
The villainess is a golden summoner!

Kianna is a highschool student that does nothing but to study. All of her life revolves around studying, thinking that if she did well, she might get her parent's filial love. Having her mother's argument on the phone, the bus that she was riding on crashed to a truck and she died. When Kianna woke up, she reincarnated as the youngest daughter of a viscount. She saw unfamiliar faces! Fortunately, she got herself a new family that loves her unconditionally. "Sia, you are so talented!" At such a young age, she is widely known as the golden summoner. Everyone sees her as a role model. Even the infamous villainess, Seraphim, envies her to the point she retorted to black magic and took her body. "I am Anastasia Castilla, the golden summoner of the kingdom of zeno!" "Golden summoner? ha! go away you witch!" No one believes her.. her golden hair and eyes was swapped with the angelic body of the villainess. "Don't worry, Lady Anastasia.. they will never know that the villainess is the golden summoner." No! I just want to have a normal life, this is my second chance in life! I don't want to be a villainess! Why does everything went wrong again?

Nihao_WeiWei · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Healing powers

A month has passed and somehow, she got used to her new life a little.

'This is my new life, I need to hold on and this time, I must survive!' Those are the words that always motivated her to survive.

She's no longer Kianna, her current name is Anastasia Castilla.

"The tutor is at the drawing-room, Sia." My elder brother, Anastasius, said while wearing his formal attire.

"Yes, I shall get going."

"Hey, what about me? I'm going too, you know!" Athanasius clamored.

Brother Nate inherited his features from our father who shares both black hair and gold eyes. Brother Siu is from my mother, they both share golden hair and translucent green eyes.

While me?

I got our mother's golden hair and father's gold eyes.

To others, they view Anastasia as the child loved by God. It's the first time they saw a child that has golden features.

Even the King of Zeno, her father's brother caught her attention and wants her to engage with his son that is six years older than her.

"Next month, I'll be turning ten. I will be sent to the magic academy." Anastasius sadly said while holding the books that their tutor needs.

At the magic academy, children ten and above are sent and taught to make their magic stronger. Their eldest brother wants to become a wizard.

"Me too! In the next two years, I will be joining the academy and I will be the strongest sword master alive!" Athanasius proudly shouted while holding his wooden sword.

"What about you, Sia? what do you want to be?"

She didn't even know the kind of person she'll be. She's clueless but the only thing that is on her mind is to survive.

"Dummy! don't ask her yet." Anastasius scolded him, "Let's go now, Sia." He said and held her hand.

She single-handedly finished everything on a day. At such a young age, Anastasia is considered the genius of the century.

'Why do they call me a genius? These mathematical equations are part of the test that I'm learning in my past life.'

Anastasia hates learning because her past self died from studying and didn't have much time to experience the things that a teenager like her should have.

"Are you six years old? your etiquette is on the same level as those grown-up nobles." Even the king, his uncle, commended her.

"I thank you, his highness the king. It is because my parents raised me strictly." Anastasia bowed which made the king and his father laughed.

"You do raise your daughter in a way that even me felt jealous. How I wish my son would be intelligent as you." The king said.

King Oscar is the current king of the Zeno kingdom and is the brother of Viscount Owen. They are close since birth and Owen gave up his succession to the throne for his brother Oscar to be king.

Owen's mother, the second concubine, always harass Oscar, the legitimate son of the king and queen. This is why Oscar's right eye is blind. Since that day happened, Owen decided to make Oscar the king.

"Lady Anastasia, why don't you go and find your brothers? I believe the maids saw them at the training grounds, sparring with Theo."

Theodosius von Castilla is the crown prince of Zeno. He is the cousin of Anastasia and her siblings.

"I shall escort you, Lady Anastasia." The maid offered her and she smiled.

King Oscar waved at her as she follows the maid to the training grounds.

'My father mentioned my engagement towards the crown prince. I know that it's normal since I'm in another world and marrying your cousin or even your brother is legal.. but still, my past self is from the modern world! this is so hella weird.' She thought to herself while walking.

Anastasia wears elegant pink with intricate details. Her hair is tied into a ponytail with a lot of jewels around it.

"Why are you spacing out, Sia?" her brother, Anastasius said.

"Siaaaa!" Athanasius yelled and waved his sword in the air.

A man who has dark blue hair, his bangs parted to the side, somewhat covering his gold eyes. He is tall and very handsome and is wearing an elegant royal outfit.

"Greetings, the crown prince. I am Anastasia from the house Castilla of Viscountdom."

"You may rise."

Anastasia becomes shy whenever she thinks that Theodosius is the one she's going to be engaged with.

"I know you're shy around him, Sia. Don't worry, brother will snatch you away from him and I will marry you instead." Athanasius whispered to her.

*Cough cough*

"Lady Anastasia? are you alright?" Theo asked her and even held her hands which made her blushed.

'What the hell is this? Incest? It can't be helped, they are youngsters. Besides, I'm the oldest here. They should stop treating me like a child.'

"I am alright, thank you for your kindness, your highness."

Anastasia is thinking of going back to the manor, she wants to practice her magic. She has an inheritance of the kingdom's golden eyes and as well imperial powers.

Healing powers.

"I heard that you have healing powers, I'm thinking of healing you but it seems like you are capable of healing yourself," Theo said, he reached his hands to her. "But Athanasius told me that you like swords, why don't you join us?"

And that's how Anastasia and Theodosius' friendship started.