
The Villain Saves the Male Lead

Ren, a modern doctor and a secret master magician, suddenly finds himself inside a random book he picked up at the airport...as the villainous older brother of the protagonist. As the bad guy, he's supposed to make life difficult for the Male Lead until the latter grows up and kills him in revenge. However, looking at the broken teenager in front of him, Ren can't help but feel his heart soften. Fang was an orphan who had never known what a family is. Abandoned at birth, all he knew was pain and fear. He loved nothing, and wanted nothing...until he saw the angelic Wade. To save Wade, Fang didn't hesitate to sacrifice himself. ..after all, there was no one to cry over him. But then, Ren appeared and turned his world upside down.

Jaywalker_Holmes · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
268 Chs

13 - Little Brother Visits Again

Dr. Gordon, Ren thought wryly, should be considered a prophet.

Exactly two days after the uncomfortable questioning session, Little Brother Wade turned up with the school team visiting Fang. Instead of going to Fang's room, however, he marched into Ren's study.

"Hi, Wade," Ren greeted affably. "Are you here to visit Fang?"

"No," the boy replied bluntly. "I came to visit you."

"Lucky me," Ren joked.

"You didn't even meet me the last time I was here," Wade accused.

"Sorry," Ren said perfunctorily.

Wade's chocolate brown eyes filled with tears. "Big Brother," he cried tearfully. "You don't like me anymore?"

Ren frowned. "Why do you think so, Wade?"

"Why are you avoiding me, then?" the teenager sobbed pitifully.

Ren sighed helplessly, wishing Pax was here. "I'm not avoiding you," he said gently. "The last time we met... you told me Mum and Dad were getting suspicious and meeting me on the sly was affecting your studies. Wasn't that when you told me we shouldn't meet for six months?"

That was, in fact, the last memory Ren-the-villain had of his brother. Ren sometimes had these flashes of memory with extra background information that weren't covered in the book.

"Are you blaming me?" Wade wailed.

"No," Ren said flatly. "I'm simply repeating what you told me, Wade. In fact, I think what you said makes a lot of sense. Your parents did bring me up for fifteen years, and they must have good reason to cut me off completely. I think we should obey their wishes."

"Are you cutting me off? You don't want to see me and you don't want to give me pocket money?" Wade was so shocked that he stopped crying.

"It's not that I don't want to," Ren said, barely managing to keep his temper in check. Heavens, this protagonist was really annoying. Why couldn't he be a little more like Fang?

"Wade, you know that in my heart you'll always be my real little brother, no matter what anyone else says. Big Brother will always help you. But right now is a very important time for you. You need to study well, without distractions. I'd hate it if my presence disturbed you... for me, your welfare is the most important. You know it breaks my heart not see my adorable little brother...but I have to force myself to be rational." Ren gave himself a standing ovation in his head for that Oscar winning performance!

Wade stared at him stupidly for a while. Then he rushed over and threw himself at Ren, caterwauling loud enough to give Ren a headache.

"I'm sorry!" he cried pathetically. "Big Brother, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said that! Don't abandon me!"

Ren patted his back awkwardly. "I'm not abandoning you, Wade. I'm always here whenever you need my help. That will not change."

"You promise?" Wade asked tearfully.

Ren nodded.

"Then you'll do what I say?"

Ren sighed. "When have I ever refused you?" he muttered.

Wade smiled brightly, grabbed his hand and dragged him to Fang's room.

Fang was chatting with his classmates rather amiably, Ren observed proudly.

Wade pointed at Fang. "Big Brother, send him away!" he ordered.

Ren looked at him blankly.

Wade tugged at his sleeve, his eyes brimming with tears again. "You promised you'd do what I asked. I want you to send him away!"

"Why?" Ren asked coldly.

"I don't like him! Why does he get to live in your house? Why are you looking after him?" Wade demanded. "Even if he saved your life, just sending him to a hospital and paying for it is good enough! Why must be be here?!"

Ren was shocked speechless. Wasn't the protagonist supposed to be kind and generous...?

Wade continued his tirade. "I heard he's a prostitute who seduces rich people and lives off them! He's dirty!"

Fang's face lost all colour and his purple went dull.

Ren saw it clearly and his reaction was entirely involuntary.


Wade touched his reddening cheek and looked up at Ren in disbelief. "You...you hit me...?"

Ren's eyes were cold and held no mercy. "I believe I've been too indulgent of you in the past, Wade, if you have become such an ingrate. Apologise to Fang right now."

"I won't!" Wade cried.

"Then get out and don't come back until you're ready to apologise. And if I hear of any more slander against Fang, be prepared to face legal action. Whichever lying scumbags you heard these rumours from - tell them that," Ren snapped.

Wade glared at him. "Why are you taking his side?! He's just an orphan!"

Ren's face was so cold that the other students and the attendant shivered.

"For your information, Wade, I'm just an orphan, too," Ren said curtly.

Wade flushed.

"Now apologise to Fang." Ren's voice dripped ice.

"I won't!" Wade cried stubbornly.

"Then get out," Ren snapped. "And don't come back." He looked at the attendant. "Show him out."

The attendant hurriedly led Wade away.

Ren sighed deeply. "Fang, I apologise on Wade's behalf," he said softly.

He turned to the students. "Are there really such horrible rumours in school?"

The students looked a little embarrassed. "We heard Wade talking about it recently," one of them said. "But we don't know who started it."

Ren frowned. "I will ask someone to investigate," he said. "Meanwhile, I'll be very grateful if you could let people know the truth. I brought Fang home to recover because I imagined he would be more comfortable here than at a hospital...but if it's causing such horrid rumours about him, I deserve to die."

The students looked quite flustered at Ren's humble speech. It was clear that all of them had expected the big CEO Ren to be arrogant!

"Don't worry, Mr. Ren!" the class representative spoke up. "We know the truth, and we are friends with Fang now - we won't let some random people slander him!"

"Thank you," Ren said gratefully. "Please let me know if I can be of help in any way."