become a scapegoat.

Bella summoned a few undead who were once carpenters and made them take some planks from the large ship and use it to construct a smaller wooden boat.

"Mia, do you know any special abilities that holy knights have? I didn't receive any finishers when I took possession of Felia's body."

"Sister, you've basically been reborn, what finis.h.i.+ng and special abilities sister Felia had learned before all disappeared with her soul."

"Then I…"

"The church has ways of detecting whenever a holy knight dies, your ident.i.ty as a holy knight is pretty much gone; this is nice too as the church can no longer track your activities. However, it doesn't hurt if you want to start training as a holy knight from the beginning; Felia had trained her body for sixteen years so you no longer have to worry about fitness."

Bella used Felia's memories to find the royal sword of the Octavian Empire, this well crafted short sword was given to every member of the Octavian royal family; Felia carefully put it at the back of her closet, it seemed that she had not forgotten that she was a member of the royal family.

They weren't able to find any currency onboard much to Bellas dismay does this princess not bring any money with her when she leaves the house? She had Angel make her undead serch the rest of the fleet, not a single piece of currency was seen. It seemed like this fleet was really sent to die, not bringing any money with them as they knew that they wouldn't have any use for it.

They did find quite a bit of dried food however, enough to last Bella a few days at sea. After she merged with Felia she could no longer go without eating, Felia's body was human and would feel hungry if she went a while without eating; the feeling of hungriness spread to Bella's own body, she didn't dare to try to see if she could starve to death.

It only took half a day for Angel's subordinates to create a small wooden boat, Bella also discovered a naval map of the world in Felia's bookshelf, on it were four continents and countless islands of various sizes. Bella had trouble reading the characters on the map, the map was probably rather old and was written in a more ancient text.

"Sister take these, Mia handed Bella a pair of gauntlets and a shield" She had used some of the armor scraps remaining on the ships to create these.

"Alright, let's depart! Do we need to do anything about the monsters and undead remaining on the continent?"

"No, I think.. Soon… Time is ticking, if we don't leave now we can't follow the wind out to the ocean anymore." Mia changed the topic before finis.h.i.+ng her sentence; Bella didn't bother to dig deeper, the three of them boarded their sailboat. Bella had Angel make the undead set fire to the rest of the fleet, sinking them to the bottom of the sea.

As the wooden boat followed the wind out of the continent, the monsters and undead left behind on Alfred continent were about to ramage, but were forced to stop when a intense pressure started being given off by the gates of hell at the center of the continent.

What happened was two small shadows walked out the gates with unsteady footing, holding on to each other; it looked as if they were heavily wounded.

"Where is chief? Has she still not arrived?"

"She is still at the rear fending off those tough Saviors, but it shouldn't be a problem for chief. Ut this plane still isn't destroyed? It can't be… our three companions who had arrived before…"

"d.a.m.n, our companions were…"

"The two of them almost fell to the ground in agitation, but the shadow that exited the gate to h.e.l.l shortly after calmed them down."

"Chief are you alright?"

"I've disposed of that batch of Saviors, but there have already been five that arrived in the plane before, they've probably already rooted themselves pretty deeply. It'll be quite a ha.s.sle to get rid of them."

"That shouldn't be possible, can't only one Savior and one Destroyer reincarnate in a single plane?"

"This plane's creator doesn't seem to be present, I'm not sure if they were eliminated by our three companions who came before us; currently, this plane has no limits on the amount of Saviors and Destroyers that can exist here."

"The three of us are not in fighting condition, let's find a place to recover. We will make a memorial for the three companions who were lost along the way."

Currently, Bella's group were already long gone and naturally didn't know that there were three companions who came looking for them, they also didn't know that their companions had dug graves for the three of them. But Bella had burned all the ships before they had left, unknowingly screwing over their companions and causing them to be stuck on Alfred continent for quite a while.

As she couldn't read naval maps, Bella decided to pretend to be a lost cargo boat and wander around trade routes, there were bound to be a merchant ship that paassed by; the plan was to get help from one of them to return back to Coristel continent.

