
The Villainess's Mission

"I will make him get me pregnant! I ... I swear that I will get his seeds!" exclaimed Daniella. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [SILVER TIER WINNER-BOOK OF WPC #153] In 1870, a secret agent named Rebekah Alison was assigned to kill the coldest man she ever met in her life: Andrew Lawrence, who was nicknamed The City Prince by the people of Nadem City, where he was born and lives. Andrew Lawrence is the heir to Lawrence Group, Billy Lawrence's company, the father of Andrew. He was idolized by all the girls in Nadem City. Handsome, rich, tall, charismatic, cold, all of these things are in Andrew, making him one of the most popular people in Nadem City. His reputation that used to be so good turn for the worse when his wife, Dorothea Brown, was murdered. Many people believe that Andrew is the muderer, and immediately The City Prince becomes someone most hated by the people of Nadem City. One day, someone used Rebekah's services and required her to kill Andrew. Rebekah accepted this mission and changed her identity to Daniella Miller to get close to Andrew, she was even required to be in a hidden marriage bond with Andrew on her mission, and as the first step, Rebekah works as a farmer on Billy Lawrence's farm. Will Rebekah succeed in carrying out all the tasks on her mission smoothly? But ... with her hate towards Andrew, what if Rebekah falls in love with him instead? Is that even possible? Can it be that her mission will be messed up? ------------------------------------------------------------------- "I ... I want to know, why did ... why did you choose me to be your partner at the party?" asked Daniella. After asking this, the girl looked away from Andrew's gaze because she couldn't make eye contact with him any longer because her heart started beating very fast again. Not only averted her gaze, but Daniella also averted her face slightly from Andrew because she realized that her face is flushed right now and she doesn't want Andrew to notice it too. 'Her question ... there's no way I can tell her that I chose her because I have no other choice,' thought Andrew who is still staring at Daniella. Daniella succeeded to control her feelings in a short time by simply turning her gaze away from Andrew and turning her face a little away from him, her face also returned to its normal color, as well as her heart which is also beating normally again. 'Sigh, he has a too strong charm, if only he doesn't have it maybe I could have said that more easily earlier. I hope I can hate him like most people in this city, I really hate to admire his charm,' thought Daniella, a moment after that the girl is freezing as the fingers of Andrew's right hand gently touched her jaw, Andrew then directed Daniella's face and gaze to facing him again very slowly and gently. "Look at me, I don't want any more misunderstandings between us because of things like this," said Andrew to Daniella after the completely frozen girl made eye contact with him again. "Y-yes, S-sir," said Daniella, she doesn't know what to feel now, the target of her murder is so successful in making her doubt the success of her mission. 'Oh my God ... his touch, his eyes, his lips, his nose, this man ... his charm ... is the real perfection,' the girl sinks in her mind. "I ... I chose you because you are beautiful, Miss Miller," answered Andrew. ------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: *MATURE content* The entire places setting in this story is fiction. The time setting is the year 1870 but overall the story has a picture of the mid-19th to early 20th century. The reference for most of the places setting in the story is the United States in the mid to late 19th century. Discord server: https://discord.gg/GCRQcKfR6R Follow me on Instagram: @sihansiregarsstories

Sihansiregar · Urbano
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169 Chs


"Oh, alright, I ... I would like to hear it all," said Daniella to Andrew as she walked back over to him.

'Is he actually going to fire me or not? Why am I starting to doubt that he will fire me?' thought the girl.

"Thank you very much," said Andrew as he took off his cowboy hat.

"Engh ... I don't know how the best way to tell you about this, but ... I really regret my attitude to you last night, and I want to apologize about it, even if you won't forgive me ... at least I want you to know that I regret it, so ... yes, I apologize for my attitude to you last night, that was really bad," continued the man, he looked tense when he was saying his apology to Daniella, even his hands kept twirling his cowboy hat because of the tension he felt, but Daniella knows very well that it was a sincere apology judging by the look on Andrew's face when he said it, the look on his face was really the expression of someone who felt guilty.

"No, that's alright, Sir, I understand the situation, it is I who should apologize, not you, but I was too scared to do it because I realized I shouldn't have bothered you last night, so I apologize profusely to you," said Daniella in response to Andrew's apology. Of course, this is just a play to make as if she looks like a kind-hearted girl who always blames herself for not wanting others to be burdened with guilty-feeling.

"And thank you very much for making me dare to admit my mistake and apologized to you straight away. Previously, I was too scared to do it, Sir," continued Daniella, she succeeded in confusing Andrew because the man did not think that everything would be like this, he did not expect that Daniella would make an apology as well, and he does not know what to say now, therefore after hearing Daniella's apology, he immediately averted his gaze from the girl's eyes to another direction with a slight frown.

"You ... you didn't need to apologize, you know ... I mean ... the guilty one was me, you really didn't need to apologize, it was all my fault," Andrew said afterward.

Daniella then chuckled after hearing what Andrew had said just now before she finally came up with a 'solution' to all of this.

"Well, if it's like that, maybe we better just forgive each other, Sir, it doesn't matter if we forgive each other, doesn't it? Because basically, we both feel guilty, so I think forgiving each other is the most appropriate thing for us to do," said the girl while offering Andrew to shake hands with her as a symbol of mutual forgiveness, her smile is still there since she finished chuckling earlier.

"O-oh ... alright ..." said Andrew, he then accepted Daniella's offer, so the two of them then shook hands as a sign that their problems had been resolved and they had forgiven each other.

'His hand is so big and strong, why does shaking hands with him make me feel so calm and feel like I am being protected from all bad things? It's weird, but I really enjoyed it,' thought Daniella as she and Andrew were still shaking hands. The girl's smile did not fade from her lips, while Andrew still with a cold expression as usual, but there was a bit of confusion in his cold and sharp gaze.

"All right, Sir ... I ... I have to go to the farm and leave you here, excuse me," said Daniella after she and the City Prince finished shaking hands, the girl looks very happy and her face explained it all, the smile on her sweet lips doesn't fade even after she started walking again towards the farm, she is very happy for the little things that happened simultaneously a few seconds ago, starting from the fact that she wouldn't be fired, the risk of failing her mission was reduced a little, and herself who felt very comfortable holding Andrew's palm.

And suddenly ...

"Miss Miller!" Andrew called out her again as he wears his cowboy hat. Daniella turned around when her name was called, but it turned out that this time the man went straight to her, leaving his horse which he had tied to one of the closest trees.

"Yes, Sir?" said the girl with her smile that slowly faded.

"There is one more thing I want to tell you," said Andrew, who has been near Daniella now.

"What is it, Sir?" Daniella asked with a slight frown.

"Would you like to come with me and be my partner at a party that will be held tonight?" said Andrew. Daniella then fell silent because of this unexpected thing.