
138 – You Are My King

"How long are you going to keep up my Fang?" Ren asked, looking into the room where Pax and Fang were discussing.

"Well, you will have to ask your little darling if it is me keeping him up, or if it is the other way round!" Pax huffed.

"He's my big darling now," Ren pointed out.

"Yes, yes, you living jars of dog food!" Pax muttered. He pointed at Fang. "Get out and go to bed," he said. "I don't want your man breathing down my neck worrying about you. We'll discuss the rest of the things tomorrow."

Fang giggled. "All right, good night, then, Pax," he said sweetly and walked over to Ren, who was still at the door.

Ren took Fang's hand immediately with a smile.

"Pax, good night, and you should get some rest, too," Ren said.

"Yes, yes, I know where my room is, don't worry," Pax said, waving away the young couple.

Ren and Fang went off to their own room.