They drifted along the route for a day, right when she was fussing over their shortage of dry food, they saw their target. It wasn't a merchant s.h.i.+p however, they encountered a fleet of wars.h.i.+ps, they were the same model as the ones that had landed on Alfred continent but carried different lags; it looked like they weren't from the Octavian Empire.

This fleet was surrounding a large black wars.h.i.+p, not caring for Bella's small boat.

"This counts as naval combat?" Bella was speechless, she thought that she would be able to see the epic standoff between navies using cannons just like the napoleonic wars, not some primitive s.h.i.+p boarding hand to hand. Whatever, their fighting is none of our business, it would be best if we got ourselves out of here, we're not a bunch of busybody heroes.

"Admiral, there is a small s.h.i.+p over there, it might be one of the demons'"

"Open fire, we can't let any of them get away."

"But the sail seems to be that of the Octavian Empire?"

"The Octavian Empire expeditionary navy uses the same large wars.h.i.+ps as us, this small s.h.i.+p is clearly an imposter. Anyways, if anything happens the church will take care of it; what are you scared of?"

The s.h.i.+p closest to Bella turned it's prow towards them, it didn't take long for a wave of flaming arrows to fly towards Bella's small boat.

"What the h.e.l.l… are they revoking human rights from the peanut gallery?!" Several flaming arrows. .h.i.t Bella before she could react, right when she thought that she was gonna die (again), she realised that the arrows didn't hurt her.

It was as if the arrows had hit a wall of metal, it bounced right off her and into the water. The same couldn't be said about Bella's armor which was already tattered beyond saving, many arrows found a new home lodged in the armor.

"You don't have to be so shocked sister, when Felia was reborn she got the blood from the three of us; normal physical wounds won't even scratch you, no need to be scared.

Mia's explanation let Bella restore some peace of mind. But when she saw that her boat had started to burn rather fiercely, it would no longer be able to sail.

"d.a.m.n it, these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds! Angel, change course towards them, I'm going to steal their s.h.i.+p!" Bella decided to forcibly take their s.h.i.+p when she saw that her own s.h.i.+p had almost sunk, she didn't need to be scared of anything as long as the enemy didn't have any cannons.

"Captain, that boat is heading towards us rapidly!"

"It's only a small boat, at most it could carry twenty-so people, we have five hundred on this wars.h.i.+p; they are just coming to deliver military exploits. Everyone get your weapons ready to have a celebration, archers keep up your volley, don't stop."

The captain of the s.h.i.+p, viscount Joseph, looked at the small s.h.i.+p that was coming closer; evidently he didn't put them on his mind as there was no way the small s.h.i.+p could do any decent damage to their wars.h.i.+p. When the s.h.i.+p got closer, he didn't even have a chance to examine it closely before a large flaming chunk of metal flew at them with astonis.h.i.+ng speed. One of the soldiers who were near the wars.h.i.+p's rail was sent flying, being dragged by the chunk of metal far over the other side of the s.h.i.+p, not even given the chance to let out a sound.

"What kind of monster has such great strength? Archers hurry up and…" viscount Joseph was cut short by a flying short sword that punched through and pinned him to the mast.

Bella climbed up the ladder on the side of the wars.h.i.+p that was originally designed for boarding enemy s.h.i.+ps; she had thrown her damaged armor and short sword as ranged weapons already, and boarded only with metal gauntlets and buckler.

The people on the s.h.i.+p had no time to free themselves from the horrors of having their captain nailed to the mast when a horrible shriek brought them back to reality. Bella had dragged one of the soldiers near her right into the ocean, the soldier nearest to him was about to raise his sword against Bella, but took a punch and flew back several meters, dead when he hit the ground.

"Everybody don't be scared, she's only one person!"

Bella looked a little helplessly at the enemies who came as a swarm, she had thought that they would retreat after she had killed their captain, not continue to charge at her recklessly."

"It seems that humans can only hurt each other…" Bella raised her sword in a defensive pose, preparing to engage the oncoming soldiers.